The Crystal Resonates

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The Crystal Resonates

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

Chapter 1

It was quite late and I was exhausted from the meeting of the FreeSpirits that had gone on earlier. I decided to wake and get some Dreamless sleep. But as I lay in the isolated dark, I heard a faint noise. Soft and soothing, it called to me, as the whisper of Nickita had many eons before. I rose and forced myself back into the City. Wandering aimlessly, it seemed, I knew I had purpose and soon arrived at my destination. I walked through Trinity until I came to The Cave of Mold. The Crystal clasped tightly in my hand, it was as though it was leading me ... guiding me to a place I knew all too well.

The Resonance in the Cave is incredible. The low ceiling and the shape of the cavern are conducive to hearing the slightest sound. I looked around, made sure my Mind Blank was operational and dared to set the Crystal down. I knew the exact spot, as if, again, guided. Others cannot hear the hum that it makes perhaps, or maybe they don't understand it. I didn't for the longest time. But as I sat the Crystal upon the ground, I stepped back in awe. The hum intensified and became so much clearer. It wasn't a hum at all, but a whisper. A whisper from the distant past.

I Chamelled at once, readying a Shield and Chakram, just in case my eyes deceived me. I prepared as if for a battle, but it was my mind listening to what I had tangibly held for so long which had which urged me to prepare. I sat down cautiously and gazed at the beauty of the Crystal. Somehow a light appeared (perhaps a crack in the ceiling?) that shone directly upon the exact location of the gem. Clearing my mind of the worries of the day, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes (Were they in fact closed? Did I dare take my eyes off the Crystal?) It was then I heard, no... saw the tale.

A dark room, triangular in shape, a candle flickering on a table in the center of the room. A voice, then she turned around. Ryassa grabbed her head and wrenched in pain. She had distracted the Master and her gaze fell upon its first victim. Blast had been born.

I must have lapsed somehow, because my eyes went dark. I used my Vision and was startled at what I saw. A Dark Mare, live, moving about, but not attacking. I grabbed for my Chakram and then looked the beast in the eyes. Evoking more Vision, it became clearer to me what I was seeing. The beast was surrounded by a barrier of sorts, not a cage, but more of a field that it didn't want to get near or pass through. I studied this barrier and noticed its Sapphire hue. Azure? Perhaps, yes, it was Azure. The beast was surrounded by a field of an Azure nature. I heard footsteps then and quickly looked over my shoulder. There, on the far side of the room (the only thing I could made out about the room was its golden tint) was a slender figure of a woman in a long, draping deep blue gown. Such elegant attire for such a dismal, poorly lit place, I thought. The woman turned around to face me, I was certain she would be angry that I was interrupting her obvious concentration. To my shock and horror, the woman walked straight through me and towards the Azure-encased Dark Mare. The beast roared with what first sounded like anger or fear, but as I let my mind hear clearer, the sound resembled more of erotic or pleasurable tone.

The Dark Mare's tone became more pleasant or content, the nearer the woman got to it. Her eyes were dark and intense, the deepest blue I had ever seen. She seemed to mesmerize the beast, for at once, it became completely silent. She raised her hands in the familiar position of preparation to evoke an Art. The beast almost seemed to smile. The woman set forth a nexus, but the color was unique. Blue as if for the Art of Train, but deeper and more concentrated, as if she was calling forth all her Insight into a single evocation. All at once, the beast was flung to the back of his enclosed area and he roared so loudly, that I literally feared for my life. The Dark Mare rose after a short time and appeared undamaged by the experience.

A contented sound emitted from the beast as the woman Staggered and fell to the ground, as if she had been held by some greater power and then suddenly released. I moved to her to aid her up, but as I went to grab her arm, my hand went through her body as if she wasn't there at all. Or perhaps, I wasn't there. After a moment or two (how long a time, I cannot be sure), the woman rose to her feet with the grace of a queen. Her eyes fixated on the beast and a strange set of utterances came from her. It could have been words, but it reminded me more of the sound that I had heard from the Crystal. I stared at the woman, trying to strain to understand what she was saying:

Dolcor Fumlosus Anigmus Astratus In Lusctu Sahum Sighno Sicgnum

My eyes were distracted by a bring sparkling gem, nestled between her breasts. The Resonance Crystal. There it was, on a small braided rope hanging around her neck. I know it was braided because the threads were a blue, a gold and a silver.

I was amazed and bewildered, and my mind was so distracted that I had not noticed that the woman once again had begun evoking an art. I knew the art this time, it was the signature of the DreamSeer; she was evoking Blast. Her evocations were so fast and furious that I could barely see them or have any idea how many times she evoked. I turned and looked at the Dark Mare to see it screaming, but not in pain, more that of anger. All of a sudden, the Dark Mare steadied his gaze and evoked Blast upon the woman. She screamed and appeared in some serious danger. But, instead of running or attacking back, she walked to a corner, blocking its view of her and laughed long and loud. As laughter often does, I found myself starting to smile and then giggle. It was then, that the woman realized that she was not alone. She evoked what could have been some sort of Vision upon herself (the casting glow was much deeper in color than the Vision I possess):

"YOU !!!!!" She screamed. "What are YOU doing in my laboratory?"

I jumped with a start. I rose to my feet as her Blast pounded me furiously. My Shield evaporated with her second Blast (I kinda liked that Tan Beige Shield). I jumped suddenly and hit my head on the ceiling. The stars circled around in front of my eyes, then I must have passed out.

I opened my eyes, and looked around in complete confusion. There I was in The Cave of Mold. The Resonance Crystal still in the exact spot I had placed it in. I placed my hand to the top of my head, noticing a decent sized knot. Quickly I picked up the Crystal, put it back inside its pouch, and sat there on the floor wondering what I had just seen. Pulling out an old parchment, I quickly scribed what I saw or think I saw. Have I gone mad by the hum of this gem, or has my Vision been extended to see what was?

My experiments with the Crystal will continue........

Chapter 2

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates

The name of this place is Syriand's Graceful Entrance in Ossuary of Dread

You take the Night Sand Elemen! You begin evoking Identify The Night Sand Elemen has 1 function and 11 charges Function #1: Change Stat - Stat: Insight; Modifier: +10 to 30

The confusion of the day, while welcome, was exhaustive. Seeking seclusion, as DreamSeers often do, I went for Home. Walking through Paga's room, I was reminded of a night, not so long ago. Shuddering slightly, I paid my respects to Ibn and Ghazi, as I always do, and continued on. The Ossuary is beautiful any time of any Dream. Crisp, clean air wisps across one's face, and one is practically forced to take in a deep breath at least once. Then, I hear the Crystal softly Resound. It starts as a very low hum, but if you listen carefully.........

23:02:13: You take the Berry Elemen! 23:02:44: You begin evoking Identify 23:02:52: The Berry Elemen has 1 function and 12 charges 23:02:54: Function #1: Change Stat-Stat: Resilience; Modifier:+10 to 30 23:05:15: Other dreamers may locate you now

The laboratory was in shambles. Small lumps of broken glass had strange fragrances floating above them. Sickly sweet begging the soul to consume even more. Tables overturned and shreds of parchment lay everywhere. There, in the corner, covered partially, was a dark figure stirring slightly. Again, I immediately Chameled and readied myself with my Arts, Shield and best Chakram (well, my second best Shield, the first taken in my last encounter of this nature.).

23:07:16: You take the Night Tan Elemen! 23:07:54: You begin evoking Identify 23:08:04: The Night Tan Elemen has 1 function and 11 charges 23:08:04: Function #1: Change Stat - Stat : Insight; Modifier : +30;

The figure emerged, a bit worn for the wear. Knowing the room, with its 4 pillars, I slipped behind one as the figure stood upright, dusting off while rising. The hooded head tilted backwards as if to smell the air around. Quirking the head, the figure froze in place, knowing something wasn't right. The Crystal glowed from the chest of the figure, almost lighting the face. A low chuckle, evil in nature and completely content, escaped the figure's lips. Pulling the hood more over the face, the figure inclined slightly, and walked slowly out the portal.

I stood stationery for a length of time, fearing more for the loss of my Shield than my own demise. I looked around slowly at the condition of the room. Without thinking (the room is one of my favorites in the City), I began picking up shards of glass and handfuls of parchment. Lifting some notes, written in a language foreign to me, I happened upon a small deep blue sack. Its soft hide-like feel conformed to my hand easily. There was a slight strip of the same material tied around the tip of it, holding the contents within. This strap laid across my wrist and seemed to wrap itself around my arm softly.

23:21:30: You take the Night Abyss Elemen! 23:21:34: You begin evoking Identify 23:21:44: The Night Abyss Elemen has 1 function and 19 charges 23:21:45: Function #1: Change Stat - Stat: Insight; Modifier: +25

As I drew the satchel closer to my face, what surprised me first was not the nature of the satchel, but the soft sweet hum coming from within. I must have had the face of a Trickster plastered across mine, for my heart began to race, and my mind went faster than I could understand. Without the least bit of thought, the Velvet Pouch emerged from my pack in my hand. The Pouch opened and the satchel was nestled comfortably by the Crystal.

23:29:29: You take the Berry Teal Elemen! 23:30:31: You begin evoking Identify 23:30:38: The Berry Teal Elemen has 1 function and 11 charges 23:30:39: Function #1: Change Stat - Stat: Resilience; Modifier:+2 to 20

I blinked my eyes. "Well, it's about time this gen kicked something out of it." I looked around. I was alone. The room was as it always had been, only, I'm speaking out loud. Yes, I was alone. But this is Home and I am safe here. Sitting back, against the pillar, I let my eyes rest for a moment. Taking in a deep breath, sickly sweet, but pleasurable, a low hum came from deep within my pack. A thought crossed my mind, and my instincts went into full gear.

23:39:32: You begin evoking DreamBlade 23:39:39: You concentrate for a moment and create a DreamBlade!

Drawing my Blade, I examined it carefully. The hum grew louder and my thoughts focused in on the gleam of the Blade. Was it some sort of trance or was my mind so well in focus with the shimmering surface? Matters not, I suppose, but the hum intensified to the point of whisper. (A whisper? The bequest of a wish may better describe the sickly sweet sound.)

23:44:22: This codex may be read 50 times more. Summoning inscription... 23:44:38: The codex was inscribed by Munchkin; it reads: Research 10 Lyran forged Blades--who forged them, why, for whom, who has them now, what are they? Then, create a story about a new Blade, describe this Blade and its purpose and the story around it.

The actions appeared in front of me as if in a play. One hand with the pouch and Crystal, the other with the Blade tightly gripped. Laying the items down carefully, I laid the Blade beside it with reverence.

The pouch was first. It was opened as thumb and index finger dipped inside. The Blade was dusted, causing a prism of color to fill the room. The Crystal was next. Once removed from its container, the gem began to hum loudly and vibrate with pace to calm and relax the soul. The Blade seemed to begin a low utterance as well. Something else was happening though, as well.

The prisms of light were flickering off the surface of the Blade. But upon visual inspection, the Blade appeared motionless. After a few moments, the hums and vibrations ceased. With no thought to any harm might bestow me upon picking up my Blade, my hand reached down. I grasped the handle and raised it to my face. It gave off a smell of being heated intensely. Turning it around, it seemed to dazzle to the point of blinding me for an instant.

23:57:57: You take the Cyan Chalk Chakram! 23:58:34: That's a Cyan Chalk Chakram; you need a skill of at least 10 in DreamSeer to use it; you have not yet identified it 23:58:40: You begin evoking Identify 23:58:48: The Cyan Chalk Chakram has 1 function and 30 charges 23:58:48: Function #1: Missile-VeloCity: Slow; Effect: None; Damage: 7 to 22

The feel of the Blade had improved in my awkward right hand. Silly thing, I thought, I can barely use this thing in this hand. I swung once thru the air and gasped.

00:01:28 At least one target must be nearby to use Blast

Blast ????

Not only did the Blade feel like an extension of my own hand, but I am reminded about needing a target nearby to use Blast? Impossible !!!!! An evil thought crossed my mind making me smile wickedly, and chuckle softly. I tried it again.

00:01:50: At least one target must be nearby to use Blast

Oh this is just too good to be true!!!!!! The Blade swung as if in my left while my right was free to target my Blast. I could not believe my own eyes! A whisper escaped my lips as a girlish giggle burst through the silence that surrounded ...... The Blast Blade. A faint Shadow appeared at the corner of my Vision. I turned to look ..... but it was gone. A wisp of a dark cloak and scattering of a breeze.

00:02:03: You take the Cyan Chalk Chakram! 00:02:05: That's a Cyan Chalk Chakram; you need a skill of at least 20 in DreamSeer to use it; you have not yet identified it

The Crystal lay upon the ground. Humming softly and vibrating slightly....

00:04:14: You take the Resonance Crystal!

Chapter 3

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams. The Crystal Resonates with Blissful Instability

Stepping into Chaos, my body exhausted and my mind stretched to its limits, I felt assured of Dreamless sleep. Closing the portal to my Dreams, my meager pallet called to me. The Dream is strong though and the Crystal is with me always. I should leave it in my pack, but I was entrusted with the Crystal. I braided together three strands: Gold, an Azure, and Silver. Fashioned around the Crystal, it rests safely close to my heart.

Again? Once again, here I was, standing in the Courtyard, pulled from Dreamless sleep into this place. Before me stands the 8 portals, 8 different paths from which to choose. Then why was it not a difficult decision? The Crystal hummed softly.

23:59:12: Enter the City of Dreams in the chambers of the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow. 23:59:52: You have entered Threshold, Gateway to the Dream City. 23:59:59: You have entered Sanctuary. Fighting is not possible here.

I looked around and saw Zevilone immediately. Oh good, I thought, at least I won't walk the Dream alone tonight. The "0" hour is always an eerie one and the thought of a GateKeeper, this particular GateKeeper, was comforting.

00:00:11: You Say: hi ya, zev. 00:00:16: You Say: wanna take a walk? 00:00:27: Zevilone whispers: any reason your skin's darker? 00:00:27: Zevilone: sure, where to?

Where to? I held the Crystal tightly in my hand, joined Zevilone's party and began to walk. The Threshold Pits found me, or was it the other way around? Who knows ... I continued on. Past the NightMares as if they weren't there. I reached the Armory and Blasted an Emphant. He seemed to scream with unyielding pain, as my powers were unleashed upon him.

00:02:44: Zevilone: You OK, Lacie? 00:02:53: You Say: Yeah...... 00:03:06: Zevilone: You needing to hunt, hon? 00:03:14: You Say: No.....something else here. 00:03:49: Zevilone: Like what? 00:03:59: You Say: The power in this room....can you feel it? 00:04:32: >Zevilone wonders if lace is feeling ok. 00:04:42: >purple lace walks to him slowly and stares at him blankly. 00:04:49: >Zevilone has sensed strange things in this room ever since he has been Dreaming, just never could really place it.

"Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond."

I could only stand there, listening. I could still hear Nickita, but now there was another. Shaking the scattered thoughts from my brain, I tried to regain my focus. The Crystal had called me to the Dream and I wasn't going to get any Dreamless sleep until I found out what it wanted to show me. Zevilone was talking to me about the Threshold Caves, but I could barely hear him. He speaks so softly, and the vibrations resonating from the Crystal were nearly deafening. After dismissing a thought (Zevilone COULD Deafen me), I heard him mention the Caves again.

00:23:41: Zevilone: So hon, wanna see what your Crystal reacts to in the Caves?

"Sure," I said, "I haven't spent much time there." There were a couple of Newcomers there, and Zevilone and I had a bit of fun with them showing off our "Arts". Then, as if all at once, I was inside the Caves. The majesty of Ceremonial Hall completely missed my eyes, the Merge to the center happened without any thought. I went through the portal into the Hall.

Taking in the breath-taking beauty of this hallway most run through so quickly on their way to some "adventure", I paused. I stared at the opposite and noticed the instability immediately. It took some doing, but soon I had shown Zevilone and another Dreamer the blissful instability of the portal. The other Dreamer (his name escapes me, something like Kong) noticed that the portal I was in front was had the same signs of instability. After a few moments, the newer Dreamer became uninterested and departed.

I turned around quickly and glided effortlessly into the milky waters below. Zevilone promised to return in a few moments, so I sat down in the waters, laid my head against the wall, and listened to the sounds emanating from the Crystal......

The room I see is dark, round in shape. The woman was there; her cloak must have covered her gown, because her shadow was black. She turned around slowly and I saw the Crystal, hanging around her neck.

01:23:50: Zevilone: Have you seen her before ever? 01:24:06: >purple lace looks at her own hand, ponders a moment where she put the gem.

It glistens and shines around her neck.

01:24:39: >Zevilone looks to Lacie's pack. 01:24:40: >purple lace opens her other hand.

The candlelight was bright in the room and her face was partially lit. Of middle years, her eyes glistened with a Jade hue, with a twinkling of Cyan. Her gown hung loosely off her shoulders draping across her like a breeze. Her head still covered by the hood of the cloak, but there were wisps of golden hair trying to free themselves from their bonds. My attention disrupted by a faint growl in the opposite end of the room. Knowing Chamele was now useless in this situation, I sought a corner and crouched down into a ball. Funny, I thought, I can defend myself against all I know, but here I am ... in a little ball ... in the corner. I felt movement in the room and looked up. The dazzle of her hair glowing in the candlelight seemed to make the darkness of the dismal room vanish.

01:31:28: >purple lace staggers a bit as her eyes roll in their sockets

My first thought was of my blade. My mouth opened and the words almost came out . . .

01:32:35: >purple lace whispers.......Blast Blade

I covered my mouth quickly and only a gasp escaped my lips. I studied the woman, holding my breath and remaining perfectly motionless. She seemed not to hear me. She was walking to the far end of the room.

01:34:16: You Say: The sound...... 01:34:25: >Zevilone listens intently

He came forward and met her in the shadows. I fumbled for my Shield, remembering the fury of her Blast. The pure Abyss Shield, I wondered?

01:35:14: You Say: No... Save that one. Yes, the Beige Earth....she cant break that one too.

The two figures became as one, in a passionate embrace. The Azure field was gone. I stifled a gasp. They spoke in whispers and laughed out loud, then looked in my direction.

01:36:47: You Say: Oh great ! They see me !!!

Feeling a bit hopeless, I Chamelled at once. The couple went to a table in the middle of the room. She poured some liquid into two glasses and offered him one. They drank it quickly and threw the glasses right at me. Both shattered over my head, showering me with shards of glass.

01:38:59: >Zevilone frowns a bit

I bit my lip hard as the slivers seem to slice my skin as if RazorWinded. Ohhhh yesssss.....they knew EXACTLY where I was!!! She then offered the DarkMare a chair.....soft and comfortable, much too elegant for such a hideous beast. He dropped into the chair casually and draped a leg over one arm's rest. Smiling and looking up at her, he wondered what new power she was to show him this time. Her eyes darkened and her hands raised in the familiar Art evoking position. Licking her lips and staring intensely into his eyes.....the nexus formed..... The room exploded in a roar as the walls shook to the bone, the blinding light was nearly white.

01:55:05: >purple lace holds the Crystal against her heart.

The DarkMare laughed merrily......smoke filled the room and the woman lay haphazardly. Curses and profanities bellowed from his craw. Instantly his nexus appeared, and then he was gone. Flames shot from nowhere, objects flung to the ground and that sickly sweet smell filled the room again. The woman stirred but did not rise. He threw his Flame at her left and right; she didn't flinch. Instead of rising to an upright stance, her prone body seemed to hover above the ground. Only a few inches at first, but soon her gown began to hang below her gracefully. The woman's head rose slowly, her hair scattered about across her face. She smiled and whispered softly to the non-visible DarkMare...

Neki Iomac...

As she rose slightly higher, I could see her necklace. The Crystal was barely seen through the disheveled strands of golden hair. As she uttered, the Crystal began to glow intensely.

02:11:03: >Zevilone looks at the Crystal in Lacie's hand.

First of the brightest red, deepening with Azure, finally, deepening, a dark lavender, then an intense violet......the glow was warm and twinkled through her hair, as if dancing.

02:13:23: >purple lace slumps against the wall, gasping for breath, her forehead beaded with moisture.

Chapter 4

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates with Unnerving Clarity

My thoughts raced by with lightening speed. Following my arm down to my hand, I was surprised to see that the instrument seemed to float over the parchment underneath. "Cool!" I thought. "At least, I'm getting all this down." I looked at the dried parchment, realizing these notes would have to be written over. A flash. Nickita? Why her again?

Awake. I looked around hesitantly. Darkness and the coolness of the night surrounded my pallet. There was no moon, but there was a soft light; a low echo glided on a cool breeze. I shook my head in disbelief. How can this be? Once again, the Dream had whispered. Softly at first, what attracted my attention though was that sickly sweet smell.

I stood in the Courtyard, tapping my foot. I folded my arms and stood there as if in protest. A smile took over my obstinate face as a thought crossed my weakening, furrowed brow.

8 Portals !!!!! I laughed out loud. Slapping my forehead and rolling my eyes, I shouted, "There's 9, you silly woman !!! ". I sat there laughing; the tears running down my cheeks. Turning around, I stood there a moment, grabbed a deep breath, and then entered the portal.

I stood there in reverence and curtsied politely (I think my mouth went agape as well). She softly looked at me; tussles of golden hair nearly covering her face. She smiled and whispered softly, "Welcome to the City of Dreams". I knew her at once. The Crystal seemed to dazzle on her chest. She reached under her locks, behind to her neck.. The Crystal dropped slightly, then came closer to me. Closing my eyes, I heard the low hum. A flash. I looked up quickly. The woman was gone.

"Oh Great !!! What am I doing in here again? Shruging lightly, "No matter, it's quiet in here, and I can think." I held the Crystal in my other hand and raised it to my eyes.

>purple lace enters a meditative state

JOURNAL ENTRY - The Crystal - 99/62 days before Loss

'In reading over my notes, I seem to have neglected to, or somehow lost my notes more analytical in nature. My quest was to study the gem (could have sworn I had those notes - I've been dropping notes all over the place though lately).

The Crystal is the general shape and size of a diamond. Though it is clear in nature and quartz-like in texture, the gem as a whole has an Azure hue surrounding it. When resting in the palm, much more about the stone becomes apparent. Whether it is the heat of the palm (or lack thereof, in my case), or some reverberation of the forces within the avatar (coherence?), somehow the Crystal will dither with vibrant clarity. When I hold my fingers around it, the tactile sensations begin as a hum, which grows into a soft whisper. When I focus my Insight (I believe that my location may be a variable here.), the whisper is loud enough to be heard. I seem conscious, but more in a meditative state, when the "visions" I have seen, unfold before (and inclusive of) me.'

With the faint echo of the meditation ritual, I opened my eyes expecting to have company. I turned to look, but it was gone. Giving up on my senses, I evoked Know to learn I was Home once more. After a soft sigh, and wiping my feet, I went in and found my favorite room.

I entered casually and was stopped dead in my tracks. The Bogram loves it here more than I, and now I have to Blast him out of here again. After a passing thought of the size of the Maren Language (the parts we DO know), I made my pallet and began my evocations to the gen-gods. I lifted the Crystal up slowly and began to study the facets.

I was struck Blind at once. Once I found some Vision, I realized that I was frozen in place and weakening quickly. I took off as quickly as I was freed, found cover and showered myself with my arts. Peeking over the boulder I was crouched behind, I counted at least 6 Dark Mares, and dozens of SoulSpheres floating about. I Chameled and readied by Invisibility, grabbed yet another Shield and took off after the weakest DarkMare I could see. Then, all at once, it seemed, they were gone. The room became silent, except for the low mutters of pain. The adults restored each other and wandered off in search of their kin. I, too, turned as if they had gone on to other such exploiting affairs as had happened here. A whisper... I turned around. The flashed glimpse I saw was that of one DarkMare holding a small child under each arm and running away. Reeling around, I saw a man and woman, running towards me crying and screaming, but it was too late; they were gone.

A series of images flashed past me. A figure approached, old and disheveled. His clothes were tattered and his hair hadn't seen a comb in months. My nose twitched at the smell of him, a sickly sweet odor begging me to take it into my soul. The only part of him of any visible worth was the beautiful Crystal he had, dangling from a worn leather strap that laid over his tattered robes. He motioned to the grieving parents, items were exchanged, and the Mage evoked an Art upon the couple. The couple thanked the Mage, and ran off, soon returning with their two bruised, but otherwise unharmed children.

'The Crystal resonates with blissful clarity. I find that The Ossuary of Dread particularly favors the Crystal, the two seem to be "at home" with one another. In Harrow Glades, the gem was barely audible and if I happen into the Rifts, however briefly, the stone reverbs with more of a screeching tone. Outside locations cause the light to refract off the facets causing prisms of light to dance all around. My son, Stefan, adores the Crystal, and he spends hours playing with it, either on the ground before me or in my ever-bulging pack. I'm not quite sure, but I thought I heard him singing (or chanting) a low ditty once or twice. I've asked him to sing it to me, but he looked at me like his father Dayride does, and mumbled something like "hrrmmph"'

Chapter 5

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates with the Whisper of the DreamSeer

The Crystal called out to me in the night. Or was it daylight? Can't be sure, but I heard it again nonetheless. Called not to the DreamState as it had before. No, the Crystal kept me from the City with the strength it possesses. It began with a song, more like a dirge for the lost, a tinkling of soft bells, and a voice softly crying. No, this was definitely different. It brought me a message. A call from far away:

"Remember when you were young, You shone like the sun. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

Now there's a look in your eyes, Like black holes in the sky. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

You were caught in the cross fire, With childhood struggle. Grown on the steel breeze

Come on you target, For far away laughter, Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, And Shine !!!!

You reached for the secret too soon. You cried for the moon. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

Threatened by shadows at night, And exposed in the light. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

Well, you wore out your welcome, With random precision. Rode on the steel breeze.

Come on you raven, You Seer of visions, Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, And Shine!!!!

Nobody knows where you are, How near or how far. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

How Long? How many more legs? And I'll be joining you there. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond

And we'll bask in the Shadow, Of yesterday's triumph. Sail on the steel breeze.

Come on you pusher, you winner and loser... Come on you miner for truth and delusion.

whispers.....and shine..........." (Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Pink FLoyd)

~Entering DreamState~

I took a breath, holding my eyes tightly closed. That smell, there it was. That sickly sweet smell, begging me to take it into my lungs. I paused, and opened my eyes slowly, expecting to once again see nothingness.

00:00:01: >purple lace smiles brightly as she looks around.

I grabbed the Crystal tightly. All at once, I knew, I knew EXACTLY what this Crystal was. I laughed to shake the rafters. The Crystal of the DreamSeer, one of many Forged long ago. These small, humming stones enabled the ancient DreamSeer DreamWrights to harness their intense abilities and channel them through these gems, thereby aiding them to create the works of Art we take for granted too often.

The Crystal is of little use to me now, as I am FAR too inexperienced or knowledgeable to actually USE it. The gem must "sense" this and instead, reverberates memories it has of others using the Crystal. These must be the visions I see.

The final part of my quest from Evander was to determine if it should be held safely or destroyed. I am a professional genner ! Of course not. I will hold it close to my heart in hopes that I may one day understand more than I do now.

I shall continue my experiments, though I think I'll hold my findings a bit more private.

99/51 days before the Loss


Chapter 6

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates with Stentorian Screams of Insight

As a continuation of my experiments, I watched my Arts carefully. I thoughtfully worked on improving my Chamele, Purify and Blast, with no success. Dream after Dream, and nothing, my Arts refused to improve. I suspected the reason, but had no way to test the theory. It was the Crystal. It dazzled and shone like a beacon, or perhaps as a warning. A warning I heeded, I knew what I must do.

The Crystal resonated with a sparking, inaudible melody from long ago. No one heard it, although a few had heard its hum, no one heard its true nature. But I had heard it, clear and plain. My own emotions were in turmoil, my mind filled with the situations around me.

I found myself in the Pits one evening, familiar faces around me, faces I had learned to call friendly. Brother Timothy and I were discussing the FreeSpirit Ambassador situation. My Chamele already at Very Long, it refused to improve. Timothy suggested that I allow him to hold the gem while I worked my Art. Timothy's been a friend since very early in my Dreams, and I reluctantly agreed. Had my strength and senses been at their norm, I would never have agreed; I would have seen the Vampire Slayer at work. But I was weakened by the events surrounding me, perhaps even overwhelmed by the powers of the Crystal. I handed it to him.

Once the gem had left its resting place, close to my heart, I felt a sense of burden lift from my Avatar immediately. My mood brightened, as did my expression. We laughed, and talked and had a bit of fun. A thought came to me, a thought of Home. Without thinking of any ill or worry, I took off and upon arriving at the Ossuary, it was if I was seeing the place for the first time. Trying my stubborn Arts yielded a surprise. I had improved Chamele twice since the gem left my possession, and I found later that my Arts were no longer malfunctioning. It was the Crystal. It was telling me something, I paid it no heed before, but then it hit me HARD. Timothy still had the gem, and I had to get it back from him. Now that I realized that I had held it too close to my Avatar, I knew that it must be placed back in its protective pouch. To wear the gem from the braided rope I had seen K'k'at make, (and which later I replicated) was too close. This is probably why K'k'at gave it to the Peddler, she probably didn't see the gem's effects when worn about the Avatar. But I understood.

As I waited for Timothy to return to the Dream, I did a bit of thinking.

When Evander held the Crystal, he made special note of the fact that his Arts were rusty and in need of practice. I was Flamed three times while talking to him about the Crystal. To my knowledge, his dilemma has been corrected, as I have not since noticed any problems with his Arts. Now, I do know that Evander's primary focus is that of GateKeeper. Only by the Trials of Fire does he possess the Arts of the DreamSeer. While high in level I'm certain, these Arts are secondary to his own GateKeeper skills.

When my daughter, Pamsweets, held the Crystal for a short time, she became entranced with its strength and power over her. Another GateKeeper, and although she is bright and talented, she is still only 2nd Sphere. Her Insight wasn't strong enough to manage the power of the Crystal.

When I placed the gem against the forehead of my newest born son, Stefan, the effects were noticeable. He treasured the gem, fussing irritably when I attempted to take it away from him. The effects became so severe, that Stefan eventually found more comfort in Chaos than in his mother's arm. He was gone, and without the love of his Father, slipped deeper into the Black Gate of the Void.

When Tux held the Crystal, the reaction was more normal in nature. Being a high Sphered DreamSeer, wise in his own ways, he examined the gem, studied it and returned it without incident. Tux has suffered no ill effects from holding the gem that I have noticed. He *is* DreamSeer.

But when Timothy took the Crystal into his possession, part of an experiment, his reaction was dramatic. As I readied to leave, Timothy's limited DreamSeer abilities took control. Being only 3rd sphere and having weakened his own Avatar with the powers of Soul Evoke, the only part of his abilities that functioned properly were his abilities to conceal, or Chamele. His own greed and lust for control took over his SoulSphere. He began experimenting without my consent, and continues to refuse to return it. As a long time friend, my immediate anger over his refusal to return the Crystal has turned into an overwhelming sense of pity. The Crystal has damaged his SoulSphere so severely that he is now unable to bear traveling in the City. He refuses now to Dream at all, for fear that his "heart cannot bear the pain". He speaks in riddles about lost loves and betrayal, but I know the true nature of his pain. The Crystal Resonates with Blissful Instability.

My own experiences with the Crystal are significant as well. The Crystal shows me truth, wisdom and the past. Showing me the beginnings of several Arts, the majesty of K'k'at herself and her love of her experiments with her ancient Arts, the gem also reveals the frailty of the Avatar itself. Any weakness is quickly exposed and maximized. While in my possession, I discovered the uselessness of Chamelling my true nature, quite a surprise for my peers. I was just on the verge of realizing the Crystal's true nature when the gem was placed in inept hands. This, of course, is my own fault; I should have sensed how weak Timothy truly is, and not let him get anywhere near the Crystal. But I considered him wise (he had taught me so much about the Dream's true nature, I looked upon him as wise and stable). He deceived me there too, I suppose.

As for the future of the gem, my Insight twitches at the thought of Timothy being trapped in Chaos, the Crystal clasped tightly in his angry fist. He swears that the gem has no effect on him, an obvious sign that the gem has significant influence over his Judgment. He doesn't see it; he can't because he just isn't strong enough to see through the gem for what it truly is. My attempts to reach his logical, analytical mind have failed, as have my appeals to his conscience and heart. He is consumed by the Crystal. It seeks out the weak. It preys on the un-Insightfull. K'k'at knew this as did Evander, that is why Evander chose me to hold the Crystal. Evander sensed my strong Insight and knew it would be safe with me.

As for my own well being, since I have learned the nature of the Crystal, I have a slight grasp on its nature and know how and what it was intended for. That secret will follow me through Chaos and I will hold this knowledge safe and close to my SoulSphere until my last Dream. Evander knows its nature, that's why he felt the need to part with it. Timothy cannot see this; his Arts are as weak as his Insight. He will perish if he holds onto it too much longer, but he won't heed my warning.

Chapter 7

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates Cries of Insanity

The Courtyard greeted me with a cold, dry stare. The Courtyard littered with a small tuff of fabric surrounding an object.

00:00:28 You take The Resonance Crystal

I glanced side to side quickly. A Shadow caught my Vision. Turning and seeing nothing there, I smiled. I knew what it was. It was time.

I don't remember where I entered. All I knew was that my impetuous boy had returned. He was here. Stefan wasn't ready to enter the City, but without knowing his Father, he was half empty. Stefan accepted his quest, to seek out his Father, and learn. I told him I could not follow too close, he begged me to show him the way. It didn't take long, Dayride's Insight is strong, and he saw him before I him. I showed Stefan around a bit, introduced him to friends and the Mares. He wields his Blade like his Father, same grace and smoothness and strength.

But there was work to do, and my time grew short.

"Like black holes in the sky....."

I wandered around a bit, whether to deflect my Trail, or maybe to try to discern my true path. I made two of these attempts, and when I arrived at the same destination, I knew; this was the room. I detest this room... dark, glowing, sinister eyes overhead; the room of the Horron. I ran right past the gens, and out onto THE platform. Zevilone and I had Merged down into the waters one night, I had granted an Art to a student from those waters. Standing on the edge, I heard a faint noise. Knowing where I was standing, I zapped a few Arts upon myself, Chamelling lastly. I looked around to find myself, once again, alone. Convinced now of my looming insanity, I reached for the Crystal. I raised it off my chest and to my face. It glowed a magnificent shade of Azure and produced the most alluring sound I'd ever heard it make.

The Crystal Resonates.......

I saw the Shadow fly, out of the corner of my watering eye. I turned quickly as the Crystal dropped from my hand, resting near my heart. I gasped slightly, for my eyes must have been truly failing me. A Shadow, yes, it was.......

I glanced at the waters behind the Shadow. They were completely still, quite unlike their usual ebb and flow. The whole room suddenly took on an eerie tone, almost as if you could hear the weakness in the walls. Looking back on my visitor, a finger raised up and pointed directly at my gem. A sound of death (or foreboding danger) came from the figure and I knew what it wanted. My Crystal ! It took a step forward, and I suddenly was overcome by a terrible Drain of all my Elemental levels. This was no Pain Aura; it affected every one of my Elemental forces! I Blasted at it immediately and demanded that it step back. It took another step and it was then that I saw a smile from beneath the heavy black cloak. I'd seen that smile before, but I didn't have time to remember where. I turned and tried to run. Paralyzed. `Dang Arts', I muttered as the Shadow came closer.

He reached out and tried to yank it off my neck. My fangs pierced deeply into his cloaked arm and he cried out in pain and withdrew. Then I saw the Crystal. It had lifted itself up, level with my shoulders, hanging in place as were levitating !

I grabbed the braided rope as the gem continued its upward journey, my feet left the ground as I hovered above the Shadowed figure. He roared with anger and attacked me with all his Arts. Changing Shields, I began to hammer at him with my small arsenal, a few effect Chakrams, and there's always Blast. I hadn't notice that the Crystal had been searching for something, the Shadow had my mind occupied, and kept my hands busy.

I heard a thought......."Give it back, NOW!"

I growled angrily as another Shield evaporated back into the DreamState, and as I was pulling my level 40's out, the Crystal found its destination, a small crack, not easily seen from the ground. With a force of 10 men, the Crystal yanked at me, urging me closer to this small break in the ceiling. There was a flash of light, the Crystal glowed as brilliantly as the Stars. The crack opened wider, showering my head with small pebbles and dirt. The Crystal continued its journey, while the rock seemed to yield from its placement. As I went up with the gem, the crevice in the ceiling seemed to enlarge just large enough for my slim form to ease through. It was as if .... but no, I don't possess that Art... yet.

I looked down, the Shadow, shaking his fist at me and muttering obscenities, seemed to grow smaller until I could barely see him. It was dark, but eventually there was a glimmer of an orange hue. There was some sort of energy field I passed through, for all the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as the light grew brighter. Without thinking, I Chamelled and threw on a fresh Shield. My Insight was sending me whispers that the Shadow may have been a better choice as an adversary. Then I smelled that odor, sickly sweet, begging me to take it in deeply.

The light then grew intensely brilliant and I was Blinded. A hand took each of my elbows; I was guided to a chair. There were whispers coming from quite far away, their tone didn't make me feel any more comfortable.

'On the turning away From the pain and down-trodden And the words that we say that we don't understand Don't accept that what's happening Is just a case of all the suffering Only you'll find that you're joining in The turning away (The Turning Away, Pink Floyd)

I must have passed out, because I woke to find myself in a small dark room. Shadows abound as I tried to focus on anything. Shadows .... nothing but. I see no portal, no door or way out, yet there is a light coming from somewhere, like the waters in the Rifts.

I send this message out as I have the others, not knowing whether it can reach its destination or not ...... Will there be enough time?

>purple lace whispers........"Remember when you were young?" >purple lace wraps herself in her Insight and Wills her message out

99/29 Days before the Second Great Loss


Chapter 8

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates Wishes of Home

I must have dozed off a while because I found myself on a small pallet. Small streaks of light escaped from the ceiling. My first instinct was to grab onto the Crystal. 'Good ! It was still there', I whispered. I sat up and my Vision began spinning violently. Steadying my head with one hand, the Gem in the other, I studied the small room carefully. Nothing! I saw nothing anywhere. I could make out the difference between Light and Dark, but everything appeared no more than a Shadow.

'Alright', I whispered to myself, 'I had to think.' If my head had not been spinning so badly, that would have been simple. I ran my hand over my skull until I found the problem. My fingers became moist as they examined the laceration. It was deep and untended. Groping around in the Shadows, I was searching for anything to use as a bandage or to apply pressure to the wound. Yes, I am NOT thinking, as I giggled a bit, licked my hand, and placed it to my head. I applied a fair amount of pressure, wondering why I felt no pain. After a few moments, I removed my hand and touched it to my cheek. My hand was dry. A DreamSeer Vampyre, yes, I had that ability, and it worked in this place! Leaning against the wall, I closed my Blind eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning.

I sat there motionless for quite some time. As my head cleared, my Insight sparked. Voices? I heard a voice, or was it two? I strained to hear, clearing my mind the best I could. Yes, there was someone close by. I fumbled blindly around me; my pack had, just HAD to be here!

'INSIGHT, Lace, use your Insight !!!' I gathered my arms about my waist and concentrated. My body turned and I reached out my hand. There !!! I snatched onto a strap and yanked it noiselessly towards me. Clutching onto the bag of possibly totally useless Talismans, I giggled softly and whispered, it works, my Insight works in this place! My Vision had failed, but the DreamSeer instincts prevailed. A rush of thoughts then rushed through my mind. 'Some Arts don't work, but others may, my DreamSeer Art works, and that's a start.' I was just about to reach for my Gem when I heard a faint voice whisper, "Lacie, I'm here." I evoked Deafen for some reason, only to discover that I had the ability to Deafen myself. Odd, I thought, I Know that voice. The effect dissipated, I heard him again. Yes, I am certain of it, it was Brother Timothy. A sense of immortal fear rushed through my being. He was looking for me and now nears enough for me to hear him. Fear became disgust, became anger, then fury. His words weren't bad enough, his efforts not nearly destructive enough, but now, it seemed, he had sought me out here, to use my current dilemma to further his goals. He knew where to find me; my only question was WHY? Was it my heart, my hand, my love he was after? Was it me he truly sought, or had he learned of the secrets of the Crystal? No, I was NOT safe here, but it wasn't my captors I feared, it was Tim, the Vampyre Slayer. I heard the melody he whispered, the song he had seduced me with originally, but I was wise to this scheme.

I heard his voice growing closer; my instincts went into a defensive posture. Free Action, Resist Fear, Protection, Vision, Chamele, and lastly, a Blade. There, at least I'll be able to say that I tried them anyway. Only using them out here would determine whether or not my Arts worked in this NightMare. As I glanced at my Blade-filled hand, a thought scurried by quickly, `Blast Blade'. Knowing the amount of noise that Blast made in the Dream, I realized I had only one shot at this. I deepened my concentration, focused intently at the far wall, and readied my Blade. Standing up and straightening my stance, I summoned my Insight, took two steps forward and swung my Blade at point blank range. The sound was ear piercing, the light from the Blast exploding all around. I Staggered and fell backwards, landing on the ground.

"LACIE", he shouted, "I'm coming to join you!"

I jumped to my feet and began feeling the wall. My eyes completely useless, but my Insight was strong. My fingers curved around an edge in the otherwise smooth wall, and I knew at once. Free! I was free! I grabbed my pack and ran like the winds through Totality.

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from hell, blue skies from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail... A smile from a veil, do you think you can tell?

Did you trade your heroes for ghosts, hot ashes for Dreams? Hot air for a cool breeze, cold comfort for change? Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a leaf-roll in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, how we found the same old fears. Wish you were here. (Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd)

Chapter 9

What began as a quest for improvement ended up changing my ... Dreams.

The Crystal Resonates Echoes Thru The Glades

I ran. My gown was in shreds and my Vision returning entirely too slow. I was in a different "place", for the dark Shadows were replaced with blinding streaks of white light. My pace was a swift jog, yet I failed to run into any objects, and what my feet touched upon was not much like ground as it is in the City. It was more of a murky, pliable surface, which seemed to give as I tread. After a long distance (it seemed), I finally felt secure enough to slow to a walk, and then to stop, placing my hands on my knees, my hair falling over onto the ground, and catching my breath. I slung my head back, hair tossing down my back. As I went to wipe the sweat from my brow, I got a start. My forehead was cool and dry. Odd, I thought; it was then that I looked up.

The first thing I noticed was the glow of her long golden hair, draped around a gown of an Azure hue. I squinted (not too fond of all this brilliant light about), and noticed the Crystal immediately. It seemed to glow and I could hear it sing from my distance. I touched my heart and gasped softly. It was gone! She roared with a laugh more the sound of the dead Elders from their graves. I dropped to my knees, and lowered my glance. It HAD to be K'k'at.

I expected to receive a severe scolding for my mishandling of her property, but instead, I saw her extend her hand to me. I placed my hand in hers, and she motioned me to rise. As I raised my eyes to meet hers, my mind filled with an infinite amount of questions. She whispered softly, "All in its own time, child."

She raised her hands, and formed a nexus. My senses were sharpened and I was able to see! Smiling, I thanked her graciously as I curtsied. What my eyes then beheld was wildest Dreams. I was standing in a place, which closely resembled Harrow Glades, except for one major difference. This place was covered in vegetation of the type barely hanging onto life in Harrow. In the distance was a most magnificent tree. Its base enormous - it had branches extending in all directions and the leaves were large and rather furry looking. There were some flowers and quite a few rather oblong fruits hanging from the branches.

"What is this place?" "You should recognize it, so like your Home, is it not?" she replied.

"Nothing of the kind," I thought to myself, "my Home is the Ossuary of Dread."

"Yes, oh yes, you do love the Ossuary, don't you? It's a beautiful plane. No, this is the portal Home." She whispered and smiled, as if remembering a fond memory.

She clasped onto the Crystal tightly and looked deeply into my thoughts. As she sighed, I realized what must be done, and the fate of the gem. Destroyed. It must be shattered. She smiled at me and told me those who cared for me most, and some with their own agenda, would assure my return. Then she whispered, "It is time".

"Wait! Please, if only for a moment!" I startled myself with my firm tone.

"Very well, then, you may ask me 3 questions, and I shall answer in the way of the DreamSeer." She folded her arms and stared into my mind deeper.

"Yes, and well put questions, if I may say so. Here are your answers."

A rush of heat blew past me, yet my skin became clammy to the touch and I shivered a bit. She drew her cloak tightly around her, covering her head with the hood. Flashing of light appeared all around as the Shadows drew closer together.

You begin evoking Know The name of this place is Evernight Plateau Exit, Harrow Glades

There was a fine dusting all over my gown, which now appeared in perfect condition, none the worse for wear. I touched my hand to my heart. As my fingers brushed against my breastbone, I discovered a small fragment of a stone embedded in my skin. Looking down, I noticed the sparkle and smiled softly. "It wasn't going anywhere now!" My friends and family were gathered all around; hugs, tears, and well wishes abound. I didn't see Berkana there immediately, but I felt her presence.

purple lace whispers, I see your talents are progressing nicely... Berkana smiles and looks at the fragmented gem near my heart Berkana says: I was afraid of that. But you are safe and here.

My darling daughter Pamsweets hugged me so tight she took my breath away. I looked at her closer and noticed how faint she looked. This concerned me; she must have put everything she had into the ritual they performed to aid in my return. After things settled down a bit, I went off to ponder what had happened, collect my thoughts. Three things I asked her and she promised to answer. Yet I spoke no words, nor did she.

DreamSeer fashion. She promised to answer in True DreamSeer fashion. The Shadows, The Crystal and The Stars. I longed to know the true nature of the three. I gazed upon the deep green glowing waters in the Rifts, and slowly a smile covered my face. Of course, yes, of course. DreamSeer fashion! I knew the Shadow, The Crystal will never leave me, and my suspicions about the Stars were confirmed! My path was now known to me, and I knew EXACTLY what must be done.
