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The History of MolashnoA

Histories and remembrances are a very valuable tool, as I have said, if you do not know where you came from, you will never know where you are going. My father’s name was RonaDell and my mother’s LinleE. These names were on the records that were found with me, though a name for me was not. Where they are now, no one knows. If anyone knows, they are not saying. I was, effectively, abandoned as an infant; nameless, homeless, and lost.

I was delivered to an Order known as the “Guardians of Truth”™. Here I was instructed in the ways of this Order: Honor, Courage, Loyalty, and above all, Truth. The one Guardian to whom I was entrusted was named Molashno. Molashno was a very special guardian. He had a way of cutting through all the lies and half-truths, all the façades of a spoiled, petulant, bad-tempered little boy with no name. He taught me everything I needed to know to become a member of his faith. Most of all, he taught me love friendship.

Molashno had entered Underlight mostly by accident although he would not speak to me of it. I would catch him muttering about “...HC and Dol ... they don’ t know what they are doing.” and “Someone has to pay ... damage is done”. Though he would never openly speak of this to me, I did know my friend. Something here in the dream was eating at his sense of justice, truth and honor.

This went on for quite some time. In the sense of brevity, I will not go into the details. Then I received the most shocking news imaginable. Molashno had gone mad. I went to see him, and what I found devastated me. My only friend, mentor, guardian, and teacher showed no recollection of me. The strongest and most courageous man I had ever known had wasted away. He was gaunt and bedraggled. All that I knew he cared for was gone: his sense of truth, honor and justice. I knew this man I had grown to love and worship was about to die.

That is the reason I have chosen the name MolashnoA. In deference and respect for the one true friend of my youth. The one man, who in his later days, in a brief moment of lucidity, had told me of Underlight. The one man who’s very life I entered the dream to avenge. The one man to whom I had pledged my honor and my life. I had the overwhelming desire to seek and destroy that which had cost my friend his life. I entered Underlight BURNING with the need for revenge! Someone had to pay. He was........ my only....... friend.

How little I truly understood. My first feelings were that Underlight itself had killed my friend. Now I know it only drove him mad. I first thought that all should die and be banished, dreamer and mare alike. I knew only revenge and destruction. I was going to be the Judge, Jury and Executioner of all. Someone had to pay, starting with the first person I met. Luckily, for my health and sanity, the first person I met was Cianne.

Cianne took me under her wing when she knew absolutely nothing about me. She cared for the unloved. She taught the ignorant. She showed friendship for one bent on revenge and destruction. She gave to the unrepentant. She said it was something she always did, and said it was no problem. She was a Saint. Saint Cianne.... she probably hates that.

She and her husband, Joram, with her mentor and friend, Midhir, have spent long hours on me, debating what we would call “religion and politics”. Suffice it to say they are most convincing. As I stand here before you today, I hold the same beliefs as you, and hope to be wearing the Emblem of the Moon very soon, as Cianne has taken it upon herself to sponsor me.

I have come to the conclusion that the Order of the Sable Moon embodies the concept of “Honor”. I have been treated as a member of the house, even when I was not. I have been tasked by 2 Rulers and numerous teachers, even as a Free Spirit. I have always been afforded the utmost respect and courtesy here, even when I had done something that was not coinciding with the house’s beliefs.

I no longer feel the need for revenge. However, I will always search for the truth and justice. I no longer feel the need for destruction. However, I will defend my friends with my very soul. I no longer want to avenge Molashno. However, I will continue to strive as he would; In search of Honor, Courage, Loyalty, and above all, Truth.

The second point of this story is to reveal a bit more of myself. As I have said, I have done things here in our dream that I am not proud of. I will not hide from these facts: I have acted without honor. I have drained mares. I have trapped mares and drained them for the xps alone. I have bent my will toward revenge.

These acts are not honorable. These acts are despicable. But these acts are in my past. I stand here before you, revealing these facts for a reason. I am soon to be initiated into this House. Knowing these facts of me, I will offer each of you here a voice. If there is one among you who, in good faith, because of my past, does not want me in the Order of the Sable Moon, I will retract my application for membership. I will abide by the majority of one.

Needless to say, I was overwhelming supported in my bid for membership.... as a matter of fact it was quite touching.... Thank you, family, for making me feel at home..