Illapse Stronghold Idoaclesia
From UnderlightWiki
Shades of Truth Era History
House Facts
Plane: Mt. Illapse
Prime Artifact:
House Art:
This is the Dream Walkers Temple when it landed on Mt. Illapse from Albino Caves..
It was catapulted in the air..the whole place flew over.
Aston found the entrance to the Temple in Albino during a dig she planned.
That was originally an all elder house, that went to the dreamers after they blew up the Illapse Stronghold Idoaclesia during a massive explosion of the generator panel.
Fun Fact..When you walked into the Illapse Stronghold was just a cliff, you fell off, and landed back in Threshold way on Mt. Illapse.
And Yes, you lost massive dreamsoul in the fall. Many newly collapsed.
Memories from Liolira