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Art - A learned ability that allows your character to effect other characters and objects.

Awaken – The term used to denote that you will exit the game.

Boundary Mists – Unpassable mists dividing the shards of cloudsbreak, dividing dreamers from each other in their waking worlds.

Chaos – Unordered material. May refer to the world outside of the city of Underlight, the boundary mists surround shards, or the unpredictable nature of some dreamers or creatures such as mares.

Chaos library – Information available outside the game such as guides, stories, and logs.

Cloudsbreak – Your character’s waking world. (Not the same as real life.)


Common tongue / Dreamer – The English language. Since England or any other country in the real world does not exist in Underlight, this term is preferred.

Dream Standard Time (DST) – The official timezone for Underlight. Corresponds with Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Elder – Game master (GM).


Experience – Points gained through many avenues including hunting mares, collapsing another dreamer, roleplaying, and performing tasks for your house.

Focus – A path chosen by each player for their character. The paths determine which arts you can learn, not your creativity or how you may contribute to the dream. The four foci are Willpower, Insight, Lucidity, or Resilience. You cannot change your focus once your character has been created.



IC – In Character.

Item genning



Newly awakened – New character recently arrived in the game.

NPC – Non-Player Character. In other words, a computer character.

OOC – Out Of Character.

Orbit - Gained by increasing your experience. Once you gain x9 (9, 19, 29, etc.) orbits you may earn the next orbit by tasking from a teacher.



Roleplays [link to roleplaying] – Scenarios in which characters interact. Some are on a small scale (i.e. the relationship between two dreamers) and others are larger (i.e. a cataclysm that influences everyone in Underlight).

Seneschal – A GM controlled character who is responsible for monitoring the leadership of a house and aiding in roleplays.

Shard – The plane of existence in which a character resides. Each shard is small, ranging in size from a minute island to the state of Rhode Island and is mainly agricultural, with very little technology.



Sphere - A level that is earned by satisfactorily completing a task from a teacher. 10 orbits equal 1 sphere.

Storm – Game lag.

Stormed – The game client or your PC crashed, kicking you from the game against your intentions.

Trance – You are AFK (Away From Keyboard).