City of Thornhaven

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A Kingdom's Tale

In a far away city of dreams, there existed a sister city, also known as a Kingdom. This was the domain of a mighty king and gentle queen. Their fates helped the destiny of their people.

This was not always their story, soon would come a day where their rein would prosper and mold into something fierce, yet beautiful, even though the kingdoms fate was always in jeopardy.

The kings backstory was one of strength. His youth was full of tribulations and trials. And even though he grew up in the harshest environments where only the strongest survived, he fought his way, earning the respect of those around him and eventually ascending to the throne.

Beside him stood the queen. She was full of grace and compassion. Caring deeply for her people and sought to alleviate their suffering whenever it was possible. The queen was born into nobility, but she grew with wisdom and a gentle demeanor that earned her the respect of all those around her. The kindness of this queen and the honor in her words often carried the weight of the kingdom.

Throughout their rein, the city experienced many hardships. The eclipses, darkmare wars that lasted years upon years, and even fighting amongst dreamers. Each time they rose from the ashes of the chaos and reined in the kingdom.

The kingdom expanded, until it stretched to the farthest reaches of the dreamscape. Even with the greatest of armies and the strength of its people, things were lurking and looming over. The fate of the kingdom did not rest upon the prophet, but his words would surely shake them.

Chapter 1 - A Queen's Tale

In the city of Thornhaven, lived a young princess. She loved to explore the city far and wide. She often spent days slipping out of the castle and going to her favorite places.

She would often be found down in the Lost Sea, climbing the ship. Or running through her favorite planes or skipping through thresh to get a glimpse of the newly awakened.

One evening while out exploring, she ventured into the Royal gardens. There, she found a hidden path covered in vines and followed it. As she walked, she heard whispers of a secret place in the darkest depths of the city.

Instead of ignoring the whispers, she strolled deeper into the forest until reaching a sunny glade with an underground castle. She entered only to hear a low growl voice. Her excitement faded when the voice asked who dared to enter.

With courage, she introduced herself quickly. And surprisingly, an ancient voice in the distance came closer. Though you could hear the hesitation in the voice as it welcomed her.

She spent hours there, with the voice in the distance, listening to tales of old, and prophecies of new.

Dawn was quickly approaching, and the Princess knew that she must go. She promised she would return one day, and surely, she would. For the fate of her future and her home would depend on it.

The princess whose name was reverenced among the people, and the daughter of the late King Therimen and Queen Asolde often sat by her mother's side, learning her ways and absorbing the knowledge passed on to her.

The city where she lived, Thornhaven, was full of so many mysteries. From deities, to prophets, and the magic that coursed through the cities veins. It was a realm where dreams collided with nightmares and chaos. With other citizens of the lands and their own dwellings and beliefs, there was so much to be weary about.

From a young age the princess was groomed to sit on the throne. Yet, her upbringing was far from that of being pampered. King Therimen instilled in her a sense of duty and honor, teaching her the ways of diplomacy, while her mother, Queen Asolde, instilled her with compassion and empathy for others.

Her father, King Therimen would spend most of his time planning at the round table. The grooming that he showed his dear princess, would not be the same as the people of the lands. For there was always division with the barbarians and outcasts.

But it was not just within the confines of the castle walls that the princess found her education. After finding the hidden way out, she wandered the beautiful streets of Thornhaven even more, disguised so her presence would not be known, listening to the tales of its people, understanding their struggles, and witnessing things that no one at her age should ever see. It was during these times that the princess would learn to become a queen who would serve her people.

The princess lived and breathed Thornhaven. She cared more for her city as a young girl than others that were older in age. As she grew, the princess navigated the politics with grace, and her words carried the weight of the kingdom with wisdom beyond her years.

But her journey to the throne was not without its trials. As she grew older, the darkness around grew fiercer. It thickened the doorsteps of the Kingdom. The darkmares, creatures that haunted the depths of Thornhaven, steadily threatened the city and its people.

The Barbarians, outcasts and secret societies often attacked the kingdom on whim. Leaving innocents harmed or struck down with the mighty fell art. The many wars and even the eclipse, it was during such encounters that the princess was truly tested.

With a sword in one hand and the courage that her father instilled in her heart, she stood against the darkness and chaos that loomed the city. Alongside her knights, she helped to lead the charge to vanquish the creatures that threatened the kingdom.

It was this act of bravery that set her place in the hearts of dreamers. When the time came for her to ascend to the throne upon her father's striking, and the wed of her beloved, there was no doubt that Thornhaven would be in capable hands.

Chapter 2 - A King's Tale

Matias awakened to the City of Dreams as a young boy, his eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. From the very beginning, he exhibited a fierce determination and an unyielding spirit. His early days in the Dream were filled with exploration and learning.

As he grew, so did his prowess as a warrior. Matias trained under the most skilled mentors, mastering the arts of combat and strategy. His dedication and skill earned him the respect of his peers and the attention of the leaders of Thornhaven.

By the time he reached adulthood, Matias had proven himself as a formidable force in the defense of Thornhaven. His bravery on the battlefield led to his appointment as a general. Under his leadership, the city's defenses were bolstered, and its enemies repelled.

During his service, Matias met Princess Rivin, a radiant and compassionate leader beloved by her people. Rivin was as wise as she was kind, and the two quickly formed a deep bond, united by their shared commitment to the protection and prosperity of Thornhaven. Their love blossomed amidst the trials and triumphs of their city, and they soon married.

Years passed, and the time came for Rivin to ascend to the throne. Matias was crowned King, their union symbolizing a new era of unity and leadership for Thornhaven. Matias stood by her side, offering his support and guidance.

As King, Matias continued to lead the city's warriors, ensuring that Thornhaven remained a bastion of hope and safety within the Dream. Through the trials of leadership and the battles fought, King Matias remained steadfast, a beacon of strength in the ever-shifting landscape of the City of Dreams.

Chapter 6 - The Serpents Eyes

The serpent often shared of prophecies within the Kingdom of things to come. Both old and new within the realm of Thornhaven and beyond.

One night as the snake slithered into the upper chambers of the Kingdom, he told a story of things he believed were to come or perhaps it was of something from centuries past.

His vision was clouded by doubts of what he had seen.

This was a vision of a magical time jumper that would allow dreamers to escape into other realms, and possibly points in time. It was an unpredictable source, and many dreamers would find themselves displaced.

The snake saw the dangers through prophecies, and how that if it were misused, mass destruction could occur.

In his vision was a glimpse of many dreamers from far and wide.....

Enchanted Beginnings - An Introduction

In the heart of the dreamscape of Underlight, where reality and imagination intertwine, Thornhaven stands as a testament to the wonders of the mind. Encased within the ancient thicket, a labyrinth of twisted branches and thorny vines, the city pulses with a life of its own. Atop the lofty peak of Mt. Illapse, where clouds kiss the heavens, a regal couple presides over Thornhaven. Their crowns, adorned with jewels of the past, symbolize the weight of tradition, their lineage stretching back to the very inception of the city. With watchful eyes, the King and Queen oversee the city's affairs, providing guidance and counsel to the great Houses and other denizens of the city.

Where the boundaries of dreams and reality blur, a sinister presence looms among the misty outer limits of Thornhaven. Here, the Mistborn dwell – eldritch beings born of nightmares and shadows, lurking at the fringes of consciousness, waiting to ensnare unwary dreamers within their grasp. Their monstrous mutated forms are mammoth in size. Twisted and grotesque, their appearance defies average comprehension.

Led by the enigmatic figure known as Riken, the Cryptid Collective often operates in secrecy, their actions veiled from the eyes of ordinary dreamers. Armed with ancient knowledge passed down through generations, they employ esoteric rituals and powerful artifacts to track and contain the ever-shifting threat posed by the Mistborn. Each member of the Collective is a guardian of Thornhaven's tranquility, sworn to uphold the sacred duty entrusted to them by the Primordial Elementals.

Shadows of the Thicket - Thornhaven's Dark Past

Long ago beneath the canopy of the thicket, in the depths of Thornhaven's ancient Garden of Life, another realm thrived unseen by mortal eyes. Where the murmurs of the breeze intertwine with the melodies of flowing streams, it was here amidst the verdant tapestry of nature's embrace, the Lesser Elementals found their abode.

These elusive spirits, akin to whispers in the wind and flickers in the flame, are the silent custodians of the elements' more subtle nuances. Unlike their Primordial kin, they bear no grand titles or solemn duties, but instead embody the caprice and whimsy of the natural world. Within their elemental gardens, these sprites gather, sharing a collective consciousness that dances between riddles and rhymes, mischief and wisdom. They offer cryptic guidance to those who seek it, weaving intricate webs of mystery and intrigue that entwine with the very fabric of Thornhaven's existence.

Just as the Primordial Elementals are the guardians of equilibrium, so too are the Lesser Elementals the keepers of nature's enigmatic essence, their presence a reminder that balance is found not only in grand gestures but in the delicate interplay of light and shadow, truth and illusion.

The greater elemental spirits are manifestations of nature's primal forces. Zephyr, the ethereal whisperer of Insight, dances on the wind's breath. Pyra, keeper of flames and harbinger of Lucidity, flickers with the intensity of a thousand suns. Terra, the steadfast earth-shaper of Will, anchors Thornhaven's foundations with unyielding strength. And Aqua, mistress of hidden waters and guardian of Resilience, flows with the resilience of a timeless river. Together, they form the Primordial Elementals. They command thrones of ancient stone, each imbued with the essence of their respective elements. From these thrones, the Primordial Elementals govern Thornhaven's equilibrium, their presence an embodiment of harmony amid the shifting tides of the dream realm.

In the dawn of time, when dreamers and creatures alike roamed the dreamscape in blissful harmony, the Primordial Elementals bestowed their blessings upon the Dreamwrights. With reverence, they crafted refuge for each focus, nurturing the seeds of Wisdom, Stability, Passion, and Strength until they blossomed into the sacred Four Orbs of Being. These orbs, pulsating with raw elemental energy, became the cornerstone of Thornhaven's existence, anchoring its delicate balance of the dreamscape.

But as the wheel of time turned and shadows crept upon Thornhaven's doorstep, a darkness stirred in the heart of a man grew to be consumed by ambition. Ogithus, his name became a whisper of dread upon the lips of dreamers, sought to harness the power of the Primordial Elementals for his own nefarious purposes. Through deceit and treachery, he ensnared the elemental spirits in a slumber, draining their essence through the sacred Four Orbs of Being. Thornhaven trembled beneath the weight of his acts of tyranny, and the once-verdant Garden of Life withered in the grasp of his corruption. Only the protective embrace of the thicket spared a fragment of its essence, birthing the Lightless Hollow, where shadows dance and secrets now linger like ghosts of the past

Driven by his insatiable thirst for power, Ogithus ascended to the helm of the Divine Summit, once revered as a bastion of enlightenment and wisdom. Guided by the seductive whispers of Sydrah, the enigmatic God of the Void, he preached a gospel of dominion over time and space. His charisma, like a beacon in the night, drew souls into the swirling vortex of his fanaticism, where sacrifices and rituals became the currency of power.

But as the shadows deepened and dissent simmered beneath the surface, Ogithus's grip on reality slipped like sand through his fingers. Madness, like a festering wound, consumed him whole, twisting the once-hallowed halls of the Divine Summit into chambers of torment and despair. Thornhaven, caught in the throes of darkness, teetered on the brink of oblivion, its fate hanging in the balance like a fragile thread woven between the realms of light and shadow.

As time flowed on, the full history of Ogithus faded into obscurity, and with it, the significance of the Primordial Elementals drifted into forgetfulness. They remained in stasis, distant from their thrones, as memories of their pivotal role in Thornhaven's equilibrium slipped away into the mists of time, leaving behind only whispers of a bygone era.

Contours of Now - A Glimpse into the Present

At the dawn of a new era, Thornhaven finds itself amidst echoes of uncertainty. The Oracle's somber voice pierces the tranquil air, her words weaving a tale of impending doom. She speaks of a Chaos Eclipse looming on the horizon, a catastrophic event poised to disrupt the delicate equilibrium of Thornhaven's reality. With a sense of urgency, she implores the teaching council to take heed of her warning, to brace themselves for the inevitable upheaval that threatens to cast their cherished city into shadow.

The teaching council, shaken by the Oracle's dire pronouncement, convened in solemn deliberation. Together, they vowed to heed her warning, to marshal their resources and prepare Thornhaven for the impending storm. With a sense of urgency, they set about preserving the city's history, gathering scrolls and artifacts, recording memories and tales passed down through generations.

A sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air. Amidst the somber preparations, a palpable tension gripped Thornhaven as whispers of the Chaos Eclipse spread like wildfire throughout the rest of the city. Each passing day brought with it a mounting sense of unease, as if the very air crackled with an impending storm. The people of Thornhaven moved with urgency.

Just as the Oracle foretold, an arcane time portal began to materialize, its swirling vortex a maelstrom of esoteric energy ripping through the fabric of reality, threatening to consume everything in its path.

As the portal widened, tendrils of temporal distortion snaked through Thornhaven, distorting space and time with their malevolent presence. Buildings shimmered and wavered as if caught in a mirage, while the very ground beneath their feet seemed to shift and quake with each passing moment.

The King and Queen, faced with this new and unforeseen challenge, rallied the people of Thornhaven to action. With all hands on deck, the Royal Guards ushered the citizens in closing off the inner planes. They erected protective wards and barriers, channeling their collective energy to stem the tide of encroaching chaos.

Despite their best efforts, the portal continued to expand, its voracious appetite consuming everything in its path. With each passing hour, Thornhaven drew closer to the brink of oblivion, its fate hanging in the balance like a delicate thread stretched taut against the forces of entropy.

In the midst of this chaos, the Oracle stood as a beacon of hope, her words of wisdom a guiding light. With a steely resolve, she urged everyone to press on, to hold fast against the tempest of time that threatened to tear their world asunder. She shared another prophecy: that their efforts would not be in vain.

And so, with hearts united and spirits unbroken, the people of Thornhaven braced themselves for the ultimate test of their resilience. For in the face of adversity, they knew that their shared history and unwavering determination would be their greatest weapon.

Also See

Percival Arrives From Thornhaven

