Main Page

From UnderlightWiki
Revision as of 17:27, 13 September 2007 by DiscoWay (talk | contribs)
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The Date is Sunday, June 2. 2024.

Welcome to Underlight Shades of Truth's Chaos Library

Past and Present Underlight entries (Okay)
In Character or Out of Character (Okay)

Dream Play & Mechanics
Foci | Arts | Talismen | Mares | Dreamer's Guide

Present Houses & Beliefs

Lore, History and Biography
Dream Lore | Planes | Dreamer Biographies

Rules & Wiki Guides
Rules | Chaos Library | Article Creation Guide
(This menu will mold to new codices as they are made)


The site is open for creating new codices. Please visit the Article Creation Guide link above to figure out how these pages are made. Even if you do not understand the syntax, just create a page, type out your text, then submit it. Eventually someone who does will come along and file it in its proper place. All recently added codices and edits will appear in the "Recent Changes" under the Navigation box on the left. Moreover, if you see a grammar mistake or spelling error that you just have to correct, go for it. Edit to your heart's content, but please make sure you respect the rules.

To-do List:

  • Main Menu with categories to choose from (Still working on the categories)
  • Continue work on the help section


Dreamer Articles Needed

The red links listed below are suggested codices that haven't been made yet. If you would like to take on any of these, just click the red link, then click the create page link. Some of them are actual topics from the forums. I figured I would list em here to try and promote the codex making process. Many of these codices will be tied to a main category codex in the days to come. So if it seems like there is no organization yet, don't worry, there will be.

Tasks Completed

Users have currently contributed 974 articles.