Break Covenant

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Art Statistics

Focus: DreamSoul
Cost: 10 (+1Power Token)
Orbit Required: 20
Affected: Target
Duration: ?


Broke the party of the target and did some damage.

Plateau Effect

Decreased evoke speed.

Art History

It is always of the highest honor and distinct privilege to be apart of the history of my beloved Union of the Covenant. It is an even greater honor for me to pass the history down to another generation of my home's history. I remember the day Lady Justice bestowed the gift of 'Break Covenant' upon her servants. The following is a recollection of the events of that night.

It was a windy night all throughout Edgeward Barrows, but everything seem to be serene and peaceful as another dream was coming to a close. It had been a long night of fighting dark mares and their hybrid counterparts, the day mares. The members of the Union of the Covenant were all gathered around the perron of the Main Entrance of their home. The wind began to pick up as the skies also began to darken around the servants of the Covenant.

Every ruler, guardian, and initiate present became alarmed as the entire room was engulfed by darkness, one that even the most powerful FateSender would envy. Strange voices began to make their presence felt as they began to shout something, another different voice shouted something, and a third voice shouted the last piece of the statement. The cycles went on as the voice resonated all throughout the facade. Loved ones began to hold each other tightly seeking comfort. 'One Voice, One Heart, One Union' continued to echo throughout the facade from the three voices. A loud and deafening thunderous clap suddenly was heard which made everyone jump in unison startled.

The three voices faded but a hundred more voices of unknown origins took the place of the trio voices. They began to recite another message. 'The Union is you. The Union is me. The Union is us.' One voice faded as the other replaced it, bridging each other flawlessly as if in some sort perfectly orchestrated medley. Suddenly the myriad of voices grew abruptly silent. A beautiful and enchanting music was heard in the background. An ethereal voice was heard in the distance, one of a female origin. The moment the initiates of the Covenant heard it, they knew who was speaking to them.

Jiovanni, a senior initiate of the Covenant, spoke softly 'Lady Justice' and then spoke no more. The beautiful female voice began to speak to her servants. 'It is I who give you the gift to which you are about to receive. The innate knowledge of bonds and covenants is what allows us to learn the gift of 'Break Covenant.' A quiet silence followed as something entered the very avatar of the Seneschal, Tierlan, asking for Jiovanni to step forward. Tierlan placed his hands over Jiovanni's forehead and ran his fingertips down the side of his face and a beam of light engulfed Jiovanni's avatar.

Jiovanni had become the first member ever to learn the art of 'Break Covenant'. The art was then bestowed onto Initiates Fernir, Braelynn, Aislin, and IceKin; then to Guardian Gorgunsun; and finally to Ruler Mael. The skies brighten up once more as the winds began to die down just as quickly is begun. The same presence that entered Tierlan was seen leaving once more but not before a bright light beamed over him. Tierlan was stunned for he had no recollection of what happened after Justice spoke, but he found himself with the ability of Break Covenant.

And those are the actual events that transpired the night the Union was blessed with its house art, Break Covenant. I was honored to be the first dreamer and member ever to learn Break Covenant. I thank Lady Justice for the beautiful gift. It has served us well in times of need.

The End.

thanks to: Jiovanni Xya'Byn Yo'hannis Darkholme