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Latest revision as of 21:37, 1 May 2021

The History of Lusenda

My first memories are of my mother. Long flowing hair of the brightest fire, sunlight sparkled from every tress even during the darkest day. Her eyes were a deep forest green, speckled with flecks of gold. Looking into her eyes bared your soul, never could a person lie to her and it not be known. Long slender fingers graced her hands and her touch calmed even the most troubled spirit. When she sang the sound was of like angels swirling thru the air and a feeling of total and complete peace would envelop you. My father was madly in love with her, Valcor, the warrior and huntsman of our tribe. He would rip his own soul out and give it to her at her command. All she wanted was children. And finally, after many years of trying they had two daughters. She named them Lusenda and Ivana, both red haired, emerald-eyed fireballs. The sister’s were inseparable and where one went the other would follow.

Our land was in great turmoil. Power was being bought and sold thru bribes and misdeeds. An evil dreamer had risen to power thru these dishonorable means, Brethnic the Destructor. He had managed to acquire sole rulership of our land, having murdered off those who would stand in his way and bribing others with favors and positions to help support his ascension. Our village was one of the remaining few who openly opposed Brethnic. And one of the few who still had those of the arts living amongst them. Such was my family.

My mother went to the village regularly, tending the hurts and ills of the people as best she could since the last healer had been slaughtered by Brethnics guards. . When we were old enough to keep up, Ivana and I would follow. It was during these times that the people would plead with our mother for help. Knowing that those of the arts were better able to defeat against the evils of Brethnic they made sure she was aware of every event that occurred. Winter had set in with a vengeance. Food was scarce and no help came from Brethnic. He made sure every store of food and supplies were destroyed. Villagers caught alone in the forest hunting were slaughtered.

My mother, fearing for her daughters safety decided to send my sister, Ivana, away to a distant relative to begin her arts training early. It was decided that I would stay since I showed to have the same focus as our mother and she hoped to train me herself. I was heartsick without my beloved sister and pleaded with my parents to let me visit her. Finally, after months of begging our father relented. I was to go for a visit, but his messages to our relatives went unanswered. Sensing something was wrong, my mother pleaded with him to go and bring Ivana home. Falcor was gone several months and when he returned it was without my sister. He could find no trace of her or the relatives she stayed with. Vowing to our mother to search to the ends of the lands, Falcor left us alone in his quest to find Ivana.

During this period of my fathers absence Brethnic decided to strike the village and burn it down. It was late at night when my mother woke me and hide me in a small chamber. She went out to meet the guards alone casting her arts in an effort to save the village. I was joined with her in her mind and could hear the battle raging around her. Realizing that she was weakening and knowing how Brethnic vowed to destroy our family she used her last bit of will to transport me away to an unknown land. My last thoughts were of my mother screaming in pain, the agony so great that I laid unconscious for days where I had emerged.

When I awoke I found myself in a warm dwelling, being tended to by the most gentle of men. ManA-wor, a farmer who had an amazing ability to heal. He patiently tended my hurts and soothed my mind. With him I found a peace and tranquility that I had never experienced before. I had fallen deeply in love with him but I was ever fearful of Brethnic’s vow to destroy all remaining members of my family. And I needed to find my sister. I had a dream one night that I had traveled to a distant land. I saw Ivana, standing tall and proud on the steps of a great house. The symbol of the moon showed upon the flags. How ironic that she would be at a place that had our birthmarks, for on the upper thigh of every female born in our family was the birthmark of a crescent shaped moon. I knew she was alive.I quietly slipped out of bed and gathered my things. For a long moment I stared down at the man I had grown to love. Gently I kissed his lips goodbye, vowing to find him again, then silently I left the house.

I traveled for a long time and had many adventures along the way. Finally I came to the Dream City. I was exhausted from my journeys and decided to stay there awhile. Eventually I came to be a member of the Order of the Sable Moon, finding the house similar as the one of my dreams. A woman who looked as I was there and upon long discussions of our lives we soon discovered that we might be sisters. The final test came when I told her of the birthmark. I waited with baited breath as I showed her mine. At last, I had found my sister for upon her thigh she had the same birthmark as I. My journey to find her had ended and I celebrated our happiness.

During these times manA-wor had come to find me. He had followed my steps to the Dream City. Finally, I was reunited with those I loved and have found an even larger family within the Order. Now, if I could only find my parents.