Free Action

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Art Statistics

Focus: Willpower (Minor)
Cost: 5
Orbit Required: 5 (25)
Affected: Target


1 minute.


Target is protected from the effects of Stagger ,Paralyze, and Dreamquake.

Plateau Effect

Duration increases by 1 minute.

Decreased evoke time.

Art Research

Art History

Prior history written has Renrut Nek as the creator of Free Action. As this is indeed true, the reasons for it's creation are not what was depicted in the history. What was detailed in the history was only a rumor and what seems to be a joke among those dreamers that knew him and those that enjoyed dreaming with him. The fact is Renrut did have Arthritis in Cloudsbreak and hated it so much he searched for a cure, but that was in Cloudsbreak.

"Free action was developed by Renrut Nek. Renrut had arthritis, and was teased by Karnek for it. Renrut began seeking a cure for his ailment. Karnek decided that he didn't want to stop teasing Renrut, so he decided to substitute his notes on paralyze and a strong beer for the arthritis notes. Unaware of the change, Renrut developed the art. When completed, Renrut called a Ruler's meeting. He was so confident, he evoked it and started to dance. After the rulers finally stopped laughing, they restored his broken hip. Renrut departed and left his art behind. It is now the common cure for stagger and paralyze. The beer in this history later became the foundation for stagger."

You see, Renrut was Illuminated and believed that what effected us in the dream, effected us in Cloudsbreak as well as what effected us in Cloudsbreak, effected us in the dream. And so, his chronic case of Arthritis did indeed effect him in the dream and the knowledge of this was well known by those he called friend within the Dreamstate. Those that were friends with him did tease him about it, but it was all in a joking manner. During this time, the nightmares that to this day still plague our beloved Dreamstate were at the time doing the same. It was with the creation of the art of Paralyze and Stagger that prompted a change in the dream. At first these arts were viewed as a great advantage to dreamers, as they were now becoming widely used against the Darkmares. The dream and those that inhabited it celebrated their uses of the arts themselves, as it proved a great asset in fighting off the Dark Ones. The Dark Ones were defenseless against these two arts, and with this led to many collapses and the weakening of each Dark Mare. Many of us to this day view the Dark Mares as stupid, or not bright. Perhaps the truth is they have knowledge when needed by them. Looking at the fact that they do have a language of their own, it does show some intelligence.

Within history and with what we know today, the Darkmares are intelligent enough to actually possess the abilities to learn arts that dreamers can learn. It was with this last realization that would show to the dream, that not every advantage would stay as one. Though the arts of Paralyze and Stagger were being used by dreamers widespread against the Dark Ones. It was soon noticed that some of the Dark Mares began possessing these same arts. So, this advantage the dreamers had began to become a disadvantage as well. At the time there was no defense against these arts. With each battle both Dark Mare and Dreamer would collapse. The new advantage became one that the first one to strike with these arts would be the victor. This proved to teeter on advantage and disadvantage from time to time. This is what troubled Renrut more then his Arthritis. Renrut set out to find a defense against these arts. With hopes that the Dark Ones might not learn this art for awhile. We all know now that this would not be the case, but with the creation of Free Action, Renrut was able to neutralize the effects of Stagger and Paralyze in battle with the Dark Ones and hence bring battles against Dark Mares to Chak fire and other arts that proved less damaging to dreamers. Equaling the odds in battle for dreamers was why Renrut Nek created the art of Free Action.

Researched by Raven Lunatic


Effect can be replicated through the use of a jade alteror.

The evoke cone of this art is gold with a chalk riser.
