Join Party

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Revision as of 05:13, 3 July 2010 by Sammywa (talk | contribs)
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Art Statistics

Focus: None
Cost: 0 Dreamsoul
Orbit Required: 0
Affected: Target


Until party is disbanded.


The dreamers form a party. While in a party, dreamers can hear every thing said by other party members that are on the same plane, but not necessarily in the same room. XP from floating is also shared between the members. Party members are also protected from some area-of-effect arts if the user is in the party.

A member leaves the party if they travel to another plane, or exit the city, but automatically rejoin if they enter the same room as the leader, as long as the party hasn't been disbanded. The party is disbanded if all members leave, either through the method described, or by choice. A member who leaves by choice will not automatically rejoin.

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke time.

Art Research

Art History
