Locate Dreamer

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Art Statistics

Focus: none Dreamsoul
Cost: 1
Orbit Required: 0
Affected: N/A




Allows a Dreamer to search for another by name.

If the target is in the city, Locate Dreamer will return the name of the plane they are on.

If the user is on the same plane as the target, Locate Dreamer will return the name of the room. If the target is not dreaming, the art will say so.

Locate Dreamer also allows the user to compile a list of names, which is saved.

The entire list may be searched in one evoke, but will only return the plane that each dreamer is on.

Without the name of a dreamer, Locate can not be used to find them.

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke time.

Art Research

To talk of Locate Dreamer, we must also look into the workings of Mind Blank. There are roughly three different schools of thought on Mind Blank.

- One, that there is one part of our Avatar that is inherently unique in each one of us, but will not harm us if deactivated. If that theory holds true, Locate Dreamer merely finds the unique signature of the Avatar it seeks and reports it's location to the evoker.

- The second major theory is that our Souls, when blanked, merely report selective information. When not blanked they are analogous to an open book. If this is true, then Locate dreamer looks upon the spine of the book, to make sure it exists, and then onto the pages, if they are not blank, to see what the content (location) is.

- Finally, there is a third and more minor school of thought. It believes that when we evoke Locate Dreamer it sends a message to some sort of center Dream Control. If this Dream control has not been blocked by Mind Blank, it will report the location back of the dreamer in question.

So as you can see there are many theories but very few solid facts.

Art History

Small undetermined histories have spoken about the creation of the art of Locate Dreamer and the art of Know, two arts that are very similar. The best of the two is a parchment saying Wrensoul's apprentice created the art of know, because he hated having to locate himself and hated having to burn Dreamsoul to do it.

Now I found it very odd that the art of locate would have been created before the art of know. It just seemed foolish that one would have the ability to locate others and know where they were, but not to "know" where they, themselves were.

After further study, I had found the fact that the art of locate being created before the art of know was indeed a falsity. Deep digging allowed me to find that the art of know was not created by Wrensoul's apprentice but indeed was created much earlier by a descendant of Halek Tori, named Cognizaria.

Though I did discover and formulate what truly did happen to put Wrensoul and his apprentice's names in the history tomes we know today.

Wrensoul's apprentice was very lazy and often inattentive. He did tamper with the art of know and locate but he did not create either. In fact it is his fault Locate is not what it use to be.

You see, with Wrensoul's apprentice being as inattentive as he was he did not often follow Wrensoul as closely as he should have, and often times would get lost from Wrensoul when they were out doing their studies. He would then have to locate his mentor but the young apprentice only had a level 10 locate and at that time was only able to Identify that Wrensoul was in the same plane as him. Then Wrensoul would have to come looking for him. Wrensoul had suggested to his apprentice that if he was going to continue to wander off, he should indeed work on Plateauing the art. But Wrensoul's apprentice as I said before was lazy, and didn't want to put the effort into further studies of this simple art, instead he wanted a quick fix.

Wrensoul's apprentice proposed the idea of combining the two arts (locate/know) together, to make one ultimate locating/know art, but Wrensoul would not hear of it. He stated "All things are the way they are for a purpose, and you will learn that as your studies continue."

His apprentice was not satisfied and thought he could combine the arts on his own. One day the young apprentice wandered again, and took this opportunity to work his own "magic". He attempted to combine the two arts and upon locating Wrensoul in his exact location, he thought he had succeeded. Ecstatic he ran off to find and surprise his mentor of what he had done, and brag none the less. But Wrensoul knew better and tested it further making his apprentice try to locate someone not in the same plane as them. He found his locate to be as we know it today. Upon further studies, Wrensoul found that his apprentice not only altered his own locate but future teachings of it as well. Luckily Wrensoul discovered that it did not alter the workings to those who already acquired the art, for if his colleagues were to find out he would surely be a laughing stock and maybe even banished from the Dreamwrights Guild.

Wrensoul took this opportunity to cover the tracks of his apprentice. With another Chaos eclipse drawing near, He would use that as a scapegoat for the changes made. He did not want dishonor to be brought to his name or his apprentice's for that would bring dishonor to him as well.

He privately punished his apprentice by making locate cost an extra digit of DreamSoul knowing how much his apprentice hated that, and also stories are told of a more violent punishment but nothing is told of how or what.

Then he and his apprentice hid all the old tombs of Cognizaria and her works in the creation of the art of Know and the two rewrote new ones.

In rewritten recollections of the art of know the apprentice's name is simply left out, but if looking at an old hand written (by Wrensoul himself) parchment there is a large space before the words "Wrensoul's apprentice" so it appeared to look like this..... _________, Wrensoul's apprentice, as if the name of the apprentice just mysteriously vanished somehow. Some say it is the work of Cognizaria's spirit or magic, herself still trying to reinstate the honor and respect to the family name.

Researched by LovesLight


Mind Blank prevents its target from being found using Locate Dreamer. In this case, the art returns a notification saying that the target has been mindblanked.

Locate Dreamer can be used on Datoken and Darkmares. If used on a Nightmare, it will simply say "The nightmares are everywhere!"

Also see Sense Dreamers.
