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Tzra'zik - Champion form and presumed general of the demon horde. Only a very narrow vulnerability does this creature have. Though, it is suggested effect chakrams be used against the creature. The effects can work on the creature even if the shot is not on mark with the vulnerable area.

Bandaret - Champion form and former Dreamer. The student of Dynroth was DreamStruck, but survived returning as a beast.

Hotai - A singular creature and yet also the term used in general to describe all creatures of the demon horde who share this form

Benpi - A rarely seen agent of the demon horde. Believed to operate as a support class of creature.

Eatu - A weaker almost snake like form of demon agent.

Oath - A specific Eatu form demon. It is reported that the other demons find him something of disgust. It has been known to spend time amongst dreamers and speaks the common tongue easily.

Pages in category "Mares"

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