Gazing Into the Nirvana - A Preparation of Soul
Gazing Into the Nirvana - A Preparation of Soul My tired soul... damn the fates for this exhaustion. Damn me for my foolishness in not seeing the truth sooner."
Little do I know that my little apprentices, Nara and Elana are looking into my room as I continue my incantations... and a portal appears in my tower room... I gaze through it and see...
...faces long gone but remembered, Dark Horizon, Cliodnha, Yasushi, Boethius, a shade... resembling Lord Orterio. Another shade... mother? Could it be?
I feel at touch on both my arms and turn to see my apprentices, with scared looks on their eyes.
Elana, the brusque little tiefling, her fleshy tail angrily waving said "Ye not be DARING to cross over yet! Ye haven't taught me how to be a proper lady yet... I don't want ye to go!"
Nara, the gentle blonde Aasimar with tears in her eyes spoke "Sire... it is not time for you to leave this mortal coil. Not time... please... remember your heart, your good times... forget the darkness of the past... start anew."
Elana hisses "I be forced to agree with the angel-girl. Ye best not be going... how do ye expect us to explain this to Master ZaiShane and the ArchSorceress Azalyn? I'd not be wanting this." And as tears welled in her eyes... "And I don't want to lose ye! Ye've been like the da I never knew! PLEASE, master. Don't leave us!!"
As I looked down, a few of my own golden tears fell unchecked. I nodded curtly then closed the portal...
...Perhaps there's life left in this soul yet... care to help me find it?
by Darion