Mission Pursuit

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Mission Pursuit

Hear ye, hear ye!

Missions are decreed by mission givers. These noble works will be set forth for dreamers to undertake, with the promise of a reward upon successful completion.

We shall make use of the grand library’s mission boards.You will seek out one of the mission boards within our city and post your mission, accompanied by a generic item in the retrieval requirement. The item is but a formality. it shall not be retrieved but serve as a mere placeholder for mission posting

Dreamers may then inscribe these quests into their goal books. Upon completion, they shall find the mission giver, present their findings, and receive their note of completion. This note will be given to the mission collector.

Should the need or want arise to amend a mission, you will visit the mission board, mark the old quest as complete, and post the new task.

To alleviate delays, house rulers may authorize a mission collector to enter their essence rooms to retrieve completed missions. Mission givers may provide a note of completion, and the mission collector shall collect the missions and deliver the reward receipt.

For XP rewards, these will be granted by the mission collector, ensuring that upon reentry to the city, the surge of experience is felt. If you choose to gain your rewards by meeting, then you will simply need to seek out the mission collector. Rewards may also be left in the form of tokens or chaos wells, depending on the rank of mission completed.

A Mission collector shall periodically roam the lands to personally gather missions and dispense rewards to those who desire it.

Mission Ranks and Rewards

Five ranks of missions are available, to be assigned by teachers and Master teachers:

  • Rank 1: 3 Items from Thornhaven’s Mercantile or from the mission giver’s trading post. (Item limit may be chosen if from the trading post)
  • Rank 2: 1 Full Strength Chaos Well
  • Rank 3: 150,000 XP
  • Rank 4: 250,000 XP
  • Rank 5: 1 Reward Token
  • Custom reward systems may be implemented by the mission giver. This will exclude the aid of the mission collector

Mission Guidelines

Only Teachers and Master Teachers may issue Rank 1-5 missions.

Only one mission of each rank may be posted at a time.

Students may turn in a Rank 5 Mission only once per week per Teacher/Master teacher.

All other missions may be submitted once per day.

Dreamers are to complete their missions independently unless assistance is requested.

Master teachers may be called upon to verify that missions are appropriate for the rewards given.

All missions should be given through Thornhaven’s library mission board or the Kingdom’s mission boards, which are interconnected.

Notes of completion may be forged or issued to students, ensuring that the teacher's name, student’s name, and date are clearly marked.

Teachers must keep track of dates for Rank 5 mission completions to ensure adherence to the weekly limit.

Mission Documentation

Mission giver's please record completed missions, noting the names of both the student and teacher, and the date.

Students will present this documentation to the mission giver, or mission collector for their rewards.