The Stone Tablet

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The Stone Tablet is the holy doctrine of The Chosen. It details matters of faith, as well as some practical matters of dreaming, which it largely delegates to the Chosen themselves.

The Chosen are governed by, and only by, The Stone Tablet. All matters not specifically governed by The Stone Tablet are jurisdiction of the Red Council. All matters not specifically governed by the Red Council are left to individual Chosen.

None may amend the The Stone Tablet. The Chosen shall zealously collect essence to hasten the Second Awakening.

Draining essence in a prime sanctified in the blood of the Chosen will hasten the Second Awakening.

Personal Draining of essence is encouraged as sacrament for the Faithful to gain Oneness with the Great One.

The Chosen are encouraged to seek out personal growth, become capable & accomplished dreamers, and fulfill civic duties including teaching, mentoring, and participating in general city life.

Disagreements between Chosen are to be adjudicated by the Red Council.

Trial by combat is permitted.

Darkmares are enemy, not ally.

Once a Chosen has taken the vows and given the blood, they are forever bound to the Great One.

Returning Chosen must pass a test of loyalty, administered by the First Chosen.

The Chosen kneel only to the Great One. An oath bound in blood must be fulfilled.

An oath without blood is nothing. Do what must be done to preserve the Chosen.

The 4 Pillars of Truth: Growth, Conflict, Sacrifice, Discipline