Synteny and Jiovanni Wedding

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WishBringer: Greetings honored guests, and most importantly Synteny and Jiovanni.

You now embark on a most amazing journey, this is an important time for each of you, for now you will no rain from storms, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is but one life before you together in marriage. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and though all your dreams, may happiness be your companion and your dreams together be good and long within this City.

Treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness, and kindness that your connection deserves.

When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship - as they threaten all relationships at one time or another - remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives - remembering that even if you lose sigh of it for a moment, the sun just as lone, is still there. Love, is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your dream together, it will be marked with abundance and delight.

Will you please, as an expression that your hearts are to be joined together in love, hold both each others hands, and turn to one another to share your vows you have for one another.

Synteny~ I um...I’m not best and "normal" words to express what I want to say, so my vows are a bit different, I wrote a poem to kick them off.

The love that we share.

Is a dream come true

A love to cherish

For me and you

As our love grows

Like a flower from a bud

You are in my heart

You are in my blood

You flow through my body

Along every vein

Soaking deep within

Like the summer rain.

As we walk through life

Hand and hearts entwined

To the place of our dreams

Our souls are lined.

Line with lots of love

And sprinkles of lust

Friendship and fun

And total trust.

We will move forward

From this day on

With love in our hearts

We will be one.

I love you, Vanni, I always will, forever and always. I will always be there for you through the good times and the bad times, and will always be the Guardian of your Heart.

Jiovanni~ I have sought high and low to look for the proper words and I realize that was all but impossible to do. I love such as ours can never be captured by mere words.

As I looked through my old tomes one night not so long ago, a removed a book from our home's library, and right before me, it feel open to what I am about to read you now....

Synteny, my beloved. It is with the greatest joy that my heart has ever known that i stand here before you today so that I may swore my vows onto you as we grow steps closer to being united forever. Know my love, that there are some promises I cannot make. I cannot promise not to be without fault nor even feign to remain the same. I cannot promise to always be strong one, you know me better than that. I cannot even promise that there may be times that I may hurt feelings unintentionally, but I shall try my best to prevent that.

I do promise however to share my thoughts with you and to confide in you. I do promise to be supportive of you and to be honest with you at all times. I do promise, my love, to stand at your side and help you achieve whatever goals, dreams, and pursuits that you may have and to always try to understand you. But above all else, I promise to love you until the last breath of my last dreams and if even for just a moment, if possible, beyond that.

It is with you that I have experience the wonders of this dream and known for the first time what true love was. It is with you that I know I will triumph over the challenges in my paths.

But my beloved angel, it is your partnership that will lead me to the fulfillment of OUR dreams. Because it is your friendship, I know, will guide me as I grow and learn. It is your patience with me, Synteny, and wisdom that will calm me through my own restless nature. It is through you that I have been able to come out of that shell and able to know and understand my true self, my love.

I can never take you for granted. I cherish you with all that I am. I have chosen you in front of all that we call our family. Our sons. Our best friends. And our home. Those who have supported us and cared for us. I choose today to become forevermore the only person I will ever need. I choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our own hearts that beats as one and has been for a very long time.

I shall stand at your side in strength and weakness. I shall be at your side through health and in sickness, Synteny. I shall stand with you through joy and sorrow, pain and healing. But most of all, I choose you over all others, every day for all the days of dream, to be with you and only you. My love for you runs deeper than anything I have ever known or experience, Synteny. And so, it is here that I stand with you today with every intention of becoming your partner within this dream. May our dreams come true, because I love you.

WishBringer: Jiovanni and Synteny now have vows that they wish to share in unison.

I stand here today as I look into your eyes...

Knowing that we shall endure all that is put before us.

With three simple words, we know that is all we will ever need...

As we set about together...

United by a marriage of the true minds, I will forever say and know...

I love you...

Always and Forever...

WishBringer: Jiovanni and Synteny, as these rings are designed in the shape of a circle without and ending, they speak of eternity. May the substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing luster though the dreams. These rings you give to each other are the sign of your eternal love, trust, and faithfulness. May their inscription always be a reminder of the vows you shared this dream and of the way you feel for each other.

Synteny, take Jiovanni's ring, and as you place it on his finger and bind him to yourself, repeat after me:

>Synteny takes Vanni's hand, slowly sliding the golden ring onto his finger, as he smiles at him, looking into his eyes intently.

Jiovanni, my love: With this ring, I thee wed, and say to the dream, "This is my beloved, who I cherish above all others, and will share within my dreams, until the end of days."

>Jiovanni takes Synteny's hand within both of his own, he gently slides the band onto Syn's ring finger with ease, he smiles as the rings seems to fit perfectly

Synteny, my love: With this ring, I thee wed, and say to the dream "This is my beloved, whom I cherish above all others, and will share within my dreams, until the end of days"

WishBringer: Too often we forget the importance of two people in love, being not only joined by their love, but also united by their friendship. No relationship gives possession of one to the other - each person is absolutely different. In friendship or in love, the two stands side by side, raise hands together, to find what one cannot reach alone. Continue to see the greatness in one another - to tell each other when it is seen. If you accept the sunshine and warmth, you must also accept the thunder and lightning.

You have already come far, having dreamt together and handled the storms thus far. Many of the possible trials and tribulations that can affect a relationship you have already experienced. This is not to say that now is a time of complacency. Take what you have learned and continue to prosper and grow. There are no longer any secrets.

Since you have consented to be joined together in the bond of love, and have pledged yourselves to each other in the presence of the friends, family and guests here... I now pronounce you.... partners forever in this dream!