Yissen Cleric

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Yissen Cleric


Notes: The Coven of Echt by Sadara

"The Darkness created dimensions of Underlight in order to manipulate his brother’s faithful right under his nose. In doing so, the Darkness accumulated his own following that later became the Coven of Echt. Due to the Coven’s experiments, time itself started to fracture and created a loop." - Thea Bloom, the Radiance Creed.

Reminder: The Yissen Cleric is Thea Bloom before her memories were restored.

Yissen Cleric: Those hooded figures are the Coven. Yissen Cleric: The same as you saw in the earlier vision. ... You Say: Breena and Kalideo are in the Coven then possibly? You Say: No That is different! You Say: The Coven of Secrets, completly different ... Yissen Cleric: There is no way you could have encountered those...people. Ashlynne: the coven of Echt Ashlynne: or how ever you say it You Say: Wait so Breena and Kaliedo were? what? Yissen Cleric: I don't know who those people are ... You Say: Do you possibly have a name for any of the Coven members? Yissen Cleric: The Coven of the Echt are the - or they were - the dreamers who made all of us into what we are now. Yissen Cleric: No. ... Yissen Cleric: It would be hard to guess. We have relived this cycle so many times, each time lasts hundreds of years. ... Yissen Cleric: They made her into the form she is now...that seems to have changed the cycle. Yissen Cleric: It seems they learned how to do this recently. ... Yissen Cleric: It is omnipotent when contained in the Lower Palisade. The more it ventures forth from there. The more changes it tries to maintain....the more spread out its power must be. Yissen Cleric: The more of your City it destroys and corrupts, the weaker it will be in Lower Palisade. Yissen Cleric: We have never gotten it right, but the way to destroy the Darkness is to let it destroy part of you without consuming you fully. ... Yissen Cleric: You asked a question earlier, about the time we almost won. Or we think we almost won. Yissen Cleric: We made it to the Dark Altar. Our sister was restored and empowered. The Darkness was spread so thin, we could barely find a Sanctuary when not attacking. Yissen Cleric: She ascended the Altar, but Yissen within our own ranks turned on us and Struck her. Yissen Cleric: We had never accounted for our own brethren to side with The Darkness in the final moment. They must have been planning it all along. ... Yissen Cleric: Our deepest pasts and secerts are hidden even to us, stripped away and manipulated with deception by the Coven of the Echt. ... Yissen Cleric: Our lifeforce is sustained by The Darkness. Our mortal selves died many eons ago. Yissen Cleric: But maybe that isn't true. ... Alina Sedros: Each time, the Coven tweaks my power, my memories, my experiences...trying to find the perfect equation to get me to usher in the Apocalypse. Alina Sedros: This time, they noticed your Revenants and made me into one. It changed the cycle. We can break it, finally. Alina Sedros: But so can they. ... Alina Sedros: I can't be trusted. The Yissen would end up falling to me. Kanto doesn't have the stomach to Strike. ... Alina Sedros: An Echten is created by killing someone and imbuing them with Darkness. ... Alina Sedros: I want to believe it is The Darkness trying to scare us, to keep us out of Lower Pallisade. Alina Sedros: No...well, not really. Alina Sedros: They are the Coven. They can harness the Darkness and collapse the Dream itself. Alina Sedros: Think of every Elder you've ever known, combined, and multiplied by a thousand. Alina Sedros: If you see a human member of the Coven, you have maybe four minutes to live. Alina Sedros: They wear hooded robes. The High Priest, an old woman, and a young boy. Alina Sedros: If *I* felt the Coven within this City, I would give up. ....