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The Art of Sphere

The art of Sphere allows a Teacher to raise the sphere of an eligible student.

Acquiring the Art of Sphere

  • A Teacher may seek the Art of Sphere from any Elder Master Teacher.
  • The Teacher is required to learn the eligibility and requirements for each Sphere level.
  • The Teacher will be asked to formulate their own sample sphere quests for review.
  • If the Elder Master Teacher feels the teacher is ready, they will be trained in the art of Sphere.

Sphere Ascension Paths


  • A dreamer may take on a task from a teacher with the art of Sphere that will test their abilities and send them on a quest to earn their ascension to the next sphere. A dreamer, upon completion of the quest, must seek out sphere support tokens from their peers and bring them, along with their quest report, to the sphere teacher for consideration.

Sphere Ascension Tasking

  • Sphere 1: Should demonstrate understanding of the more basic functions in the Dream. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 2: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from interacting with others. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 3: Demonstrate knowledge that would have been gained from taking part in a larger event. This may be done in an interview but a Sphere Quest stating what was discussed must also be written before the student is granted the Sphere.
  • Sphere 4: LEAD a Large-scale event involving many others.
  • Sphere 5: LEAD or HOST at least three events involving many others. (Events can be a progression event or a tournament as examples)
  • Sphere 6: Event impacting more than one house or group. Should be documented on the public scrolls and usually requires 5 to 6 events to create the whole.
  • Sphere 7: Event impacting the entire City. This should be a significant event that will go down in the History of the City. Should require at least 6 to 7 attempts at what you are trying to accomplish. Documentation on the public scrolls is required for this sphere task.
  • Sphere 8: Dream changing event. Should involve the entire City and benefit it as well. The event should be extremely well known and just as well documented on the public scrolls. Several, at least 7 to 8, attempts should be made before the final result is achieved.
  • Sphere 9: The secondary focus path will serve as a dreamer's task for 9th sphere. Upon completion of their secondary focus, they may freely gather supports from their peers and seek an Elder to ascend to 9th sphere.

Sphere Mastery

  • A dreamer may master their focus and skip the need to embark on a quest. To master one's focus, a dreamer MUST have every focal art plateaued to their current sphere. Any focal art that requires membership in a house to evoke is excluded from this requirement. A dreamer who masters their focus MUST seek an Elder (rainbow halo) FIRST to verify their accomplishment and get a codex of eligibility. The dreamer may then use this codex to gather sphere support tokens from their peers. Upon gathering the required number of supports, the dreamer will bring the codex of eligibility and supports back to any Elder (rainbow halo) to be granted to the actual sphere. You do not need to go to the same Elder you got the codex from. The act of mastering your focus will count as the effort needed to ascend to the next sphere.
  • Ex: A Soulmaster that is Orbit 59 and seeking 6th sphere must have every Resilience art plateaued to 50. The exception would be Corrupt Essence as this requires rank in a house to evoke.

Sphere Support Tokens

Required Number of Sphere Support Tokens

  • 1st - 3rd Sphere = 0 tokens
  • 4th Sphere = 2 tokens
  • 5th Sphere = 4 tokens
  • 6th Sphere = 6 tokens
  • 7th Sphere = 8 tokens
  • 8th Sphere = 10 tokens
  • 9th Sphere = 12 tokens

Also see the XP and Sphere Table.
