Bastion of the Covenant

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The Bastion of the Covenant guards over the barren lands of Edgeward Barrows.

Underlight Current History

UotC Initiate.gif

Currently Closed


The Bastion of the Covenant was not a traditional 'House'. It was a communal place where guilds could seek refuge, get established and further their goals. To be allowed entrance into the Bastion, a guild had to be formed and set up per Leonard's rules. If they did or didn't have a locale of their own, the Bastion provided the members of the Guild a communal space to meet, organize, hold events and seek aid from other guilds. The 'leader' of the Guild was crested as Ruler, and the Ruler (and the guild members) decided who would be crested as Guardian, but the ratio was based on how many members the guild has in it deciding how many Guardians would be crested. This is to allow the members of the guild to have access to Guardian arts. The Coalition of the Bastion was the ranked members of the guild. The Coalition would meet and decide any issues, settle any disputes and make any general decisions that a tradition house would face.

House Guilds

Screchethan Kabal City Guard The Chosen Phoenix Ascendency

House Facts

Plane: Edgeward Barrows

Beliefs: N/A

Role: N/A

Prime Artifact: The Guard's Shield

House Art: Break Covenant

House Roster


Rulers: Jade, Purple Lace, Nathan

Guardians: Frey


