Tribe of Predilection

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A short walk up Umbric Plains will connect you to the stronghold Tribe of Predilection

Shades of Truth Era History

KoES Initiate.gif

House Facts

Artifact: Essence of Being

House Roster

Ruler: Vampyro

Guardian: Shae

Initiate: Dina, Krodoc, Belom, Damia, Perun

House History

Tribe of Predilection was a stronghold during the Idoaclesia Era.

The Essence of Being was the house artifact of the Tribe of Predilection.

At its creation, Vampyro placed into it the soul essence of Nyjiman, elder of Umbric and a man he admired greatly.

At the initiation of a new member of the Tribe, a goal or dream was placed into the prime, to be safeguarded by Nyjiman.



