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The History of Norkight

Here is the story of my awakening; as best I remember it. It seems like ages ago that I first entered Underlight.

A Brief History: My name is Norkight, no last name, nothing else. The monks refuse to tell me what my last name was. I am an orphan and was entrusted to the care of the monks ever since I was a baby. They tell me my family was lost during the great slave raids. They were either taken to a distant world, or are dead; no one seems to know. My life with the monks was not a bad one, they were considered to be the scholars of our world. They preached logic and discipline. I learned many things from them, perhaps the most important being the ability to enter a deep trance like meditation. Their lessons on discipline and humility have served me well in my life and I Thank them for that. Their lessons on logic, well they did not go so well. It was not because I couldn't grasp their "A leads to B leads to C" way of thinking, That was easy. What I found was that many times, much to the frustration of the monks, that I could get to C or even x from A without going through the steps in between. It is a sort of intuition. Unfortunately, it only works about 90% of the time. As I grew older and my reliance on this form of non-logic grew, I found that I was distancing myself from the rest of the members. I spent more and more time meditating.

It was during one of these long, deep meditations that I made my greatest discovery. I found that I could actually leave my body and fling my essence to far away places in the world. This was my greatest release. I found myself travelling more and more often, always to new places on our world, always searching, always seeking. Deep down inside I knew what I was searching for, my family, and a way to regain my name, to become a whole person. My search though always ended in frustration. I finally realized that my family was not to be found on our world, just as I had been told. So I made up my mind to see if it was possible to actually send my essence across the vast reaches of space. This seemed almost ludicrous, the distances too great, the task too difficult... but what if my family was actually out there? I had to try.

One evening I retired to my room, determined to complete this daunting task I had set for myself. I prepared myself fully and entered a deep trance. I could feel my essence leaving my body as usual. Instead of sending my essence North, South, East or West though, I flung myself with all my strength up. I could see my world growing not only smaller, but dimmer as well. It seems the farther I got from my body, the less clear my vision. I continued outward from my world, not really knowing where I was heading. I was struggling to keep my essence from tearing itself apart as it was trying to head in every direction at once. What had I done? My fear grew as it became harder and harder to maintain control. In a panic I noticed a small flicker of light in the distance. With all my strength I willed my essence toward it, but feared I would not make it. My last ounce of strength was needed to crash towards this light and then I passed out. I had failed! What seemed like seconds, but could have been an eternity later I awoke. I was in a beautiful courtyard with a fountain and steps. Had I died and gone to meet my maker? I was unsure of what to do, so I explored. This area reminded me of home somewhat, many places to learn from. I was not dead; I had reached another world, but had been transformed somehow. I looked the same, but I found I had acquired magical arts and could apparently learn more. The only problem I had was I couldnt find anyone around. Training and learning were apparently solitary pursuits. It was time for me to enter the city.

I entered the city in the DoL threshold and was immediately sent reeling by the hustle and bustle around me. I just stood there marveling at the sights and sounds before I had the nerve to utter the phrase that we have all heard so often now "Greetings, I am newly awakened". If memory serves me correctly the first dreamer to welcome me was Jevik Bane. He was extremely helpful and told me to investigate the dream by watching and asking questions. He spent almost an hour with me; aiding me and making me feel comfortable in the City. This was great!

I continued on through threshold until I came to the House Calenture threshold. It was a slightly different story there. I watched for a while before letting them know I was newly awakened. What a different experience I had there. I was immediately whisked away on a hunting expedition and was collapsed 4 times. I was still an all chalk avatar at this point (I guess Jevik hadnt told me about my clothes). I didnt even know I was a soulsphere. All I knew was that I couldn't evoke any arts nor do much else other than talk and move. Well this was quite humorous to the assembled party. I returned to threshold, regained my avatar and counted my blessings that I had a choice of which house to join. My first encounter with the Order of the Sable Moon, was with Snowblind. He was having a debate in threshold about the Orders beliefs versus those of the other houses. He made them look like fools. I knew this was something that appealed to my logical side and vowed to take the rest of the week to investigate the Order more carefully...