Entry 31 - Beyond the Walls

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We have been defeated at the North line. We will reassemble at Valora and maintain a presence there. We hope Zaxon will come to his senses and join us before the people of Valora suffer a cruel fate. We could use his assistance and resources. The Valorites will not abandon their city. They have sworn to defend it until their last warrior stands. We admire their commitment to fight for their home.

We were foolish to think that we were alone in our city, in our dreams. The Dreamscape remains largely unexplored and now we stand at the brink of destruction at the hands of dangerous foe. The Arretians were right about one thing... we're not alone, we never were, but our people were always taught to never venture beyond the walls.

Kadatorii. Hota Horde. Arretians. Valorites. Idoaclesians. Orwynites. And many many more... we are all different threads to a tapestry in formation. Let us hope the thread of Underlight is not cut short.

With a heavy heart,

Knight Commander, FreeSoul Templars
