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By Gilean - Wordsmith

Chapter 1

Nalani walked slowly out into the main entrance of the Order of the Sable Moon. The elderly dreamer had been around for ages, but this room was still the one in which she felt the most comfortable. She looked out across the entrance, and sighed peacefully. The light glowing down from the partial eclipse in the sky lit the area with a bright glow, making the landscape seem peaceful and welcoming. The brown cobblestones, intermingled with the bronze-colored eclipse symbols that were the sign of the Order, covered the floor, leading from the grassy plains and rivers of Trinity right up to the doors of her beloved house.

Nalani sat down on a ledge near the staircase up to the entryways of the house and relaxed, closing her eyes and relishing the serene silence of the dream.

Alas, the moment was short lived.

She grinned as she heard the sound of the portal-doorways activating, and the patter of many little feet running hurriedly down the stairs. As she opened her eyes, she saw three grubby little faces peering at her intently.

The youngest was Selina, a four-year-old girl with flaxen hair and a cherubic face. She grinned up at Nalani innocently. Beside her was Cham, her slightly older brother of five. Along with Cham was Trio, Cham's best friend in the dream city. These three were the youngest 'members' of the Order of the Sable Moon. Too young to fully understand the beliefs they were swearing too, but too determined to become a member of a house full of people they loved, the Order couldn't turn them away. The Order of the Sable Moon had granted them a partial membership promising to make them full Initiates when they were of an age in which they could leave should they change their minds. Even if their allegiances did change, they would always be members of the Order in spirit.

"Nalani, can you tell us a story?" Selina asked, politely.

"Yea, a story!" Trio cheered, "One with a big strong GateKeeper that smells bad but everyone likes him anyway and he fights a big mare and he makes it leave the dream because he's such a strong fighter and he gets everyone to..."

"Yes, yes, I'll tell you a story, dear children," Nalani interrupted, grinning. "But, I think that for a change, I'll tell you a story of a different nature."

"No smelly GateKeeper, then?" Trio asked, sadly.

Nalani shook her head.

The trio sighed, but grudgingly sat down in front of her, followed by the other children. Nalani cleared her throat, and began.

Chapter 2

Desaya, or as her friends call her, Desa, grew up as a farmer's daughter on Cloudsbreak. Never knowing the dream, her days were those of farming, gathering food in the forest, and playing with her sister. She grew up in a lonely place due to the boundary mists that had swarmed across Cloudsbreak. The only others she knew were her family, and the few neighboring families; the neighbors lived many miles away, however, and she seldom saw them. Her entire world was her family. It was a small world, but still a happy one for Desaya. She grew up closest to those who loved her dearly: her mother Danae, her father Bajon, and her sister Nala.

Nala and Desa were sisters, and the best of friends. After their chores were done, they would spend the rest of the day romping through the forest, playing tag, chasing rabbits, or even fishing. The two were close their entire childhood.

The problem began shortly after Desaya turned sixteen. Her sister Nala slowly noticed a change come over her that year. Desaya became more distant, as if un-concerned about things on the farm. Nothing had changed in the world around them, but Desaya seemed to have changed into a different person. She would come up with ideas to improve the farm seemingly out of nowhere, a new way to breed the cattle, a new way to irrigate the crops so that they would grow more food. But when her father would ask her how she had thought up these ideas, Desa would not have an answer for him.

Nala watched her sister change into a completely different person before her eyes that year, and grew frightened that the same would happen to her when she turned sixteen.

The day after her birthday, Nala awakened to the dream.

Chapter 3

Scholars of the dream have long debated the exact nature of this realm. Is it spiritual? Is it just a mental construct caused by the minds of the many dreamers on Cloudsbreak? Cataclysmic wars have been fought, scholars have researched, the dream has nearly been destroyed once, but still, no one has the answer.

What we do know of the Dreamcity is that it is a place where our dreams become lucid. Our bodies fall asleep on the realm of Cloudsbreak, and our consciousness forms an avatar here in Underlight, the City of Dreams. Only a small number of people on Cloudsbreak have awoken to the dream however, and we dreamers remain an elite group. Because of the rampaging Boundary Mists on Cloudsbreak, which have led to a complete shutdown of communication between everyone, the dream is the only place we can come together as a community, as a people.

As Nala entered Threshold, she froze in fear. There were more people than she'd ever seen in her life, or ever dreamt of before. A crowd of dreamers stood in the entrance, discussing dream events, and talking about the nature of the dream. Nala quietly slipped behind a wall, and peered around, watching them. Everyone seemed absorbed in their discussions, and had seemed not to notice her.

As Nala watched them, she noticed a figure that she did recognize. Desaya was standing in amidst the crowd, arguing and speaking as quickly as any other dreamer. She told many people about the farm, and listened intently as they discussed the methods they used for farming, and pondered ways that they could both improve their farms.

"So this is what's been changing Desa." Nala thought to herself. She watched as Desa bid farewell to the dreamer, and stepped through a portal. Nala watched concernedly. The only thing on her mind was returning her sister to the happy and fun person she'd grown up with. She slipped through the portal quietly, after her.

Chapter 4

Desa repeated the information to herself as she walked swiftly down the hall. If one digs a hole in the ground far enough, one will find water. This would make it a lot easier to have water at the house, rather than walking to and from the river, which lay almost half a mile away. However, as much as she wanted to focus her thoughts on the 'well', as the dreamer had called it, her mind kept drifting to something different


Uton was a dreamer who belonged to the Union of the Covenenant, one of the Great Houses of Underlight. He was a fine specimen, Desa thought to herself, her mind drifting off of the well once again. He had recently won the Tourney of the Blades once again, and had within the past week single-handedly defeated two Dark Mares that had attacked the Union. He was an accomplished warrior, and quite a romantic when he wished to be.

And, he was her betrothed.

Uton had asked her to marry him only a few weeks after they had first met. They had both joined forces against a trio of Horrons who had caught another dreamer unawares. Desa had stumbled by as Uton was trying to distract the Horrons from their hapless prey, and she immediately leapt into the fray, firing her chakrams with wild abandon. Between Uton's flashing blade, and her powerful chakrams, they took the Nightmares down in moments. Uton admitted that he was deeply impressed with her combat skills, and that he had never seen another whom could fight with as much ferocity as he himself before.

It was a rapid romance, and Desa was swept off her feet immediately. Besides one boy on Cloudsbreak whom had lived several miles away, Desa had never even been remotely involved with a man before. Desa had agreed to marry him with barely a thought. That wedding was set to take place in a matter of hours.

Desa gave up all pretense of trying to think of something besides Uton. She was to be up at the Basin of Stars in a half an hour to begin preparations for the wedding, anyway. Her best friend, Celes, was to be the bridesmaid. Celes had stopped down in Threshold during her discussion of farming procedures, and had told her that the wedding party was starting to assemble, and she should hurry.

She increased her pace.

Chapter 5

When a dreamer enters the Dreamcity, a protective barrier is formed around their SoulSphere. This is a result of work done by the ancient Dreamsmiths, who foresaw a need for a dreamer's soul to have protection. A dreamer's 'avatar', as it is referred to, is formed from Dreamsoul. An avatar usually has a resemblance of the dreamer's body on Cloudsbreak, as it is formed from their mental image of themselves. Some dreamers, who have great focus and insight into the nature of the dream, can change the appearance of their avatars at their will. It can also occur when dreamers have a slightly odd mental image of themselves. This has led to the presence of several dreamers of very strange appearance in the Dreamcity.

One such dreamer was a lady known as Lace. Lace had deep violet eyes, with a small nose and round face, framed by her wavy black hair. It gave her an almost feline appearance at times. The strangest feature of her avatar, however, was the fact that her skin was a smooth, dark purple; the color of berries, or a plum.

Her nearly unique skin tone and facial structure, along with her wardrobe of revealing clothing, caused her to quite often be the focal point of attention for many of the available male dreamers. Today, she appeared with a black lace bodice and knee length black skirt, her shoulders covered by a dark purple shawl. A ravishing beauty, she nearly caused several dreamers to collapse by distracting them from the Nightmares they were fighting as she walked through the area.

Regardless of how many eyes she attracted, Lace was only interested in one set. And today, she was furious, because that set of eyes was focused on someone else.

She watched from the shadows, as Uton and Desaya exchanged vows. A dark fury burned in her eyes as she glared at the presumptuous female. The young whelp had only been dreaming for a year. Lace had her eye on Uton since five years ago, when they had both entered the Dreamscape. How dare she intrude on her territory! Lace's anger smoldered like a burning ember inside of her, as she plotted the downfall of Desaya.

Chapter 6

Nalani opened her eyes and looked around. The children had wandered off, and were nowhere in sight. She chuckled to herself. She had been so into telling the story that she hadn't even noticed her audience leaving. She sighed. So into adventure and action were these children. No story could captivate them unless it had tales of daring and might, chakrams blazing and wars flaring.

"So what did Lace do to Desaya, to get revenge?" a voice behind her asked.

Nalani started, and looked behind her. Gathered on the steps behind here was yet another group of house members. Trisha and Kallie were seated on the stairs, watching her intently. Both were young female dreamers, both quite popular with the younger men of the Order, as well.

Nalani smiled. Leave it to these two to show up when a story involving romance was involved.

Trisha was a young DreamSeer whom had been in a couple romances, even though she was only sixteen. She had broken the hearts of quite a few boys as she flitted from dreamer to dreamer.

Kallie was a different sort. She was not as forward as Trisha. Kallie was beautiful and kind, but did not actively seek out relationships. Not a few young men vied for her favor, but she expressed no interest in anyone as of yet. But when the day came she decided she was ready to pursue romance, Nalani had no doubt Trisha would have an equal match in competition.

Nalani nodded cordially to them both, welcoming.

"What did Lace do? What she did was nothing short of deplorable. But that will come in time. Sit, and listen, my friends."

Nalani smiled, and continued with her tale.

Chapter 7

Desaya's sister followed her about with trepidation. She was unsure what this new realm was that she found herself in, but she had seen enough to know that it was the cause of Desa's change. She was determined to find out why Desa had changed, and try to get her back to being the sister she knew and loved.

Nala continued to follow Desa around for several weeks, never telling her that she was dreaming. She would watch Desa during the day, telling her father all the new ideas she had, and helping him to improve the farm. The family's life improved dramatically, and they shared the new information with their neighbors. A couple boys from the neighbor farms stopped by every now and then, but Desa would never have much to do with them. They were polite and cordial to Nala, but it was clear that they were here for Desa and not her.

Nala would follow her sister around all day, and as soon as she lay down to sleep, Nala would follow her, slipping into the Dreamcity right behind her.

She had begun carrying around a large collection of Chamele alts, and would usually begin using them the instant she entered the city, to hide from Desaya. She had been relieved when she stumbled across her first one in Trinity. Picking the item up, she poked and prodded it, trying to discern what it was. Suddenly she'd felt a jolt, and began feeling strange. She wandered over to the nearby stream to get a drink of water, and noted that she could not see her reflection. She quickly deduced that this art, Chamele, seemed to make one's avatar clear, invisible. It made her tracking of Desaya immensely easier.

With her collection of Chamele alts, and her growing knowledge and understanding of the Dreamscape, Nala continued to follow Desa for many days.

Chapter 8

Desa and Uton sat in the Sanctuary in Evernight Plateau. They had been on their way up to House Calenture on a diplomatic visit given to Uton, when a pair of DarkMares attacked them. Dashing into the Sanctuary for protection, they began preparing for battle. Desa focused her thoughts in on the DarkMares, and kept track of their position. Meanwhile, Uton began evoking GateKeeper arts on Desa. Once he had their avatars fully protected, he nodded to Desa.

"Kuthar and Mektos are the DarkMares' names, as I sense them. Both are Horrons, I believe. As far as I can tell, they are on their way up to House Calenture." She reported.

"Right then," Uton stated, nodding, "We must hasten up the Calenture, and assist with defense. Are you prepared for battle?"

Desa pulled a chakram out, and nodded to him.

The two left the Sanctuary, and took a back trail up to House Calenture. They caught up with the DarkMares just as they were leaving Evernight to go into the House. Uton and Desa leapt through the portal.

Uton appeared in the middle of the fray with a mighty roar.

Several initiates of House Calenture were engaged in battle with the two DarkMares. Flames were flying throughout the room, along with chakram fire. Uton dashed between the projectiles, headed straight for Kuthar. He swung his GateSmasher mightily, and sunk it deep into the DarkMare's avatar. Kuthar screamed in pain, and whirled on Uton, flames flying from its claws. Uton rolled beneath the flames, and sunk his blade into Kuthar's side.

Desa, meanwhile, focused on Mektos. As the Calenturites distracted it, she wove behind him and fired her chakram. The flame flew towards Mektos, and hit him squarely in the back. The Mare roared in rage, and dashed away from the crossfire. Desa tried to slip behind the Mare again, but he skillfully dodged her advances.

The DarkMare stopped, and began weaving his claws back and forth. Desa rolled to the ground and away. Fearing that the DarkMare might be casting and art such as Blast, she fumbled for a Chamele alt, to hide from sight. Unfortunately for her, the DarkMare was not casting Blast.

Mektos finished waving his claws, and pointed them both directly at Desa. Desa felt Uton's protective barriers fade from her avatar. She froze in shock. A DarkMare could evoke Abjure?!?

While Desa was unprepared, the Horron leapt for her. Without the protective arts Uton had cast on her to bolster her spirit and help her maintain control of her body, she froze in shock and fear. Mektos' claws ripped into her avatar again, and again. Desa screamed in pain, and tried to get away, but Mektos was unrelenting. Again the dark skewers fell, slicing and slashing through the Dreamsoul constructing her avatar. Soon, Desa lost all coherence, and her avatar fell to pieces around her, collecting on the floor in an essence.

Mektos' crowed triumphantly, and turned to face the Initiates of Calenture. His triumph was short lived, however, as Uton appeared from nowhere and began slashing the DarkMare in rage. The Mare tried to combat him, but being already damaged from Desa's attack, quickly fled.

One of the Initiates promptly began evoking an art to restore Desa's coherence, and her avatar slowly gathered into a body around her soulsphere. She wiped her forehead.

"Many thanks, m'love." She said, thankfully. "He managed to get the drop on me."

Uton simply looked at her, shook his head in disgust, and walked away.

Desa watched him go, stunned. She turned towards the Initiates, whom suddenly seemed to have nothing better to do than inspect the ground, or the sky... anything besides look at her.

Her shocked look was quickly replaced by anger, and she stormed out the portal.

Chapter 9

Nala fingered her Chamele alteror as she crouched outside the portal into House Calenture. Desa had just recently gone in there with that....'man'. She couldn't bring herself to refer to him as her husband. He was handsome, yes, but he was cold. From the first moment she'd seen the man, she could tell that all he cared about was himself. How well he did in the hunt. How many other dreamers he could defeat in combat. The only reason he had chosen Desaya was because of her hunting prowess.

She had just reached the decision to follow them in, when the portal beside her shivered, and Uton stormed out furiously. He stomped down the pathway away from House Calenture. As Nala watched him leave, the portal shimmered again and Desa burst forth.

"Stop right there!" she yelled in a commanding voice.

Uton stopped walking, and stood still. His shoulders tensed up, but he did not turn around. Desa rushed to catch up with him.

"Now just what in the hell was that all about?" she demanded furiously. "We kept the mares from harming any helpless and unprepared dreamers, and chased them off. You should be glad!"

"Glad?!" he asked incredulously, turning around. His face was red and full of rage. "Glad that my 'wife' isn't half the warrior she seemed to be? Glad that you managed to get yourself collapsed in a fight between two, extremely weak, I might add, Darkmares?! You have a bizarre sense of what brings one joy!"

"This is about me being collapsed?" she shouted, "The bastard Abjured and Paralyzed me! What was I supposed to do?!"

"A hell of a lot more than you did." Uton growled. "You had just best be damned happy that I was here tonight to collapse those Mares. Get out of my sight. I don't have time to baby-sit a weakling like you."

Desa stood gaping at him.

Uton turned without a word, and walked away down the path.

As he turned the corner, Desa fell to her knees and cried.

Chapter 10

Nala watched her sister kneeling on the ground in tears.

Her heart cried out to go over, comfort her, to let her know that she was loved. But her mind held her back. She couldn't let herself be found out. To help her sister, she had to find out more, to help Desaya escape this tormented world.

As she watched, her sister's form took on a hazy hue, and vanished from sight. Desa had awoken from the dream. Nala quickly followed her.

In the darkness in their room, Nala heard her sister sobbing softly on the bed. She crawled out of bed, and felt her way across the floor. Finding her sister's bed, she climbed in, and hugged her. Desa hugged her tightly. They laid like that for a long while, until Desa's sobbing wore out into sweet dreamless sleep.

Chapter 11

Desa found Celes awaiting her as she entered the dream the next night.

Celes was a lovely dreamer, well liked by everyone. She had flowing blonde hair, and a friendly, appealing face. She was one of the first dreamers Desa had known when she first started dreaming, and had helped her through many rough times. Celes was a devout follower of the house, Protectors of the Radiance. She proudly wore the badge of an Initiate upon her dress.

"It's okay, dear," Celes said, hugging Desa and patting her back. "Uton is just frustrated. I know he still loves you, he's just upset right now. Give him some time, and it'll all be back to normal."

"I hope so, Celes." Desa sighed softly. "I really love him. I know we've only known each other a short time, but, I do. He's such a strong man, always looking to defend the dream by battling the Nightmares, and protecting all us dreamers."

"I know." Celes said, then in a lower voice, "I wish all men were more like that."

"Is there someone I don't know about?" Desa asked, in a slightly questioning tone.

Celes shook her head.

"No - it's a lot deeper than that, but I don't want to bear you down with my problems."

"No, you need to tell me." Desa stated, shaking her head firmly, "Friends are there for each other."

Celes sighed resignedly.

"Eldar... one of the Rulers of the Protectors. I believe you've made his acquaintance?"

Desa nodded her head. Eldar was an elderly dreamer. Not old, but at the point where the gray in his hair was starting to show. He was a firm and true ruler, as well. Always fair in his decisions, and he guaranteed that everything was done as it was decreed.

"Eldar approached me a few evenings ago." Celes said, hesitantly. "He said he needed to discuss a promotion to Guardianship. He told me that my name had come up in the Ruler's discussions, and, that while a most of the Rulers agreed that I would make a good Guardian, some of the others didn't know me as well. He told me that as he talked to them, he found that the vote was going to be a close tie."

Celes stopped, and swallowed nervously.

"He told me that if I were to marry him, he would cast his vote in my favor, guaranteeing me a position as Guardian."

Desa's head reeled. Eldar? She would never have thought him capable of such a thing! Yet here it was, her best friend confiding it in her. Her noble and devout picture of Eldar quickly corrupted into a vile and despicable leech.

"We must go tell the other Rulers at once!" she declared, "This should not be allowed!" Desa turned quickly to rush up to the Protectors, but Celes grabbed her by the shoulder.

"We cannot, must not, approach the Rulers." She whispered urgently, "Whom do you think they will believe, a fellow ruler, or a lowly initiate and her Free Spirit friend?"

Desa stopped, realizing the truthfulness of her words.

"We must go to the Initiates, if anything." Celes said, "The Initiates hold the true power. They can convince the Rulers of his evil ways. And the Initiates will believe us. I cannot talk to them, though. If Eldar finds that I've been talking to the Initiates and telling them, he can have me demoted from the house!"

"I will talk to them, then, my friend." Desaya stated, firmly. "We cannot let this crime go unpunished, and I won't allow you to be harmed or hurt by another dreamer's machinations. You continue as if nothing has happened, and guard your position in the house. I will talk to your fellow Initiates, and let them know what has occurred. Then once we have the Initiates together, we will walk as a body before the Ruler's council, and denounce that vile betrayer, who is not fit to rule."

Celes flung her arms around Desa, and hugged her tightly.

"A true friend like you is a priceless treasure. I hope that you will find someone more deserving of you than Uton." Celes said.

Desaya blushed brightly.

"I will go, then, and see what I can do about getting your beloved to return to you." Celes declared. "I wish you luck in talking with my fellow Initiates, and hopefully we can bring some justice to this dream."

Chapter 12

Celes wove her way through the thick underbrush of the Harrow Glades. Vines and plants reached from the ground, almost as if alive, and caught on her gown and feet. She kicked them off furiously, and trudged ahead. The blackness of the glade surrounded her. Shadows lay across the ground, and through the branches in places she could see long expanses of stagnant water.

She closed her eyes and focused on Uton once again. Yes, he was still near here. She could sense him quite easily. Though, why he would be in such a dismal and dark part of the dream such as this, she did not know. Opening her eyes, she walked on.

She came upon Uton a bit down the path. He was battling a Bogrom that had happened into the Glades. Like a dervish he danced around the Nightmare, his blade slashing and singing. Dreamsoul from the Nightmare's avatar splashed, leaving dark splotches against the undergrowth. With a final swipe, he severed the Nightmare's head from its body. The Nightmare let forth a scream of rage, and dissolved. The Dreamsoul composing it fell to the ground in a small pile, which Uton then gathered into a bag.

"Ah, out here fighting and collecting Essence, I see." Celes greeted, stepping from the shadows into the light.

Uton turned, startled. Realizing whom it was, he grunted non-committing.

"Meanwhile, your wife is alone." Celes stated, simply. "A worthy prize for any man; you should just hope that another does not come and sweep her away while you simmer in your anger."

"A worthy prize?" Uton grumbled. "The filthy wretch could not even defeat a lone DarkMare in combat. I don't have time to coddle weaklings."

Celes sighed to herself. Desaya deserved so much better than this. She deserved someone whom would take care of her, and actually care for her. Not someone whom cared nothing for them, and would be willing to sacrifice them for trivial reasons. Not someone who treated dreamers as a pawn in their game. She mentally chided herself. Was what she was doing any better? She cleared her throat, and looked back at Uton.

"So she was defeated. A one-time fluke." She stated. "I'm sure there's been times that a Darkmare pulled a trick and caught you off guard. I'm sure that you were also able to compensate for it, and managed to defeat it in the end." She stated, not wanting to injure his pride.

"However, the simple fact remains that whether she was defeated or not, Desaya is one of the best Bladeswomen in the dream. Even if she is not as good as you are, she is still the best woman I've ever seen. She can handle a blade with more prowess than many of the men I've seen. And that should be worth something."

Uton nodded.

"You have a point." He mumbled. "She is good, but nowhere as good as I am. Nobody is. But she is still one of the best." He grunted to himself.

"Fine. I shall take her back." He stated, finally.

Celes bowed graciously. "You have my deepest thanks, good sir." With that, she turned and headed back towards Threshold.

Chapter 13

Desaya stood in the Valley of Totality. Lush green foliage surrounded her, in stark contrast to the Harrow Glades nearby. She hummed to herself as she walked along the cobblestone path. Following the path all the way would bring her to the house of the Protectors of the Radiance. However, her plan was not to go up that far.

Her mind told her this would be the best place to search for Initiates of the House, as they wandered between the House and Threshold. Already she had discussed the matter of Eldar with several of them. The accusation was always immediately met with disbelief, but upon finding the source was Celes, they believed. It was well known that Celes and Desaya were best of friends, and anything said by Desaya would be as good as if it came from the mouth of Celes herself.

She impressed upon the Initiates the importance of secrecy, and told them that they would be called when the time was right to stand up against Eldar. They were also told to keep watch for anything that Eldar might do, to further incriminate him. She pressed on the female Initiates to see if he had approached any of them in similar manners, but as of yet, none would say that he had.

She would not be daunted in the task, however. She had garnered a lot of support for the cause, if not more evidence against Eldar. She strode along the path, quietly humming to herself. A couple times she had been forced to dodge aside and hide in the nearby caves and passageways, when she spotted oncoming Rulers and Guardians of the Protectors. She would hide as they passed, and then slip out undetected and continue her questioning. She could not let herself slip, for if any Rulers or Guardians found out her mission, they would rally to the defense of Eldar.

So intent on her search was she, that she did not notice a dark shadowy figure fall into step behind her. The form followed her for a while, then startled her by speaking.

"Such devotion for one not of the House, I must say.."

Desa jumped, and whirling, drew her blade.

A dreamer stood behind her, wearing a long, black cloak, trimmed with dark blue. His hair was slicked back, and he had a sharp nose. His face was reminiscent of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or raptor. His hair was a dark shade of gray, streaked with white. Dark black eyes peered from an otherwise very youthful looking face.

"He..hello, sir." Desaya stammered, still off guard. "My name is.."

"Your name is Desaya, yes," the figure said. "You are quite well known, m'lady, whether you seek to be or not. I myself have heard a lot about you. A devout, noble dreamer, whom does anything to help her friends. This, I can see is true. T'is truly a shame that you're married to a buffoon like Uton.. " the dreamer trailed off, then caught himself.

The dreamer bowed deeply at his waist, dark robes pooling around his feet.

"You may call me Shade, my good lady."

"Shade?" Desaya asked, suspiciously. "A rather strange name, I must say.."

Shade chuckled softly.

"Aye, I hear that quite often." Shade stated, honestly. "To be true, I've often heard that due to my name, I must be associated with the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow, or other groups of questionable means and goals. Nay. Truthfully, it is not my birth name. Alas, I trust few in the Dreamscape with that information. I acquired the name Shade, as I'm told I am comforting. As the shade of the oak tree provides comfort in the noon-day sun."

Desaya appeared to consider this, then nodded.

"A sensible nominer. Though your appearance does tend to lean more towards a dark or evil nature, I sense a kindness within you. Far be it from me to judge by appearances. First impressions begat bad misconceptions." Desaya stated.

"Wise words fall from your lips like seeds from a tree. Pray that they take seed in the dreamers around you, and with luck we shall have a blossoming garden of wisdom one day in the Dreamscape."

"And may those trees grow to spread kindness in their shade."

Shade chuckled at this.

"I must admit, your skill with words is superior to any I have met." He said.

"Except for yourself, my good sir."

"No, I believe that even your tongue might outdo mine. With a mouth and lips so sweet, how can a dreamer such as myself compare?"

Desaya blushed, and turned away demurely.

"Ah, so it appears I may have one trump card in any future verbal sparring we have." Shade stated victoriously. "The lady shies away from any compliments no matter how true, no matter that even the most complimentary statement would still fail to do her justice."

"My good sir, your compliments are greatly appreciated." Desaya sighed, wearily. "I fear that my past few dreams have led me to have become a bit distraught, and not much in the mood for flattery."

Shade started to speak, but Desaya held a finger up, halting him.

"Not in the mood for flattery, until your silvery tongue appeared and like a sword, slashed away the dismal veil that had fallen over my soul. I feel a great deal better now, and I owe you many thanks."

Shade smiled.

"M'lady, I would be most honored if you would accompany me on a stroll through the Albino Caves. They are truly beautiful to behold, and it appears as if many are not visiting them anymore these dreams."

Desaya started to speak, but it was Shade's turn to halt her.

"I know that you wish to meet with more Initiates from the Protectors, to assist your friend. That in itself is a very noble gesture, and not one I would attempt to hinder. However, I would bestow upon you the knowledge that the Protectors are starting up a House Meeting, and none of their Initiates will be passing this way for a long while, until the Meeting is concluded. With this knowledge, I leave the decision up to you." Shade bowed as he finished.

Desaya peered away in the direction of the Protectors of the Radiance. She had talked to many dreamers already, the majority of the house. She could easily catch the rest later. As well, Celes would definitely not begrudge her a short respite. After all her fretting about Uton, a short trip would do her good.

"You have sound reasoning." Desaya stated, finally. "It's decided then." She looped her arm through Shade's. "Off to the Caves, my good man!"

Chapter 14

Nala entered the dream slowly that evening.

Desa had gone to sleep early, and Nala, still involved with her chores, had not noticed. A couple hours later, Nala had rushed in and tried to make herself fall asleep so that she could dream. The more she tried to force herself to sleep, however, the more sleep evaded her. She heard her sister on the other side of the room talking in a low, quiet voice, and grew worried. She had scrunched her eyes tighter, and tried harder to dream.

As she materialized in the Courtyard of Awakening, she had a sickening feeling in her gut. She had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and she felt that she needed to find Desaya as quickly as possible. As she entered the gates to the City proper, she immediately began focusing her thoughts on Desaya, trying to discern where she might be at.

She sensed that Desaya was moving, away from the Valley of Totality, towards Umbric. She whirled and dashed, hoping that she could catch up to her sister in time, to stop whatever was going to happen.

Chapter 15

Desaya strolled through the planes, her arm looped through Shade's. As she entered Umbric, Celes met them. She greeted Desaya, and looked curiously at Shade.

"Greetings, my friend." Celes said, warmly. "I was searching for you, as I hoped to see if you would stop by the house later on this evening, after the House Meeting. Perhaps in an hour or so?"

"Assuredly, my friend." Desaya nodded. "I have talked to many of your fellow Initiates, and they are aware of the situation. All have agreed to support you, based upon what you have told me."

Celes nodded, with a slight look of sadness in her face.

"Are you alright?" Desaya asked, a note of concern in her face.

"Aye, I am fine." Celes said. "I hate to do this. I hate having to hurt those that have always been there, and that I have grown so close to."

"Nay, do not blame yourself." Desaya stated firmly, "It is not your fault, the blame lays with Eldar. He has been the one to break the respect of your friendship."

Celes nodded slowly, looking downward.

"I shall see you there, my friend." Celes said, and slipped past them and through the portal.

Desaya watched her pass, sadly.

"I feel sorry for her." She stated. "Having a person betray you, whom you've known, and depended on all your dream."

Shade looked toward her and sighed sadly.

"At one time or another, we all feel forced to do things we don't necessarily like."

He took her arm again, and they continued on their journey.

Chapter 16

Uton stepped from Threshold into Trinity, and attempted to sense Desaya. After thinking about it for a while, he had decided to take Celes' advice. Desaya might not be the best warrior, but she was probably the best companion he would find. He sensed her heading from Umbric into the Albino Caves, and started to head off in that direction.

"Are you headed in search of your... wife?" a voice asked nearby, almost spitting the last word.

Uton turned his head, and noticed Lace standing to the side. He gazed at her questioningly. They had entered the dream near the same time, and had been quite friendly as newly awakened. However, as time had passed in the dream, they had drifted apart. Uton had continued hunting mares, and developing her physical strengths. Lace had began talking with dreamers, and become very socially adept. While Uton had earned the universal respect of the warriors and veterans, Lace had garnered the grudging respect of the house leaders and thinkers of the dream. Their personal paths in the dream led them to be separate.

He'd always found her rather physically attractive, though.

"Aye, " he responded. "We've had a ... falling out, you might say. I am seeking her out, to apologize."

"Apologize?" Lace laughed. "My dear friend, I believe she should be the one apologizing, not you."

Uton raised an eyebrow curiously.

"I hope you are not spouting baseless slander against my wife."

"I would never presume to do such a thing," Lace commented. "However, I would have you follow me... I believe that there is something you should see."

"I trust this will not be a waste of my time." Uton stated, gruffly.

"Never, my sweet." Lace said. She smiled demurely, and motioned him to follow.

Chapter 17

Nala had no chance to catch up, as Desaya was not stopping at Umbric. With her Shade at her side, she stepped through the portal leading from Umbric to the Albino Caves.

"There's a pleasant spot that I know of," Shade commented "Perhaps we could go there. Many refer to it simply as "The Churning Depths"... quite a scenic area, if I may say so myself."

"I have heard of it," Desaya commented, "Alas, I have never been there."

"Then it is simply necessary that we pay a visit to it." Shade stated simply, nodding to himself.

He led Desaya through the Caves expertly. The Albino Caves came by their name with good reason. The walls of the Caves are pure white, with minor red and beige tints. Desaya was quickly lost in the caves, as they all looked similar to her. Shade seemed to know precisely where to go, it seemed, so she placed her trust in him. Within minutes, they had arrived at the Churning Depths.

It possessed a simple, natural beauty, Desaya thought to herself, looking at it. There was a large pit in the middle of the room, with the water bubbling tumultuously at the bottom. The outer edge of the cavern descended in a path along the wall, leading far down into the depths.

Shade took her by the hand, and led her along the pathway, to the very bottom. Together, they sat by the poolside, and watched the water bubble and churn endlessly.

It was relaxing, she had to admit to herself. The rushing water echoed throughout the cavern. The light filtered from above, and cast an eerie glow on the water itself, and the cave walls surrounding them. Shade lowered himself to the ground, looking over the lake. Desaya folded her legs and sat down next to him.

"I have always liked the water here." Shade said. "Much of the water in the dreamscape is still, or slowly flowing from one point to the next. Even the waterfalls in the Basin of Stars seem to have calmness to them. But here, the water boils and bubbles, like a torrent of emotion."

Desaya looked across at Shade. "Emotion is not always a good thing. Like the rapids in a river, it may be churning and exciting, but you also open yourself up to danger and pain."

"I believe danger and bliss are both necessary to live a full life. Just as any river has spots where it rushes rapidly, and spots where it slows down to a gentle crawl. It is the changing between these parts that give the river its meaning, its personality."

"Some might argue that it's better when riding a river, to disembark to the shore and walk safely past the rapids."

Shade raised his head for a moment, looking towards the light beaming from the entrance of the cavern. Then he lowered his head, as if in deep thought. He turned, and raised his head, looking directly at Desaya.

"Some might argue that pain and excitement are the only validation of life itself, and that to truly find happiness, you must throw yourself headlong into the rapids and exult in the pain that may or may not come."

Shade grabbed Desaya's face and pulled her close, placing his lips against hers.

Desaya grew rigid in surprise, and started to pull away from her. But the press of his body against hers was too inviting. Uton and her had been married for only a matter of days, but they had yet to even kiss. She felt a warm feeling growing inside of her. Shade had opened up to her, and shown her more love in a matter of hours than Uton had. She relaxed, and let herself melt into Shade's arms.

Chapter 18

Lace smiled darkly as Uton trembled in rage next to her. She felt him tense, and reached out to touch him, gently. His angered glare fell to her, and she smiled reassuringly. She tilted her head towards the exit, and they left as secretly as they had entered.

Outside the cave, Uton erupted violently.

"That vile, conniving, filthy wretch!" he shouted, "How could I have ever thought someone so lousy in battle would be worth my affection? And that dreamer... whom is he? I shall hunt him to the ends of the dream!"

Lace laid a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Please... do not harm the young man. He is a friend of mine, and, the subject of her advances. He has refused her advances many times, due to respect for you, but she has been rather insistent. I fear he has finally succumbed to her feminine wiles." Lace replied, looking distressedly towards the cavern entrance.

Uton seemed to calm down a little bit.

"Fine, I'll do no harm to the young man, per your wishes. But I shall never trust that woman again. To the abyss with her, for all I care. It is as they say, and a warrior's life should be alone."

He turned to stalk off, but Lace held tight to him, pulling him back to face her.

"Perhaps your problem, my sweet, was looking for someone to match your talents." Lace said, picking her words with care. "A dreamer whom is your equal in physical combat, is also your competitor. Perhaps you would do better seeking someone whom excels in ... other areas."

Uton stopped, and looked at her appraisingly. Lace took this as a good sign, and continued.

"Myself, I have always been attracted to you. Yes, I am not a great warrior such as yourself, but I do not seek to be. I prefer much the verbal sparring and vocal combat, seeking for ways through your opponents defensive reasoning. As well... there are other pushes and thrusts that I must say... I have quite an interest in." she finished, lowering her gaze, and causing Uton to blush slightly.

"Your words make sense." he stated, then bowed slightly, and extended his hand to her. "If you will have me, m'lady, I would deign to ask you to wander with me for awhile, and perhaps we can catch up on what has happened between us since we last parted ways."

Lace smiled seductively, and graciously took Uton's hand, folding it in her own.

"By all means, my sweet." She said, smiling victoriously to herself.

Chapter 19

Desa finally pulled away from Shade, a sad smile crossing her face.

"My friend... I wish for you to know that I have grown to care for you, in this short while." She started. "And, would that I could, I would gladly loose myself in your embrace. These few moments of happiness will always be in my mind. However, you must remember that I am married."

Shade started to speak, but Desa held up a silencing finger.

"That may not mean much to some people." She continued. "However, where I come from, it does. I cannot, will not, go behind Uton's back. I care for him, and respect him too much to do such a thing. Perhaps in the future we may see about forging a relationship. First, however, I must do my best to work this situation out with Uton. I apologize if this hurts you, but, it is what I must do. If I do not, I will not be able to respect myself."

Shade smiled softly, and spoke.

"My dearest Desaya, I must admit. I am glad you feel as such. I was hoping that my advances would not hurt you. You see, I do think that you are a wonderful dreamer. Alas, I have never been one to grow emotionally attached. In fact, I distance myself from many in the dream purposefully."

"Then why did you...?" Desaya asked, confusion evident on her face.

"My dear, I feel I must be truthful with you." Shade said, standing up. He dusted off his robes, and looked down at her. "While I may find you mildly attractive, and while your skill at conversation is above normal, I doubt that I would ever be able to fall in love with you. Love is simply an emotion that has never held much interest for me."

He looked down at Desaya, whose face was showing the mixed emotions of confusion and pain.

"The reason I am here, quite simply, is power. I was given a task to learn the Art of Stagger. I must admit, that this is one of the oddest tasks ever bestowed upon me. I was to find you specifically, bring you up here, and kiss you." He stated, watching her. "I was also to observe your reactions upon revealing the purpose of this trip. By the look on your face, I can tell that this information has clearly unsettled you. I begin to see why Lace thought this would be a good task to understand the nature of stagger."

Desaya looked up at him, tears in her eyes. She swallowed, and forced the sick feeling in her gut to harden. She used the tears to fuel the anger she slowly felt growing within her. Finally, she wiped her eyes, and stood.

"Get out."

Shade looked at her questioningly, but made no move to leave.

"Get out now, or I'll collapse you where you stand!" Desaya screamed.

Shade frowned, and gathered his robes around him.

"Safe paths to you, m'lady." He said, as he slowly climbed up and out of the pool.

Desaya glared at him until he left the cave, then fell down on her knees to cry.

Used! She felt so spoiled, and dirty! How could anyone play heedlessly with the emotions of another dreamer in such a way? It was inhumane. Cruel, vile torture!

She slowly gathered her senses, and stopped the tears. She had to pull herself together. She reached out, and pulled herself up the first ledge. She had to hurry to the Protectors of the Radiance. She'd given Celes her word that she would be there at the end of class. Pushing the pain and hurt down into her stomach, she hastened out of the Caves.

Chapter 20

Nala sat in Umbric, watching the portal intently. Desaya was through the portal, but for some reason, she herself was not able to pass through. The portal seemed to reject her avatar, and refuse to grant her entrance. So she sat right outside, chameled, concentrating on Desaya.

Suddenly Desaya was moving. Nala sensed her getting closer, and stood up.

Desaya rushed through the portal, and swiftly past Nala before she could react.

Nala leapt to her feet and dashed after her, hoping to catch up.

Chapter 21

Celes waited in front of the House of the Protectors of the Radiance. Where was Desa? She'd promised that she would be here. She closed her eyes, and searched for Desaya. She sensed that she was on her way down into the Valley, and would be here soon. Celes frowned worriedly. She would have to hurry, or the Initiates would all disperse after class, and all this planning would be for naught.

She smiled in relief as Desa finally stepped through the portal.

"Am I late?" Desaya asked, and Celes shook her head.

"No, my friend, you are in time." Celes said, sighing softly. "Please, follow me." She said, and motioned toward the portal.

Desaya nodded, and quickly headed toward the portal. Oddly, as she passed through, she would have sworn she heard Celes whisper, "I'm sorry."

Chapter 22

Eldar looked out across the gathering of Initiates. He stroked his beard in concern. Everyone seemed upset about something, but no one seemed to want to speak of what was bothering them. Celes had stated that she wished to address the Initiates before class was out. She'd stepped outside however, and had yet to return.

He was rather distressed about this turn of circumstances. He'd spent his lifeblood building this house, and making sure that all within it were treated in a fair and just manner. If something was threatening that, he wanted to know what it was.

His trepidation grew as the portal shimmered and Celes stepped through, followed by Desaya.

Celes stood at attention, and Eldar nodded to her.

"Initiates of the Protectors of the Radiance," he announced, "You fellow Initiate, Celes, wishes to discuss something. I urge you to give her your full attention, and the due respect you would give myself or any of the other Rulers." He lowers his head, and motioned Celes to begin.

Celes stepped forward.

"My fellow Initiates," she began, "It has come to my attention that there are rumors circulating throughout the house. One of which, involves our dear leader, Eldar." She stated, nodding to Eldar.

Desaya smiled as she watched Eldar's brow furrow in confusion. The letch did not even realize what was going on. Here he was, inviting Celes to initiate his downfall. Serves him right, for what he did.

"These rumors serve only to cause disturbance and disruption throughout the house. And it is for this reason that they must stop, here and now!" she declared. Desaya's attention flicked instantly from Eldar to Celes.

"Most distressingly, I have heard that these rumors have been spread by one I deigned to believe a friend, Desaya." She stated, pointing accusingly at Desaya.

Desaya felt the bottom of her world fall out. Again, she was being used, betrayed! Was this all the dream offered to those who persevered, and only sought to help others?

"Now, wait just one moment..." she started.

"No! I shall not let you poison the minds of our Initiates any longer!" Celes shouted, cutting Desaya off. She directed her words to her fellow Initiates. "Anything this dreamer has told you, has been a lie. I've heard that she claimed Eldar has forced his affections upon me. I ask you all, we know Eldar, do any of you believe him capable of such a dastardly act?"

Heads shook, and hateful glares began turning towards Desaya.

"But, Celes, you were the one that told me to do this! You were the one whom told me Eldar did this!" Desaya shouted. "Why are you turning upon me?"

"As we all see," Celes said, nodding her head sadly, "she does not stop. Now she seeks to poison you against me. We must hold strong! We must stand as a house, and not let idle rumors make us distrust our brethren!"

"I have heard enough!" Eldar's voice broke through the rumble of dreamers below. "Desaya, you are hereby banished from this plane. For your crimes, you shall be collapsed immediately should any notice you on the Valley of Totality. After word of this spreads, I doubt you'll be able to find safe haven anywhere in the Dreamscape." He growled, angrily.

He turned to Celes. "My girl, I must applaud you in your accomplishment. You have stood devoutly against forces seeking to tear this house asunder, and for that, I will gladly nominate you for Guardian at our next meeting. I believe the other Rulers will see as I do."

"As for this...garbage," he stated, turning back to Desaya. "I want her removed from the plane immediately!"

Desaya shrugged away from the guards that appeared. "I shall leave without assistance, thank you very much." She looked around at the room. Everyone glared at her with unmeasured hatred. Celes glared at her as well, though, Desaya could notice an undercurrent of sadness in her eyes.

To the abyss with them all.

She turned and stormed from the house.

Chapter 23

Lace and Uton walked through the Valley of Totality. They discussed a great deal of things. The talked of the different paths their dreams had taken them in, of foes defeated, of great victories in both their lives. As they wandered along, Desaya charged through a portal, nearly knocking them over.

It was not coincidence that they met. Lace had been sensing Desaya's position, and had slowly been leading Uton nearby. She wanted to gloat in her victory.

"Uton!" Desaya said, smiling. She looked at him, and towards Lace. Her sense of relief at finding her love quickly dissolved into confusion.

"Begone, tramp." Uton growled, his eyes burning furiously.

Desaya stepped back, drawing a sharp breath.

"I've told him your dirty little secret." Lace said, scowling. "He deserves someone who will not run off and cheat on him with any dreamer who passes their way."

"But, I've never cheated on you, Uton!" Desaya declared stubbornly, "I don't know what lies she's been telling you, but..."

"Silence!" Uton roared. "I saw you kissing him with my own eyes, do you tell me to doubt my own senses! Were it not for Lace here, I would have charged in and collapsed you both! You should be thankful that she held my anger in check. And you would do well to leave, for she may not be able to restrain it for much longer!"

Lace patted his arm consolingly.

"My love, please...continue without me for a short ways. I would have words with the person whom has hurt you so, but I do not wish to force you to remain in her presence while I do so."

Uton kissed Lace's temple and, pushing Desaya aside, strode through the portal.

Desaya stared at the portal in shock.

"Such happens to those who cross me, little dreamer." Lace said, venomously.

"What did I ever do to you?" Desaya screamed, rounding on Lace.

"You stole him from me, and you did not expect me to get him back? How foolish." Lace said. "It was a simple matter of arranging events... I could have him believing you're a member of the Entropy Coalition with just a little work."

"You conniving... two faced..." Desaya stammered.

"Careful my dear. Remember that I'm now the love of the best fighter in the dream. If you harm me, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to make your life a living hell." Lace said. She curtsied mockingly, and stepped past Desaya through the portal.

"You're too late." Desaya said, glaring at the ground.

Chapter 24

Desaya's mind reeled.

What had just happened?

Within a matter of hours, everyone she'd ever known, everyone she'd trusted, had betrayed her! Was this all the dream was made of? Selfish dreamers who cared not for the feelings and thoughts of another? Was this who she wanted to spend her time with?

A dream, they called it.

All the while, referring to the Chaos outside the city walls as a nightmare.

Who's to say that the true nightmare isn't here inside the city walls?

Who's to say the true nightmare doesn't reside in all these dreamers, who will do anything it takes for power, or lust? Desaya calmly folded her hands, and turned on her heel.

If this was all the dream had to offer, she'd rather live in a nightmare.

It couldn't be much worse.

Chapter 25

Nala forged ahead. She'd lost Desaya on her trip to the Valley, but she sensed her nearby. She forced her way through some bushed, and watched as Desaya turned around and walked through a nearby portal.

Nala pulled out her Chamele alteror, and drained a charge from it. She then rushed to follow Desaya. She dashed through portal after portal, trying to keep up with her. She pulled to a stop as she sensed Desaya pass through the portal to Harrow Glades. She tried to force her way through the portal, but it refused her entrance.

She frowned worriedly, and began sensing for Desaya's presence.

She sensed Desaya move away from the center of the Dreamcity.

She'd watched Desaya move from the Valley of Totality to Harrow Glades.

She sensed Desaya move from the Harrow Glades, to the Caudal Rift.

And then, after a few moments, she did not sense Desaya anymore.

Nala woke from the dream frantically.

The light shining in from the bright moon outside lay across Desaya's face. Nala looked to see, half expecting worry or grief. Unexpectedly, Desaya's face was smiling, peacefully. She was the happiest Nala had ever seen her.

Chapter 26

"Some people find more peace and serenity in the dreamlessness of Chaos than they do in the lucid dreaming of Underlight." Nalani summarized.

"For those whom have lived their entire lives on the tiniest shards of Cloudsbreak are completely unprepared for the lies, deceit, and backstabbing that run rampant in the dream. A young girl raised on a farm, with only her loving family and respectable neighbors, has never been exposed to the pain and suffering that she may endure in the dream."

"Some dreamers are able to adapt, and blossom. Others cannot."

She finished the story, noticing that she had gathered quite an audience in the meantime. Besides Kallie and Trisha, several other members of the Order, and other houses as well, had gathered around to hear her story. As she watched, they nodded and discussed it amongst themselves.

She politely excused herself, and stood. She strode up the steps, and was about to step through the portal when she felt a tug at her sleeve.

"You adapted, didn't you Nala." Kallie said, simply.

Nalani laughed softly to herself.

"Well, I am glad that at least one of you figured it out." She said, smiling.

"And, yes, I did adapt. After the pain they inflicted on my dear sister, I could not let their actions go unpunished. I returned to the dream in my quest for vengeance. I became the shadow that plagued those four dreamers for years. Over time, I was able to bring ruin and destruction to all of them; Celes, Lace, Uton, and Shade. Every plan they plotted, I defused it. Every lie they told, I revealed the truth. Every time they advanced, I would pull them two steps back. I repaid the pain and torture they gave Desaya back, ten-fold."

Nalani shrugged to herself.

"By the time my vengeance was complete, I found I had developed many friends, and a great deal of respect here in the City of Dreams. So, I have stayed. I seek every day to make the dream a place where even naïve dreamers like Desaya may come and experience the joy and happiness I have. I seek to protect them from dreamers that use them, lie to them, and betray them. I wish to make their stay in the city a dream, and not a nightmare."

With that, Nalani stepped through the portal, and left the Main Entrance.

Chapter 27

In a bed across the room from where Nalani slept, another elderly woman lay resting. As the moon crept across the sky of Cloudsbreak, its light fell upon her face, revealing a peaceful smile crossing her face.
