Goals vs Purpose
Goals vs Purpose
As I travel the water Tunnels in the Basin..
I miss the splash of days of yore
I remember the Quest for Peace and Freedom
Is Less sometimes more???
I seek out the far edges of the Dream…
Can my purpose in the dream serve my Quest my Goal??
When others question your purpose, what does that mean??
Do not always let others determine the meaning of Full..
As I sit at the Far edges of Underlight…
I meditate on Goals versus Purpose…
Which path will most be right???
And I whispered into the dream “What should determine my purpose” And the
Voice of Knowledge Pierced the Fabric of the Dream..
“If a thousand opposed you would that make them right???”
“For who can oppose the forces that make a river out of a stream..??”
“But if you can ride in unison with the river you will win your Fight.”
by flash333
freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet