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This guild was founded on the ideals and principles of the Overscanners.

The history of the Stars in Underlight has always been a fascination of mine, since the beginning of my first dream there. They twinkle in the twilight sky; these points of light are forever stable in the sky. To me, they are not stars, but holes in the fabric of dream allowing Chaos to creep in and infiltrate our dreams. Beautiful, but dangerous. The StarScanners are attempting to repair the telescope to study them further; future goals include the naming of these points and the other bodies that appear in the sky.

I am a 6th Sphered, Freespirit, Dreamseer Master of Insight, as well as History Officer of the StarScanners. This unique combination provides me with the Insight to see through the fabric, even as far as to manipulate it, seeing the Dreamscape in its true nature.

I was called here by a lost dreamer, a permanent Soulsphere, who needed my help with her Quest. In exchange for my help, she showed me parts of the City and told me things that I needed to know to survive the strange, new environment. She gave me Insight into Dreams and their nature, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Without it, I would surely be lost.

A Bit of History:

The StarScanners began as a twinkle in the eyes of a handful of mostly Dreamseers, who pondered the sky, the Rifts, and the lakes in the City. We spoke in whispers and dreamed of a group of higher thinkers coming together to study and explore what is unnoticed by most. Since August of 1998 (as the Chaos calls time), we have met in small groups and pondered the nature of these beautiful points of light. As our membership has grown, we have received recognition by dreamer and Lyran alike.

While studying the Ring of Passage, our Scribe, Cherlia, was bitten by a Dark Creature when she entered the mound in the Rings of Passage .... nearly resulting in her permanent demise. We gathered around her and used our love, magick and Arts to save her after several failed attempts. This taught us to be much more careful .... to study first, and delve into these unknown places only after we better understand what we face.....

StarScanners Goals

I had a Vision upon entering the StarScanners. A group of higher thinkers who had come from all parts of the dream would come together, strive for a common set of goals, or ideals. These objectives were to be centered around the City, the Stars, and hopefully the Rifts. To be more detailed, the following list describes them further:

1: I would like to see all the clusters, as well as each of the individual stars (points of light?) named and actively taught to the Newcomers as well as those who have gazed at them for a long time.

2: I wish for a "mission board" of sorts, where the members would not only add projects that they conceive, questions they want answered about the City and the stars, but a place where they could go to find a project to work or field for research, or team that they could join.

3: These project results would then be used as the foundation of different quests (for art and sphere), for example, to prove or disprove a theory or opinion that was contrived by the SS.

4: I would like to see an in depth study done on the Overscanners, what did they do, who were they, their accomplishments and failures, and of course, where are the Lost Scrolls.

5: I would want to get Teachers into the meetings as visitors, to give them ideas on how to teach the aspects of the City and the stars better. They, in turn, would refer their students to groups like ours to learn more and in a more productive way than randomly searching the opinions of whom they can pin down.

6: I envision individual and groups of dreamers coming to the SS members, telling their opinions, only to be invited to meetings and forums of the SS to voice their views and tales to the group, thereby sharing information and involving in active debates and discussions.

7: I would like to see that all members go to their respective groups/Houses, to give reports of what the SS are currently doing and exploring, and giving gifts of appreciation to those who do so (recruiting and reporting could be rewarded by a gift of the week, like a great shield, or set of +35 elemens, or even energy). Members would come to the meetings and tell what they have done and the best would win a gift of acknowledgment. This would be detailed in codices that participants would receive upon taking on of this quest. The same theory could also apply to membership.

8: I wish for a weekly expedition to a different part of the City to be posted on the Calendar of Destiny as well as the bulletin board at the entrance to the Dreamstate. These expeditions would not only provide a tour, but a debate of the destination's nature and history. This too could be part of a quest for some of the newer dreamers, to help them learn the City, the stars and the history of the Ctiy.

9: Once the group had received recognition, I would hope that the Rulers and Guardians would come to the StarScanners to ask for a speaker to address their House or group on matters of importance and interest (this would be a great way to get more members).

10: My ultimate goal is to see the StarScanners mentioned in the annals of history of our City, a group who stirred the imagination and sparked the interest of Dreamer, young and old alike, to question all aspects of the City, and to formulate and expound on what has been started.


Imagination is the Key to the Fulfillment of the Dream. As a member of the StarScanners, the dreamer takes an oath to push his/her imagination to its limits and beyond .... to see what cannot be seen, and to contemplate what is seen to the point of understanding. We encourage all theories and explanations .... and welcome all questions and ponderances. To delve into the darkest, deepest recesses of the City, we shall uncover and unravel the mysteries of the City of Dreams. By exploration, the StarScanners provides new ideas and theories.

Purple Lace