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Entropy Coalition & Imprinting

by Purple Lace

The quill shakes in her hand, sparks of fire shoot from the ends of her hair, lightly scorching the fresh parchment. Her Azure eyes sparkle as she reads the crumbling scroll and scribes as quickly and thoroughly as possible. At the lower right corner, what appears to be a signature is actually a small note, "...As I remember it..."

Intrigue starts off by saying, "The EC perfected Imprinting. It is the ability to impress likeness on a shell... sort of. Not so much likeness... but thought. Imagine if you will... Now you humor me, ok? Let's consider how they created the *shell* that forms our Avatars.. Are you with me so far?"

I nodded and she continued, "Ok, so you have this empty *shell*. And by some process, you are able to imbue your thoughts into it... so it thinks and performs as you... You basically *control* that avatar. It is an arcane way of having immortality. Do you follow?"

"Yes, I see where you're going."

"Now, let's say you wanted to *create* a lot of the same type? Each level avatar... will have more thought... more ability... more strength... more ... Power.

"By the Imprinting upon the others? But they all have one... *mind*.... Yes.

SONYA says, "You develop an army to do your bidding. Perhaps the first wave was weak... not to their liking, so they *improved* upon it?"

"Yes, but the first *wave* still existed..."

"... and continued to do this... hence creating different levels of armies. Yes, Lace. Does it seem like a good description of *Imprinting* to you? I thought so. So answer me this... Let's consider what was happening at the time... Dreamer Wars... DreamStrike Masters eradicating. So...this group decided to build a counter."

"Well that would depend. Did the EC do this to take advantage in a time that was already in turmoil, to put it lightly? I mean.. the City was weakened, and what they brought here affected all."

"Sonya, that's where the principle of Imprinting comes in, I believe."

"I wonder if they knew what was out there, Sonya? It may have been a mistake?"

"Now the City is weakened again."

"Instead of the deeds and actions of the Imprinted be examined, maybe the motives and goals of the *One* should be looked at."

"I agree Lace... let's take it apart, bit by bit. Are you thinking of the Emphants? Ok, let me hear your theory?"

"It is my understanding that the Lesser Mares arrived in the City through small cracks in the walls... that if these cracks were detected, efforts were made to close them... most efforts backfired, causing larger tears, allowing the larger Mares into the City... this is when the portals were designed... as a way to try to contain them."

Dremorus nods and thinks, "The Rifts"

Elias spoke up. "There seems to be a relation between the power of local Gens and the power of the Mares in this area. Is it possible that the Gens weaken the walls? They must draw the energy from some where. Perhaps the Gens help draw them (the Mares) in? Or perhaps the Mares use the Gens to help form their avatars."

Thunberg: "Excellent point, Elias."

"What if they are the weakness. I mean, where do the items *gen* from?"

"My understanding of the beginnings of the EC were that they were curious on how, when and where, etc., to hardness the Chaos within the City... or that which seeps in... Gens could be a bi-product of this leak of Chaos... I'm under the impression that at one time, there were no Gens."

Thunberg looked up form his journals and spoke clearly and evenly, "Shall I clear up the chronology?

Ok, I will start with the time before DreamStrike. This was when the battles over Illuminate versus FreeSoul were taking place. Threshold was a hub of constant combat as factions fought to gain ground. One of the greatest achievements came at one of the worst possible times: Talismans. Then Aybol the Determinus perfected instilling in a talisman, the energies of an evoked Art: the first Alterors. Dreamsmiths made powers that once took months to master available in Talisman form to any Dreamer. Markosh the DreamSmith perfected a process called "Spawn-Shaping" by treating areas which possessed specific energies. These "Essence Fonts' gen Talismans. The secret died with him.

A faction began to build a stockpile of Talismans, the now-extinct Screchethan Kabal, which had always coveted rulership. Their rivals were large in number and well armed. With the Battle of Sunroof Cavern, open warfare ensued. One group of Master DreamWrights, led by Hartisan the Red and Turgin Lambent, became determined to put an end to the conflict, once and for all... The DreamStrike Masters.

The DreamStrike Offensive moved through Threshold, DreamStriking Dreamer after Dreamer. The warring clans were forced out of Threshold. They retreated to the far ends of the planes and began constructing great fortresses. So reigned another shaky peace. The Entropy Coalition explored ways to counter DreamStrike in seclusion, to pull the raw energy of the Chaos against the DreamStrike Masters. The Entropy Coalition unknowingly weakened the walls of the City. Small rips formed in the walls, permitting creatures of Chaos in: Nightmares.

Mares came in great numbers, straight for Threshold. Any Dreamer was collapsed. This forced Dreamers to cooperate. Klin Benfar, a Master DreamWright Elder, took the first step towards protecting from the Mares when he developed the Sanctuary. The ambient essence Sanctuary prevented aggressive actions and caused searing pain to any Mare. Klin Benfar and his apprentices constructed Sanctuaries throughout the DreamState.

Now a long time passed before portals were ever created. I hope that sets the chronology straight. Sorry to be so long winded. NOT!!! Heheheh. So you see the Lesser Mares resulted from the actions of the EC. What better plan than to develop an army that did not form Soulsphere long enuff to be DreamStruck? I submit that is exactly what the EC attempted... to create an army that we call "Mares"."

Brother Timothy spoke up first, "Who would create an army that you could not control?"

Thunberg replied, "People in a hurry."

"The last entry in the Ledger of Entropy by a member was 2 or 3 days AFTER the Great Loss.", Dremorus pointed out.

"They 'Imprinted" abilities on some life source it would seem. Just as art effects are Imprinted on Talismans.

Lace... do you think this is something that contributed to the DarkMare as well?"

"It's possible."

"How so? Because some think the DM is inhabited by Dreamers... or rather Dreamer Souls."

"Perhaps they are part of a grander scheme."

"Imprinting could have been the way they *developed* from Lesser to what they are... there are other stories that suggest that the two are not related... Imprinting could have been... used on them after they arrived here... to impart them with the powers they have now. Now, Thumper just gave us an accurate history lesson. He recounts how the EC tried to use/harness/access Chaos to use as a counter for the DreamStrike Masters. He added that a by-product of these experiments yielded the creation of the Mares."


