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The Canon Governing Sentience

In the vast and intricate tapestry of dreams and nightmares, we uphold the sanctity of sentience as a guiding principle. Sentience, the essence of awareness and consciousness, is recognized within all awakened creatures who possess it. This canon is a testament to our respect for the diverse expressions of sentience and the responsibilities that come with it.

The Essence of Sentience

Sentience is the beacon that distinguishes the awakened from the dormant. The spark ignites consciousness, imbuing creatures with the ability to perceive, reason, and act with intent. In dreams and nightmares, sentience is the cornerstone of existence, conferring upon all sentient beings the mantle of accountability for their actions. Every sentient creature, regardless of origin or nature, is bound by this intrinsic responsibility.

Respect for Diversity

We honor and respect the myriad forms of sentience that traverse the levels of reality. Visitors from diverse realms with unique forms, creeds, and cultures are acknowledged and respected. The awakening of consciousness is a universal phenomenon transcending physical form and cultural practices. Our interactions are guided by a fundamental respect for the differences that enrich our collective existence.

Defense of Sovereignty and Reality

While we embrace the diversity of sentient beings, we are steadfast in defending our sovereignty. Threats to our realm, whether from Awakened Dreamers, Dark Mares, or other entities, will be met with relentless defense. Our commitment to self-preservation is unwavering, and we shall protect our domain against any forces that seek to undermine our peace and stability. Beyond our realm, we also hold that these principles guide us in defending reality itself. We serve as sentinels of the dreamscape, standing vigilant against any threats that may imperil the delicate balance of the dream world and the waking world.

Dark Nightmares: The Kotoken

The Dark Mares, embodiments of the darker aspects of sentience, serve as mirrors reflecting the shadows of our nature. These beings often present formidable challenges that test our resolve and strength. Despite their usually primal and violent tendencies, we acknowledge that Dark Mares are sentient creatures. However loose, their organization into societal structures is a testament to their consciousness.

Daymares: The Datoken

Those Nightmares known to us as "Daymares" are generally mischievous and downright relentless in their violence. Still, our relationship with them is governed by the knowledge that they are sentient creatures. They have shown little in the way of organized collaboration, reflecting their individualistic and often unpredictable nature.

The Lesser Mares

The Lesser Mares are fragments of chaotic energy given a limited expression of purpose. We throw ourselves against them to learn and grow. These encounters, while challenging, are integral to our journey of self-discovery and development.

Principles of Engagement

In our interactions with Dark Mares, we maintain a balanced perspective. We do not harbor hatred based on their form, language, or practices. Our approach is cautious engagement, where communication is possible, but vigilance is paramount. We recognize the sentience within them, yet we remain acutely aware of their nature. Our dialogue is tempered with understanding who we are conversing with, ensuring that our actions are guided by wisdom and prudence.

Commitment to Non-Prejudice

Prejudice based on form, tongue, or practice is not in our canon. We strive to rise above such biases, recognizing that sentience manifests in diverse ways. Our interactions are governed by a commitment to fairness and an acknowledgment of the inherent value of all sentient beings. This principle extends to all creatures within our realm, fostering a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect.


The Canon Governing Sentience is a living document evolving with our understanding of consciousness and its diverse expressions. It is a beacon that guides our actions and interactions, ensuring that we uphold the highest standards of respect, responsibility, and defense. As we navigate the intricate realms of dreams and nightmares, we remain committed to these principles, safeguarding the essence of sentience and the sanctity of our sovereignty. Furthermore, we pledge to extend these ideals to protect the very fabric of reality. We serve as vigilant guardians of the dreamscape and the waking world, dedicated to maintaining harmony and balance across all levels of existence.
