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Art Statistics

Focus: none Dreamsoul
Cost: 20
Orbit Required: 30
Affected: avatar
Duration: Instant


Translocate is a teleport art.

The dreamer evokes the art and will be teleported either to:

The Nexus in The Citadel,

Focus Guild Hall (if member)

House (if member)

The Teaching Guild if Master Teacher

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke time.

Art Research

The caster can only Translocate to places they aren't already located in. For example, if a caster is in Threshold, he/she cannot Translocate to The Nexus, as it's very close to Threshold. Similarly, if the Caster is on the same plane as their desired destination, that plane's option won't appear. There are rooms within the dream where Translocate will fail each time you evoke it.

Art History

Originally, during the Idoaclesia Era, the Art of 'Teleport Nexus' was originally granted upon becoming a Guardian or Ruler of a House. This Art was Dreamsoul in nature, but originally might not have had a cost (0 Dreamsoul). This was modified to allow all Dreamers to obtain the Art and may have even gone as far as being a "birth art", or an Art all Dreamers received upon first attaining the Dreamstate. The original Art allowed the caster to go The Nexus only.

The art was re found during the Clash of Dreams Era and incorporated with the art Guild House to form the art we know today as Translocate. The art today offers more options to choose from when evoking the art.


Beware of your surroundings, Translocate will fail in certain rooms.