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<center>Lake Road</center>
<center>Lake Road</center>

[[Category: Dream Planes]]
[[Category: Dream Planes]]

Revision as of 20:26, 28 October 2021


Scorched and blackened earth spreads out before you. The gloomy sky hangs low and heavy, blanketing the land in perpetual twilight.
An ancient path, clear of ash, leads through the darkened realm towards Evernight Stronghold.

Connecting Planes


Harrow Glades

House Calenture

Cenotaph of Dread

Adjacent House

House Calenture

Plane History

Once long ago, Evernight Plateau was a lush and beautiful plane. It was full of trees and thick grasses. It was almost so thick you could barely move through the plane. But it's beauty was beyond compare to any of the planes.

Because it was so dense with trees and thick grasses it was decided that a fire would be set , and controlled, to help clear some of the lands to make travel easier on dreamers.

The fire was set and rapidly went out of control. The fires burned fiercely from Theshold Way all the way to Calenture Way. The fires destroyed what was once a beautiful plane The great trees were destroyed, the lush green grasses charred to a crisp.... The smoke and fire settled into the sky, forever changing it....

Now Evernight Plateau is bare and scarce. The fire that was set and intended to only clear paths, raged and ruined the beauty. The landscape forever changed.

You look upon Evernight now and you see no lush green grasses, no tall huge trees... You see charred walls, dead grasses trying to grow again, you can see the destruction...

Somehow, the great House Calenture, so aptly named, remained standing. However her walls obviously took damage from the fire. Her walls charred from the fire and smoke, but yet she remains standing, strong!

For a long time after the fires, Evernight Plateau was very dark. You could barely see to walk through. Finally huge torches were placed throughout the Plateau to aid dreamers in their travels through the plane.

Now that travel was easier on dreamers, more and more passed through the plane, getting to one place or another. As more dreamers explored the land, short cuts to Cenotaph of Dread, Harrow Glades and to the House itself, were discovered. These shorter paths made life for dreamers a lot easier and opened up some uncharted land to dreamers.

Slowly over time we've seen the dead brown grasses return to a slight greenish color. It appears as if there is some plant life once again on Evernight. The sky is no longer dark and smoke filled, but now a rich deep blue, with stars shining and bright specks of green and red light flicker through the sky. Some say it’s the evolution of the plane that changed the sky. Or maybe a self healing.... the damage from the smoke and fire slowly seeping away and the deep, dark blue sky returning. The sky is still not calm. There is still some turmoil there, as the healing has not completed. Evernight's sky still has a long way to go to return to a natural peaceful state.

Maybe in time, hopefully within our dream life, we will see her sky soften and maybe the land can be cultivated to allow for growth of soft green grass and big trees. The plant life in itself should drastically help the sky return to its former state.

One day dreamers, we shall see Evernight Plateau look like it used to....

The Unblinking Eye


A long while ago, Agoknights, Nightmares had appeared inside the City Walls. They had great powers & only by the Dreamers working together, could it be collapsed. But, its powers to restore was so great, they could not rid the City of them. So they came upon an idea... By using all Flame Arts & weapons at their own disposals, they were able to not collapse it, but dismember the beast & locked its parts throughout the Dream...The creature's coherence somehow has no effect in the Sanctuaries of the Dream so the parts were placed in the Sanctuaries. One part, the sole eye of the Beast, was placed in Evernight Sanctuary & was nicknamed "The Unblinking Eye" Another part, Found in Corrupted Way, is one of the Beast's Claws

Previously occupied by:


Coven of Eternal Whispers


Evernight Plateau Map


Upper Twisting Road

Calenture Way


Little Bridge

Rock Falls

The Great Bridge

High Curves

Lake Road