Negative Elementals Umbrals

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Corruption of Balance:

Umbrals exist to disrupt the delicate equilibrium maintained by the Elemental Sprites and Primordial Elementals. They are embodiments of negativity and imbalance within Thornhaven's dreamscape, seeking to spread discord and corruption wherever they manifest. This is a general layout, but feel free to add more that fits their general theme.

Personality and Traits:

  • Shade: Umbrals of Shade thrive in darkness and shadows, spreading fear and doubt. They whisper malevolent secrets and sow mistrust among dreamers.
  • Mire: Umbrals of Mire ooze corruption and decay. They twist truths and manipulate emotions, turning dreams into nightmares of despair.
  • Tempest: Umbrals of Tempest incite chaos and upheaval. They whip up storms of destructive energy, disrupting order and peace.
  • Pyre: Umbrals of Pyre revel in destruction and annihilation. They consume and burn with fiery rage, leaving trails of devastation in their wake.

Also See:

Elemental Sprites

City of Thornhaven

Primordial Elementals