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The Role and Requirements of All Teachers

  • A Teacher is a dreamer who is responsible for the knowledge and advancement of their fellow dreamers. A teacher is more than just a task giver. A teacher is someone who serves as a guide to all dreamers about the many aspects of the City of Dreams. This includes, but is not limited to sharing the history of our City, explaining current events to new and returning dreamers, help new dreamers acquire their bearings upon entering the city, guiding experienced dreamers in new directions if they are so interested, keeping up to date with the current rules and regulations of tasking and general advancement within the City.

Becoming a Teacher

  • Anyone can be a teacher whether they have a halo or not. All you need to do is go out and provide knowledge to others that they did not have before. However, if you wish to become an ordained teacher and acquire the art of Train for the purpose of having a direct role in the advancement of your fellow dreamers then you must meet these following minimum requirements and go through an Apprenticeship under a Master Teacher mentor.

To become a teaching apprentice you must:

  • Obtained at least 4th sphere.
  • Be accepted or chosen as an apprentice by a Mentor.
  • You can approach any Master Teacher when you feel you are ready and see if they are willing to take you on as their apprentice.
  • Any Master Teacher can approach you and offer to take you on as their apprentice. You are free to accept or decline any such offer, for any reason.
  • Only an Master Teacher can mentor someone for the art of Train
  • Master Teachers are only allowed a maximum of 2 Apprentices at a time.
  • Apprentices can have up to a maximum of 2 Mentors as long as it is approved by the Teacher Elder, Azlan.
  • If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors in these cases must communicate with each other to ensure that their shared apprentice remains on track.
  • If there will be 2 Mentors, both Mentors must be in agreement when it comes time to give their apprentice the art of Quest.
  • Regular updates must be provided to the Teacher Elder, Azlan, about the progress of each Apprentice.
  • An apprenticeship doesn’t end with the ordainment of the Apprentice. Mentoring should be a symbiotic relationship, and the Mentor(s) should continue to work with and push the progression of their Apprentice until their Train art reaches level 50.

The Apprenticeship Process

  • The entire apprenticeship should take at least 4 weeks. It may take longer if needed.
  • An Apprentice must spend at least 2 sessions with their Mentor(s) going over general teaching rules and regulations. (This includes everything listed in the entirety of this scroll.)
  • Once the Apprentice can prove adequate knowledge of the rules and regulations for teaching, they will begin shadowing their Mentor(s). This will give them the ability to see the tasking process in action. This is also the point where the Mentor(s) provide their Apprentice with additional insights into the different styles of task writing and their preferred methods of handling their student’s needs and requests. It is recommended that Mentors begin having their students craft a variety of sample tasks for different dreamers, arts, and plateaus to get them comfortable with the process.
  • Once there is a level of mutual confidence, the Apprentice will be asked to come up with the actual task for a student and, pending approval and re-written on a Quest codex by the Mentor, will give the task to the student to be completed.
  • When the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready to begin tasking on their own, they may provide their Apprentice with the art of Quest. This will give them the white Apprentice halo and allow them to begin giving tasks on their own, but only within the stipulations set forth by the Mentor(s). (If 2 Mentors, both must be in agreement with the stipulations given to their Apprentice.)
  • Once the Mentor(s) feel that the Apprentice is ready for the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan. During this interview, the Apprentice will be required to answer an array of questions displaying their overall knowledge of teaching. Questions will include anything from rules and regulations, general teaching topics, handling a variety of types of students, and any other teaching related question deemed important at the discretion of the Teaching Elder, Azlan.
  • Upon passing the Interview portion of the Final Teaching Exam, the student will prepare for the Written portion.
  • The Apprentice needs to come up with their own “New Art”, any focus, sphere, effect etc. Once that is done, then pick 10 REAL dreamers and write a sample task for them to learn this art, being prepared to defend why they did or did not write each task for each person a certain way. They are encouraged to interview people and pick dreamers other than their friends or housemates.
  • When the Apprentice has finished their 10 sample tasks, they will schedule a time to meet with the Teaching Elder, Azlan to turn in their sample for final review and discussion. If the Apprentice has passed, they will be eligible for Ordainment at an agreed upon time and place of their choosing.

Rules and Regulations for Teachers

  • The following are to be adhered to by all Teachers, regardless of orbit, Train ability, rank in factions, etc.
  • A Teacher has the freedom, within reason, to grant any task that is of appropriate difficulty for the corresponding student and the Art sought.
  • A Teacher has the freedom to accept or deny the report of any student if they feel it is inadequate or insufficient.
  • A Teacher has the freedom to teach or not teach whomever they wish. A Teacher may refuse to hear a report from any student.
  • A Teacher is expected to actively use their halo. Teachers will lose Quest if they are inactive for 6 months.
  • A Teacher will have the freedom to determine who they provide their support train tokens to.
  • Train Plateaus to both 10 and 20 are granted through an interview process.
  • A teacher must display a satisfactory level of expertise with teaching and tasking that warrants their progression to Train 10 and Train 20.
  • Violating or abusing the Teaching System will not be tolerated and violators will be reprimanded up to and/or including the removal of Quest, Train, Train Self, and Sphere.
  • All teachers can grant and plateau any blade and flame art regardless of Focus.
  • Returning teachers who don’t have Quest can seek any Master Teacher to regain the art of Quest. An Elder is not required, but Master Teachers must ensure that the returning teacher is up to date with the current rules and regulations of teaching before granting them the art of Quest.

Honoring Quests

  • If a teacher has been absent for 2 weeks or more, an Elder or MT may honor their quest. If there is any doubt, send the student to an Elder.
  • Only Elders may honor tasks from other Elders

Acquiring Train Plateaus

  • A Teacher must have an equal number of Major Arts to the requested Train plateau. If there are not enough Major arts, then Minor arts may be included.
  • As an example, a teacher seeking a task to plateau their Train to 40 must have 4 Major Arts to 40.

Support Train and Train Support Tasking Process

  • Any Master Teacher seeking a Support Train Token, may do so from any ordained Teacher.
  • A Master Teacher MUST complete a mini task in order to earn their Support Train Token.
  • Support Train mini tasks will have the difficulty level of a plateau 10 task.

Process of Mini Tasking:

  • Evoke Quest
  • Target the art of Support Train
  • Target the Master Teacher
  • Please the art and plateau they seek to self-train in the title of the codex
  • After hearing and approving the report, Evoke Support Train
  • Select the Art and a token will be created that you can then give to the Master Teacher.

Tasking and Plateauing

  • All Teachers and Students must adhere to the following guidelines.
  • A Student may have up to 3 active tasks from the same Teacher at a time.
  • Students may not have multiple tasks for the same art.
  • A Student may report a task as soon as they are ready. If the Student can report sooner than one dream cycle for any art above a plateau of 20, then the task difficulty should be adjusted.
  • A Teacher may decide the difficulty of a “To Learn” task. It should challenge the student but not be so difficult that it takes the student weeks to perform.
  • Plateau tasks should increase in difficulty as the plateau increases. (Ex: Free Action to 80 should be incredibly more difficult than a Free Action to 10 task.)
  • Missions Reward System for Arts and Plateaus
  • Reward Tokens that have been earned through completion of Missions may be used to purchase arts and plateaus.
  • Here are the current costs:
  • 2 tokens = Art or Plat to 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Art or Plat to 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Art or Plat to 70 – 90

Art & Plateau Reward System

Dreamers and Teachers

  • 2 tokens = Art or Plat to 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Art or Plat to 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Art or Plat to 70 – 90

Master Teachers

  • 2 tokens = Art or Plats 10 - 30
  • 4 tokens = Art or Plats 40 – 60
  • 6 tokens = Art or Plats 70 & Above
  • Master Teachers can use their student's tokens to cover 50% of the cost.
  • Ex: Plat 60 = 2 student / 2 master tokens. Plat 80 = 3 student / 3 master tokens.

Also See:

Dual Focus

Teaching Standards and Protocols

Master Teacher

Oracle's Gift
