Rise of the Seneschals, Assault of the Datovok
Rise of the Seneschals, Assault of the Datovok
A young student, graced by the surname of an infamous tyrant as his birth name, scurries off to DKnight after receiving his first lesson, that nothing is what it seems... that expectations of a warrior find a scholar, and otherwise aged eyes sometimes show vibrance, even in weariness. But now, these words I gave him I give you all The Rise of the Eight, obscuring fate The ancient homes open once more, The flood turned aside, until ready again For the opening of the proper door.
A Lady of Legend, a Mother of Lore, Comes upon the Shadow's Door. With quiet grace, and insight divine, Once again we settle the score.
The wolf lord of lore, from the baying moon, Comes again to make the Sable swoon. With legion in hand, and hearts united, The Order will again open soon.
A Servant of Light, of youth and of old His strength again the powers have told. Illuminated eyes, of undaunted skies, On Illapse the Dreamers will rise.
A knight on high, by Edgeward skies, Made young by the Union's heart. Free as her name, Free as her soul, She returns to the place of her start.
A soul from times past, and mysteries abound, The soul of the Eclipse is sound. Mysteries do dwell on the Alliance knell, But all will soon come around.
The Crusade comes again, in service to the sane, Through this warrior's mighty blows. Through heart of this Illuminate one, The Crusaders will swell and grow.
The time once more, for the Free of lore, Of Calenture's Mighty Cry, To destroy the chaos, and conquer that threat, To make rise in Evernight Skies.
The Gathering of old, the Entranced of New, The Basin of Stars I knew. Quiet, friendly, but filled with spirit, This movement will be again soon.
Datovok, Datoke, Daymare, Nightmare, Surak, Erakar, Kohai, Vohai, Names banished from the dream eternal, Have returned to fight on high.
The battle will rage, the battle will burn The houses will rise, the city will churn, The planes will reopen and crack open once more, The DreamWrights will once again learn.
Fact or fiction, peace or friction, take these words as you go. Remember me well, as we all go, into the eternal wandering flow.
by Darion