Chaos Chakram

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The Chaos Chakram may have found its way back into the dream. We must make sure that the Dark forces of the Mares never find the Chaos Chakram.

From what I understand, it all took place around the time of the Dreamers Wars. And was created, not by Dark Mares as we first thought, but was created by the Entropy Coalition.

Darkan and Anarakis were both members of the Entropy Coalition. And this took place in their first experiments at summoning Nightmares. The Chaos Chakram was really their first attempt at all this right at the end of the Dreamers Wars. The Entropy Coalition had discovered how to harness the power of the chaos rampant outside of the dream's walls. Their first experiments involved pulling small bits of chaos in and experimenting with it. As the Dreamers Wars raged on, DreamStrike emerged, and The Entropy Coalition wanted this great power for themselves. The only way that they could accomplish it without the aid of a Dreamstrike Master was through the use of Chaos....

Now, Dartan had a young girlfriend who had no knowledge of his involvement in the Entropy Coalition. She was a young member of the Alliance in the older days. The Entropy Coalition used Dartan to entice her to them, and then sought to destroy her avatar, and use her to pervert her soulsphere with create their tool. Of course, they didn't tell Dartan of this. They just told him that they needed her for an experiment, and being the devoted Coalitionist that Dartan was, he obeyed. But, he truly loved his girlfriend. And as the Coalition failed, in their attempt, and instead of creating an item for her ended up perverting her being and weakening her grasp on the dream, and infusing chaos in, converted her to one of the first Nightmares to grace the dream. With her strength, and power as a dreamer, combined with the forces of chaos. She became a Dark Mare that was truly a force to reckon with. Especially since she was the first Dark Mare anyone had ever seen in the City.

The entire thing enraged Dartan and he had pretty much gone batty in the process. He devoted his dream to hunting her down, trying to kill her, or, to at least destroy her and damage her enough to get rid of the taint of Chaos. He finally got the aid of the Dreamstrike Masters and was able to corner her, and delay her long enough for them to evoke Dreamstrike, and destroy her completely. Dartan took her soul essence and with the aid of a DreamStrike Master, converted it to a talisman with the strength of the Mare that the essence had belonged to. A Chakram, that had the ability of Dreamstrike.

Dartan, then disappeared into the dream for a long period and many thought that he had left completely, until one day, he crashed a meeting of the Entropy Coalition and began firing his chakram at everyone destroying and Dreamstriking a great many of the Entropy Coalition. But in the end they overcame him and took as their prize his Chaos Chakram. They used the forces of Chaos, seeking to improve it even more. As with is always true with Chaos it didn't work out as they planned. The Chakram is indeed still powerful and does still posses Dreamstrike capabilities however, do to the large amounts of Chaos induced into this Talisman only creatures of Choas can unlock its powers. For us Dreamers, it does nothing and can in fact harm us.

Can we seek a way to find it and fix it and make it so that Dreamers can use it we even dare want to find it? It is truly a very powerful artifact. It would make a powerful weapon for the Dark Mares. It appears to be powered by Dreamer Essences. As dreamers we can not tell any of the effects that it would have for a being of Chaos.

From what I was told this is the inscription of the Chak… Chao Pow Itaka holow da kotoke: Palg maxtrika jospi frrgth suti ni eoknus. Jospi kototvoc ni kototke. I believe it means: Powerful item give death final of dreamers.

As I said before, it is said the Chaos Chakram may be in the dream once again and someone is holding it or it is in the dream for the taking...May the Dream gods take mercy upon us if it is found.