Locate Dreamer

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Revision as of 05:15, 3 July 2010 by Sammywa (talk | contribs)
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Art Statistics

Focus: None
Cost: 1 Dreamsoul
Orbit Required: 0
Affected: N/A




Allows a dreamer to search for another by name. If the target is in the city, Locate Dreamer will return the name of the plane they are on. If the user is on the same plane as the target, Locate Dreamer will return the name of the room. If the target is not dreaming, the art will say so.

Locate Dreamer also allows the user to compile a list of names, which is saved. The entire list may be searched in one evoke, but will only return the plane that each dreamer is on.

Without the name of a dreamer, Locate can not be used to find them.

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke time.

Art Research

Art History


Mindblank prevents its target from being found using Locate Dreamer. In this case, the art returns a notification saying that the target has been mindblanked.

Locate Dreamer can be used on Daymares and Darkmares. If used on a nightmare, it will simply say "The nightmares are everywhere!"

Also see Sense Dreamers.