Illuminate Front

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What follows is a brief history of the Illuminate Front as told by Jiovanni (former ruler of the Union of the Covenant).

The origins of the Illuminate Front goes further back than The Great Loss itself. Long before it, actually.

Some time after the City took shape and more dreamers began to pour into the city - those dreamers with not much else to do began to question the nature of the dream. From there, you can imagine the school of thoughts began to form from with two particular ideals took the dream by storm.

It began with heated exchanges, words being tossed back and forth in grand debates. At the forefront of these debates were Keminar of Faraway and Trinxan the Illuminated. It would be Trinxan's followers that would form the components of the original Illuminate Front as the exchanges began to grow more intense and skirmishes began to erupt throughout the City.

It was around this time that the strongholds began to take shape as well and naturally, some of his followers pursue these ventures. The Light and the Radiance, Illuminated Houses, would be allies in the absence of the maren presence and therefore no essence manipulation existed in how to deal with the personal remains of said would-be mares.

The fighting became worse to the point where a third faction was created under the direction of Moteq. That group would be the forefather of the City Guard, then known as the Order Patrol. The fighting came to a standstill in the midst of the Strike Offensive and followed by the Day of Savaging - the day legions of mares began to pour into the city and caught dreamers off guard.

The Illuminate Front almost found its end in the aftermath of The Great Loss. However, a handful of survivors lucky enough not to get caught in either of the rifts that cut through the city during The Great Loss returned. The Radiance and the Light were not the best of friends at this point as essence manipulation took center stage.

Yes, the Illuminate Front went from being a group of a few warriors and somehow evolved into an alliance between the houses. The Illuminate Front (alliance) grew to include the Light, the Radiance, the Entranced, and even the Alliance. The Illuminate Front went head to head against the FreeSoul Alliance.

However, the FreeSoul Allance was able to dismantle the Front after a great deal of misdirection, espionage, and countless battles but that victory came at a great cost. After that time, the Illuminate Front faded. It would seem after the Great Exile at the hands of the Royal Kadatorii Family... Zaxon and his followers took up a similar crusade. And thus you have the Illuminated Vanguard. ~ Jiovanni

(Transcribed and edited for legibility by Arnaya, Soulmistress and Journalist)
