Emergence Academy

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House objective/beliefs

The Emergence Academy is founded on the following principles:

First: Science, experimentation, and research.

Second: The fundamentals of solid, dream wide Diplomacy

Third: The notion of Free-thinking and the attempt to handle situations with an open, clear mind, after viewing scenarios in as many angles as possible.

Fourth: The desire to re-shape the Dreamscape in a way that it alters, enhances, and betters the Dreams of tomorrow. Respect the past, but focus on the present and on the future.

Fifth: We believe in the Weave. The Weave being the Dreamscape *itself*, it's energies, avatars, planes, and elements. We are all apart of the Weave in some way.

Sixth: That the body of the House has an opportunity to relay ideas, concerns, comments on House administration for consideration to the Cause's leadership.

Seventh: The concept of unity, as a well-oiled, and functioning machine free from stagnation.

Eighth: A House that takes stands on pressing issues that may affect the safety, and preservation of the Dreaming.

Ninth: A safe-haven for the Newly Awakened to come, and to grow and learn about the Dreaming.

Tenth: A Cause committed to intellectual excellence, and the spread of knowledge through experience, and by example.


Rulers: Shae

Guardians: Angele Valorian

Members: Kelosinna, Vill Valorian, Lunk, Parthos, Abbra, Pune, Syrra, Harley, Yarven Kreen, Krodoc

Guide: Ethan

Emergence Academy - Idoaclesian

Enlightened (Illuminate) Cleansers.

Plane: Basin of Stars.

Purpose: To Achieve Nirvana

The Emergence Academy is an institute of free-thinkers and paragons of the trade; teachers and students. The EA was founded on Science, experimentation, and research. It offers multiple paths for everyone to walk, in our desire to re-shape the Dreamscape in a way that alters, enhances, and betters the Dreams of tomorrow. We are a cause committed to intellectual excellence, and the spread of knowledge through experience, classes, and lastly by example. Our trade of work includes, but is not limited to: Blacksmithing, Planesmithing, Locksmithing, Military and Mediation. We are a neutral-based house, but will head to war in defense of our home or City, should there be a city-wide threat. Preserving our City is our first objective.


Our beliefs will be ever-changing, as our needs change. Our core beliefs will remain, but there will be room to adjust the charter on an as-needed basis, after a majority of us has voted in favor of said changes. We must keep current, and move with the City, rather than against it.

Nightmares: They are beings of Chaos – these are something that the City can learn to use to their advantage, whether it be for combat purposes (mind manipulation of the beasts), to leather their hides for armor, or any number of things. Although dangerous to tangle with the chaos, it needs to be evaluated further. As dreamers before us attempted, we wish to discover all of the weakened areas of the dream, close off the known areas, (such as spawn points, the DA, the Rifts, and entrances from the Lightless) and collect them for our use, or learn to destroy them, if there comes a time when this is a necessity.

Essence Manipulation: The Emergence Academy is Opensoul and neutral toward essence manipulation. Illuminates, FreeSouls, Imprisoners, Banishers, and Cleansers are all welcome. Our Prime, the Heart of Phoenix, is universal and has a function for each manipulation method. We do not judge a dreamer’s past, but only their potential for the future. Our home is all-encompassing.

Leadership: At least one of the Knight’s positions will be rotating, so that each trusted and loyal member will have the ability to join leadership for a set amount of time. If we are a teaching house, we are to teach the basics in leadership skills. It is a life-long skill that will raise the bar for each of our members, as they learn the finer aspects of leading, as in diplomacy, team-building, resolution of disagreements or house/city conflicts. Current leaders must make the decision on whom to choose, out of the members who wish to be in the Knight’s Rotation.

Emergence Emergency

by Arnaya

A couple of Dreams ago, there was an incident up at the Prospective Emergency Academy.

Dimitri's Discourse:

A piece of faded beige parchment, frayed on one side where it was torn from a journal. The writing upon it is purposeful and neat, but obviously scrawled by a hasty hand: It has taken me nearly an entire day to recover from the events two nights past. Up until then, it had all be just talk. Mindless bluster and carefully worded diatribes that, if I am to be completely honest with both the city and myself, served more to ease my feelings of not belonging than any sort of solid plan. We spoke in hushed tones at first, discussing charters and beliefs, hierarchies and structures. We spoke of recruiting; bringing back those from the past whom we wished would return and those we would draw into the fold. As I said, it was all talk. That night was not even set as a meeting. It was simply supposed to be more talk. More planning and an attempt to draw back one we lost.

I must admit that the idea to return Vampyro to the fold was not my own, but Shae always did have a way of making me see past my own shortsightedness. As I had told Anasina several nights before, ousting Vampyro in the manner we did was not right. He was a likable enough fellow, but our guide and several of our housemates had become frustrated with his rule. We were told, in no uncertain terms, that Shae and I take the reins or lost the Academy. It was done so fast, and done privately that rumors swirled for weeks how the mysterious upstart had turned the head of the once loyal guardian, causing her to turn on her ruler. I bore the burden of being the villain for the good of the house, and to maintain Shae’s good name. After all these years, I was sure that he still held a grudge, still blamed me for it all. We spoke cordially for a moment. Shared a bit of feeling on past events. It was not long before the proceedings were interrupted by Rukar. I’ve seen beasts enter a room without immediately attacking before, but it still takes me by surprise each time. I will not say that Rukar led us into the Celebration Hall as much as I will say that he entered with a purpose after warding the portal and we chased him in. The beast ascended the steps, made several gestures toward the hidden portal behind the stairs and attempted to communicate and, as quickly as he came, he disappeared.

I am still not sure what transpired in the Celebration Hall of what this city calls “The Gathering of the Entranced”, however. We began to speak, idly at first. Vampyro turned his attention to the portal into the Teaching Hall. Suddenly, Idoloclesian after Idoloclesian began to simply appear. As if being drawn to that house. I had just told that I wished this new Emergence Academy to act as a beacon to our people, drawing them to this new city and giving them a sense of home. It was as if my words brought life to my wishes simply be being uttered. I am neither a child, nor a simpleton. I know better than to believe in wish-granting faeries. However, as it always has been with the Emergence Academy, the will of the Song has a way of fulfilling itself.

It is scary, the way the Song does that. Puts the right people, in the right place, at the right time. If I dwell on it too much, it makes me doubt the existence of free will, and that is an existential crisis I am not prepared to delve into. Perhaps this city had it right when they named the stronghold Gathering of the Entranced. It was not long, however, before the portal that Vampyro was idly fiddling with caught fire, extinguished itself, and began to spin.

It was not long before we found ourselves in an unfamiliar room. It is true that we, in our time, had built The Tower of Light – it was operated by a series of pulleys, levers and ropes. In this room, however, stood a dingle panel, with levers, dials and buttons. It was a sight wholly unfamiliar to be. We stared at it a bit, with trepidation and awe. If there was discussion over what to do with the bloody thing, I did not hear it. From the moment when we entered that room, I heard something I’d not heard in many years. A melody that had been ever-present in the background of my most formative dreams. Something deeply missed, yet unrecallable when absent. You are both painfully aware of its absence, yet completely unable to remember what it is you are missing. The emotion is maddening. However, that is not the point. The point is that the Song lead me to the panel. This device of mysterious origin and unknown use. I am usually one to apply an abundance of caution to these things. I abhor the practice experimentation without research. This, however, I was unable to resist. Allowing the melody to guide me, my hands danced over the controls. I flipped switches, turned dials; all with a sense of purpose and understanding I could not possibly possess. Whether it was the Song itself, the Spirit of the Phoenix or just my innate ability to see the into the fabric of the dream, I was possessed with some knowledge of the device.

Or so I thought. The device activated the Tower of Light, turning it’s weapon on the façade of the Order of Light. It was all I could do to stop it. I worked the controls at a maddening pace. The panel caught fire. I am told I, myself, caught fire, though I cannot, for the life of me, recall feeling any pain. In the end, disaster was averted at the cost of damaging the device.

Now, if nothing else, we have purpose. We have a starting point. The device shall be repaired. We shall learn to control it and the Song of Ash shall be heard throughout the Basin once more. The Emergence Academy, the Jewel of Idoloclesia, shall sit atop the Basin of the Stars once more shining a beacon and welcoming our people back to this city while we strive to make new alliances with those here before us. A grand new era is upon us.

For the first time in a very, very long time, I feel as though I have purpose… and that is, I believe, the point.

~ From the Journal of Lord Dimitri Mathias Ursuul Raith




