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Reclamation was a fantasy MMORPG in development by Lyra Studios. A sequel to Underlight, the game was intended to set players in a dream world and give them much control over the game environment like its predecessor. This would include allowing players to be in-game Teachers, who write the quests, as well as others in political and economic roles. Few NPCs would be present, and there was a heavy emphasis on roleplaying. Reclamation was cancelled after Underlight was shut down, although a new version of the original game called Underlight: Shades of Truth was rebooted by players and Ixios Development.


Lyra Studios announces Reclamation

Lyra Studios is working on a fantasy massively multiplayer role-playing game with a strong emphasis on role-playing. First screens inside.

By Justin Calvert on May 26, 2004

Los Angeles-based Lyra Studios has today announced the development of Reclamation--a fantasy massively multiplayer role-playing game in which players will be rewarded with personality points for role-playing as their chosen character. The game is currently in the pre-alpha stages of development and, according to Lyra Studios, will boast a number of features that are rare or unheard of in the genre.

"Our goal is to create, promote, and foster a dynamic role-playing environment, where characters are someone and where their actions truly matter," said Jason Kramer, producer on Reclamation. "We are aiming to create small, tight-knit communities, where role-playing is enforced and where players are given frequent and meaningful role-playing opportunities not found in other games."

Reclamation will be set in the Dream City of Underlight (Underlight being the title of the company's first product, released in 1998)--a place frequented by those with the rare ability to be awakened, who are known as dreamers. Monsters known as nightmares will also be present in the world and will even be controllable by players using a "pay-as-you-play" scheme.

Non-player characters, it seems, will play little if any part in Reclamation, with all player quests being generated by other players. Character types supported in the game will include leaders, followers, storytellers, warriors, teachers, hunters, mystics, and explorers, although it's suggested that players will be able to assume any role they wish in the game with a little imagination. Combat in the game will be first-person and in real time, and while player-vs.-player combat will be supported, it will only be encouraged through legitimate scenarios.





