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Art Statistics

Focus: DS (Major)
Cost: 20 Insight
Orbit Required: 40
Affected: Self.


10 seconds.


Provides the effect of Chamele, however offensive arts will not end the effect.

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke time.

Duration increases by 10 seconds.

Art Research

Unlike 'Chamele', where the evoker is temporarily distorted from view, Invisibility actually immerses a dreamers soulsphere directly into chaos, providing a physical link to the avatar in the dreaming world. In this state, the avatar is freed from the responsibility of concentration and as able to traverse the dream just as they were visible. Because of the true nature of chaos, the DreamSeer is only able to spend limited time and must return after a certain period, at which time the soulsphere is reunited with the avatar and the DreamSeers avatar becomes visible again.

Art History


There is no way to volutarily end the effect, once it has been invoked, other than waking.

This art can be countered by Vision.