Creativity in Tasking

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If every Teacher in the game offered the exact same tasks for different arts, both teaching and task completion would become very tedious. It is a real challenge for Teachers to continue offering new, original and imaginative tasks that may benefit both themselves and their students. Here are a few guidelines your character can use in forming creative tasks:

  • Remember that being a “Teacher” is a state of mind. Teachers shape the minds of their students and the Dream, and the formal art of “Train” is not necessary to do this. Ideally, students will also help shape their Teachers. Underlight is a vast and interesting place that holds an infinite amount of knowledge, and a Teacher is anyone who thirsts to discover that knowledge and impart her wisdom on others. First and foremost, a Teacher is always a student.
  • Consider the art level being tasked. The higher the art level, the more difficult the task. Spend some time reflecting on the difficulty of the task before beginning to formulate the task.
  • Spend some time learning about the student, her interests, goals and philosophies. Knowing the student will identify her weaknesses and strengths. Keep in mind the student’s familiarity with the game. This will help tailor a task to the individual.
  • Identify your character’s needs. How can the student be useful to your character? How can the student fit into your current role-play?
  • Try to keep up with in-game current events. What are some ways the student can serve house or game in the current political climate? (Or alternatively, what are some ways the student can create conflict and confusion in the game?)
  • Communicating with other Teachers can help inspire task ideas. Your character can ask other Teachers about borrowing their ideas.
  • One valid type of task is an open-ended task. This task can be as simple as: “Change the Dream.”
    • Onus is placed on the student to complete the task in any way that student feels is appropriate, and ultimately your character will measure her success. With open-ended tasks students have freedom to create their own quests.
  • Have fun! Don’t be afraid to offer a fun (In-Character) task. A student may enjoy hosting a pushing competition. At times it is necessary to seek the lighter side of Teaching.

Over time all Teachers develop their own teaching style. What style bests suits your character? Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find your niche. Be open to new ideas, and write them down as you think of them. Practice will make a Teacher’s job easier, and as you grow more confident in your character and her role, teaching will seem quite natural.
