Hands of Cooperation

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The Hands of Cooperation

To study this as well as the House Mural, you'll notice at the bottom of the mural there are dark figures there, perhaps representing the dark side of the Dream, dark meaning something that the individual Dreamer opposes, which could represent infinite number of things. They are also winged which shows how fear, a basic and primal emotion at the depths of our soul, can give these dark figures shape and form. Above these dark figures there is a horizontal line, clearly separating them from what is above, the hands. This is where the House mural which contains the House symbols comes in (in Bogrom's Lair). The House mural is placed directly underneath the Hands mural. This could represent the spirit of trust and cooperation that the Dream was founded on. It also shows that this trust should be placed in higher regard than that of the individual Houses, since as a combined whole there is strength, in unity there is always strength. However, the House mural is also located on and under the dark figures, underneath the hands. Could this mean that the Houses were formed solely because of darkness within us, darkness that we took upon ourselves to form (which the wings represent)? Would there even be Houses if we all truly understood unity instead of dividing ourselves via the eight Houses? Maybe then, when we understood, would the Houses be placed above the Hands (but would there even be Houses to place above the hands if we truly understood unity and didn't separate ourselves in such ways?).

But back to the Hands themselves. If you will look closely you will notice that the two hands grasp each other (one more weakly but we'll get to that)up to mid-arm instead of just at the hand. When you shake someone's hand, you are greeting them, and that's all it is, a greeting. Greeting by meeting up to the mid-arm is a sign of brotherhood or deep friendship. Also, Each hand could represent anything, two Dreamers, two Houses, but one of them is weak, the right one, and is slightly slumped over. The other hand is stronger and is underneath and supporting the weak hand, and is also lifting the hand to the top. The top has no drastic, solid line. It is clear and plain, representing possibly the "peak of purity" of the Dream, the thing we always strive for, our destination. Also, both are those of right hands, as if the "entities" would be facing one another, and not turned away. Facing each other. Facing...like the Lions. What if they are the hands of the Lions? Opposed....yet cooperating in friendship ... helping. Is that not what makes us different, our differences? Our personalities? Our mind, soul, and body...hmmm maybe the Triad Family fits into this as well. We are all different and that is what makes the Dream what it is, the Houses, our beliefs, our families and what we will live and die for.

Yet, with all our differences (lions) and different points of view and how things are and what they will be (family Triad)and those who we group with (the Houses), all these things ... we still manage to help each other and rise above it all in friendship (hands)..For each other, for the City, for the Dream. For just the reason that this is what we are, and that's the way it should be (does it really matter whether there is a motive?). We are Dreamers and we are human, all of us; that makes us ALL family.
