Pond of Reflections

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There was a group of Soulmasters in the Gathering of the Entranced, These individuals were the healers of their house and they followed a ruler, who was also a planesmith and dreamwright by the name of Cholok

Cholok had a policy of equal healing and aid to all in need. When the house wars started this caused some friction between the order of healers and the house rulers. As the wars heated up, more and more pressure was placed on cholok to heal only those of the house Gathering of the Entranced. Finally as Cholok could take no more, he and his loyal followers left the house. They wandered for a ways until they came to a waterfall. Working under the cover of darkness the excavated an area out from behind the waterfall and built a temple, this is why Cholok’s Temple lies off by itself, behind Hidden Falls.

They also turned other areas of the land into meeting places, healing areas that where peaceful and warm. What is now a gorgeous landmark was once a murky and mud-filled pit back before the great loss. This was obviously an eye-sore, so what was their new plan for this area?

The rebel Dreamers began constructing the Reflecting Pond during the first few years of house independence.. And it became one of the first landmarks built and completed in that time. In the beginning years, activities around the pond were very restricted, for fear that it would become a place for demonstrators. Now, it is even open to all Dreamers.

Just an interesting bit, the pond was completely drained and the floor was painted bright blue instead of gray, in order to make the water look clearer.

The Pond of Reflections is a spot in the dream that holds more spirit and heart than any other. With its rich history and mesmerizing view, it is an absolute must place to meditate.

~ Silverwake, who was a Guardian of the Gathering.. learned the history from Brosh.