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I wish I could tell you what my personal history is but I can't. You see - I don't know. The first thing I remember is the dream. How is that possible you may ask? The truth is: I wish I knew. All I could do as a newly awakened is look at the scenery. Enjoying its beauty and splendor. Unlike others, I was unaware of the pits for my first few dreams. I visited the houses and asked what they believed but I never wandered into the pits. Instead I ended up outside staring at the clouds thinking, "This is the most wonderful place I had ever seen." When I woke reluctantly, that first time, the enormity of my situation hit me. I was surrounded by death. There were 24 bodies there. All were dead and naked. Nothing was left. I looked at each of the faces but didn't recognize anyone.

The only thing I can guess is that I was left for dead. I eventually came upon an old deserted cabin. There I found some clothes and was able to build a fire. A stream nearby allowed me to clean the blood off myself and after a few tries with a makeshift spear I was able to spear a fish for food. I slept there that night, but have not returned since. But that night I dreamed again. One day I did find a road and followed it for a spell. There I saw some travelers. As I approached, I heard them talk about the ambush in the mountains and that a solitary ghost guards the mountain. Afraid to approach, I hid in the bushes hoping to hear more. One of the men told a tale of how a royal guard had been dispatched from an outpost to the desolate mountain on a secret mission, unknown to this day, at the command of the king. The king's only son accompanied the expedition. The expedition consisted of 21 men including the Prince. By the time a rescue party was formed and sent to the site the decomposed bodies were unrecognizable and the addition of 3 extra bodies was never explained. The King upon hearing the news was bed stricken and died shortly thereafter. Never revealing what the mission was. Since then, none do venture into the mountains and stories abound of a ghost guarding the mountain. I have not seen this ghost and I know I am not a ghost for I bleed like any man. They did not mention who replaced the King though there was speculation as to a band of assassins killing the prince and the rest of the expedition. Am I an assassin or was I one that failed to protect the Prince. I doubt I was the Prince for I don't feel like one. In either case, I dare not show my face and bring dishonor on a family, which I do not even remember. But I must have had a family or else I would not be alive. Or am I part of a hired group of assassins left for dead by my comrades. Since that day I have not ventured to the road again. Though I search my soul daily hoping to find an answer. My world revolves around my dreaming. I hunt by day and dream my dreams when I can. Living a solitary life in exile on a remote part of Cloudsbreak.
