Entry 23 - Back to Basics

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Many dreams ago, our great city of Underlight boasted a grand population of dreamers, great houses, and even greater legends.

The great houses were eight in number - each representing dreamers from different schools of thoughts and philosophies of manipulations of maren essences. In the history of our people, there were no greater rivals known to each other than that of the Dreamers of Light and House of Calenture. Some of the greatest warriors to ever exist within our City belonged to either House of Calenture or the Dreamers of Light.

The Dreamers of Light served as an Illuminated House with the noble mission of saving what they believed were the "Unawakened Souls". Through imprisoning the maren essence, it was believed they released the captured souls while entrapping the corrupt influences attempting to devour the innocent soul to gain form. They held strong in the belief that all actions within our city has equal reactions in their waking worlds. They held FreeSouls accountable to their actions as their beliefs directly contrasted and conflicted to their own views. They were 'mortal enemies' of House Calenture although the division between their school of thoughts began long before the formation of their respective houses. They held sovereignty over Mount Illapse.

House Calenture served as a FreeSoul House. They held honor to be above all things within the Dream. They saw themselves as guardians and warriors of the Dream. They held oath to defeat every nightmare that plagued the city. It became a way of dreaming for their ranks - and were typically the first line of offense for the Dream to fight back against the chaos that threatened it. Each essence attained through defeat of the host was banished in an attempt to reduce the chaotic presence within the Dream. Unlike the Illuminates, the FreeSouls did not subscribe to the belief that actions within a Dream could affect their shards. As a result, they did not believe in "souls" as the Illuminates understood the term. The Calenturians were strongly against Imprisonment as they believed such an act imprisoned the chaotic presence within the Dream itself. They governed the lands of the Evernight Plateau.

As time passed, more houses were erected throughout the City, each laying claim to one of the many planes in the Inner Ring. Some houses aligned with Calenturians under a FreeSoul banner while others stood with the Light under an Illuminated mantle. Alliances often shifted and were just as fragile as the foundation they were built upon.

Historian of the Order
