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Art Statistics

Focus: Resilience (Major)
Cost: N/A
Orbit Required: 60
Affected: Target
Duration: Instant



Origin: Lyran History, Dreamer/Nightmare Wars Era

Focus: Resilience (Orbit 60)

Cost: Unknown

Duration: Immediate

Damage: Unknown if any

Effect: Uncertain, but presumably collapsed any mare within a region.


During the Nightmare Wars, there existed a great citadel which no longer stands, destroyed or buried beyond by the Great Loss. This citadel, whose name remains unknown to this day, seemed of little importance to the Dream. Most often reclusive and highly ritualistic, the Dreamers of the citadel took little to no part in the Dreamer Wars, rumored to have offered homage to many Free Spirits during that time. However, the knowledge for which this great citadel's SoulMasters passed upon the dream goes beyond that ever imagined by any other. The Day of Savaging proved most unmerciful to this House who suffered more greatly than most others in the dream. Seeing a time of need, the Master DreamWright Elder Klin Benfar created the first sanctuary within their citadel as an experiment, composed of ambient essence, preventing the Nightmares from enacting in their merciless ways. Held in awe, the SoulMasters of this citadel began to study alongside Klin Benfar in hopes of finding a way to permanently prevent the Nightmare from taking aggressive actions and harming another, even outside a Sanctuary. For a time Klin Benfar assisted to the best of his abilities. His assistance resulted in a roughly equivalent art to what it is today known as "Trap Nightmare", where as the Nightmare was trapped within a shell of ambient essence preventing it from harming another. Seeing his work complete, Klin Benfar went on his own way, while the great citadel's SoulMasters continued to study and improve upon this art. After a time, they found by directly transmuting the ambient essence within the center of the Nightmare's chaotic force, they could create what they described as the "Shockwave". They believed, that this "Shockwave" could prevent the Nightmares from entering the dream, by a theory still unknown to this day. Believing as they did, they began to distribute "Trap Nightmare" to the other Great Houses, unbeknownst to them the citadel's true intents and purposes.

Researched by Sind