Dr Grave Trial

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The Trial was set to take place in the Palisades, for those who needed help getting there Jerusalis was helping dreamers to go to the Trials venue quickly The room in question the Pedestal of the Palisades, had two banners to indicate where one should be A Dark, Satin cloth with "General Public Seating" embroidered upon it. And a Silken cloth with the words "Judges Seating" embroidered upon it. In between the two seating's there was a place for the Defense and Prosecution to be closer to the center where Dr Grave was being held.


Day 1

The trial began around a quarter of an hour after 7 pm DST. Shortly before the Trial Dr Grave stated that he would answer truthfully and honestly.

To facilitate the writing of the transcript the Dreamer's name shall be stated before what they said, Greetings to people who just got there will be omitted as well as irrelevant interactions in between members of the crowd. Should I have missed something please do tell and I will do my best to rectify it.

Hrrum: Shall we begin?

Nmoto nodded once

Brother Timothy:I am brother timothy, I represent the voices of the Free Spirits of the city me, tam, silverwake,

Silverwake nodded

Brother Timothy: nmoto and krodock will be the judges of this proceeding

Brother Timothy: first we will hear the prosecution deliver the charges and present their case

Hrrum inclined his head towards the Judges.

Nmoto nodded once and listens along

Brother Timothy:the defense may of course cross examine any witnesses. then the defense will present their case, and of course the prosecution may cross their witnesses as well finally we will have closing arguments and we the judges will attempt to make a decision we will begin with opening statements by first the prosecution, represented by Hrrum, followed by the defense represented by Fin marda

Hrrum shifted his many legs and coughs in to a pedipalp as he about to begin.

Brother Timothy stopped talking and indicated he was done at this point

Hrrum: Greetings Honorable Judges, Citizens of Underlight. My name is Hrrum, Ruler of Protectors of Radiance and Prosecutor at the Trial that you have summoned. I stand here in front of you, under your judgmental eyes to bring forward

Hrrum paused for a very short moment before turning and pointing to the direction of Dr Grave while stating: charges against this man! My office that I represent among with the demand from Great Houses of the City as well as Free spirits, based on the supported evidence charging Dr. Grave with violation of City integrity and safety by inserting unknown devices at the facades of Great Houses of the City. Collecting intelligence. Placing House members in to position of unwillful actions and conspiracy to break defendant free from his cell block in order to remove unknown objects. Instigating fear of destruction If his demands are not met. These are my opening remarks. The office that I represent asks you, that the Trial will be held in with great justice, and crimes this man committed, would be set to according Punishment.

Nmoto nodded slowly

Hrrum: I would like to ask Honorable Judges to ask defendant how does he plea with such charges against him.

Brother Timothy: You have heard the charges dr grave, how do you plead?

Dr Grave: I will address each in turn.

Hrrum: may I approach the bench?

Brother Timothy: Certainly

Hrrum looked at Fin marda

Fin Marda turned to look at Hrrum

Dr Grave:I am not guilty of violating this city's integrity and safety by the insertion of 'unknown devices'. No integrity or safety was violated, nor were the devices unknown because I told others what they were. I am also not guilty of collecting intelligence. That is a vast overstatement of the experiment and the hypothesis that I was testing.

Hrrum: I believe that there is only one charge against this man. The following doings of his conspiracy followed by his attempts to get free. And should be considered as one charge.

Hrrum looked at Fin Marda

Brother Timothy turned to the other judges

Dr Grave paused

Silverwake: Dr. Graves, good afternoon, I am Silverwake and I am representing House Calenture. To continue the question at hand, how do you plead sir?

Tamarisk: You brought the charges against him. We'll have to hear all of the evidence of those charges. If you wanted to just charge him with one charge, you should have just done that.

Krodoc: So you want to lump together several different actions into one charge, and that would be what?

Hrrum: I believe that one of his ill intended action flourished in to another as the forces of justice surrounded him.

Dr Grave: There were five key points in his opening statement, and I was addressing each. At the judges' discretion I can proceed accordingly. Unless you are asking me to address the solitary charge then brought afterwards.

Fin Marda frowned but listened to how Hrrum responds to Krodok before speaking.

Silverwake nodded to Dr. Grave.

Silverwake: Please proceed accordingly.

Hrrum looked between Fin Marda and Judges

Tamarisk: Doctor, please wait a moment.

Dr Grave: As you wish.

Fin Marda: Hrrum could you please restate what the charge is??

Brother Timothy: agreed.

Tamarisk: Yes, if you want to put forth one charge, that's fine. You started with several and then narrowed it to one. Which are you going to go with?

Brother Timothy: we should hear dr grave's plea to the charges before we consider a motion to dismiss some of them

Hrrum: I believe its your decision, if you refuse to put it in one charge. Just state it so.

Hrrum inclined his head and stood patiently to await the decision

Tamarisk: We'll hear his plea on all the charges.

Brother Timothy nodded

Hrrum nodded and went back behind his table.

Nmoto nodded once before stating "Give support, mine, for address each, in turn."

Brother Timothy: you may continue dr grave

Fin Marda: The only charge I was apprised of was Violation of house sovereignty and putting the city at risk through endangerment with his devices.

Dr Grave:Regarding placing house members in a position of unwillful actions, I will plead not guilty to this. Although, the claim deserves further explanation. A conspiracy to break free is ill-named, there was no conspiracy. A conspiracy implies working against a sovereign greater force. I did not recognize the Arretian's stance of sovereignty. Did I want to be released from a cell? Of course I did. Were there initial attempts at breaking out? Only one, and it was unsuccessful. When it became clear that it would endanger other dreamers, I desisted in those attempts.

Dr Grave: I plead not guilty to a conspiracy.

Fin Marda: Your honors, I move to remove that charge. We were not holding him, the Arretians were.

Dr Grave:The last claim, that I instigated fear and destruction if my terms were not met, is false. I am not guilty of that. Have I given warning about the military prowess and might of the Arretians? Many times.

Hrrum:I believe that charge was a conspiracy using devices that defendant placed as a way out of the Cell. By promoting his skills in removing such. And selling us the Fear of total destruction if it is not him who removes them

Dr Grave:That is also false, and I'm not guilty of that. Just the opposite, I have tried to impart what I know about the devices, and explained them in detail. I've guided and instructed others, in inquiring into the experiment, and retrieving the instruction manual. Should it be wished to shut down the experiment. As I understand it, there have been two attempts by groups of dreamers into the house atop the Luminous Mountain, where they've accessed the control room, retrieved data points, and retrieved the instruction manual. I have been forthcoming about this.

Hrrum: I believe a simple plea would suffice. Defense will need a statement from you when its time.

Dr Grave: I plead not guilty to that charge. It is incorrect and false in what I have done.

Hrrum nodded and then raffled with his notes and marking a few questions down

Brother Timothy:since the prosecution has moved to change the charges, and the defense has objected to some on the grounds that they were not aware of them previously, we feel the proper course for this eve is to solidify what the actual charges are

Silverwake nodded in agreement to Brother Timothy.

Silverwake: Yes, let's please use this time wisely and solidify the actual charges.

Brother Timothy: after which the defense and prosecution should be better prepared

Hrrum:I believe the charges were voiced and defendant pleaded not guilty to 4 charges and not guilty with explanation on another.

Brother Timothy: prosecution are those the charges you wish to stick with? or do you wish to pursue your previous wish to modify them to a single charge

Fin Marda:Again I would like to point out that there was only one charge I was apprised of and as of yesterday it was agreed that was going to be the only charge.

Brother Timothy: we are giving you the opportunity to change your mind at this point, you will not be given another

Hrrum: My hopes were to unify it all under the charge of Violation of City sovereignty and peace. Fin Marda: That was not the original charge

Brother Timothy: judges, your opinions on the motion to solidify all charges under this broad umbrella?

Hrrum: I tried to explain the charge in creating a link of events that transpired for me to formulate the charge as it is.

Silverwake: May I? The Defense, the Defendant and all of us present are under the impression of the five key points that Dr. Grave addressed. Hrrum, you asked to "lump" this into a single motion charge correct?

Hrrum: Those will be my key points of prosecution. And I wish to return to each as the trial goes forward.

Nmoto nodded in understanding.

Silverwake: And as you stated you are modifying or changing your charge to "Violation of City Sovereignty and Peace?"

Hrrum: that's Correct

Silverwake:You understand that by changing your charge, you will have to readdress everyone in this room and give the Defense proper time to prepare for this new modified charge and that you would be dismissing the five key points that Dr. Grave and his defense counsel are prepared to defend themselves with?

Hrrum: I believe it was Judges decision to break it in to five counts. I just following your will.

Silverwake:Since Dr. Grave has already spent enough time awaiting this trial, I would recommend you move forward with the five points that we've already started with and address them accordingly. I motion we move forward with what has already been addressed and not change the charges due to time and the rights that all Dreamers need to be treated fairly? Say you?

Silverwake then looked to the other judges.

Nmoto: Agree with that, me.

Brother Timothy: agreed

Silverwake: Krodoc and Tamarisk?

Tamarisk: I agree as long as we grant some additional time for the Defense to adjust to the five points.

Silverwake nodded and waited a moment

Krodoc: Charges should be split apart, and I agree with Tamarisk. Defense should be given an opportunity to adjust.

Hrrum inclined his head

Silverwake:So then we will proceed with the five key points and work from there, and we will give the defense and the defendant ample time to prepare for anything outside of what we've started.

Brother Timothy:the defense has objected that she was not aware of 5 charges. I move we delay the trial for one week to give the defense time to prepare

Silverwake:I disagree. I think the prosecution can move forward with their evidence and present their case

Hrrum: Then if you allow I can start with questioning Dr Grave first, so defense will have time to collect time needed.

Silverwake: the defense can present what they have so far, and then ask for a continuance.

Tamarisk: I agree but the time can be shortened to the rest of tonight and tomorrow up until we reconvene.

Silverwake nodded

Krodoc: That makes absolutely no sense.

Purple Lace gestured to Krodoc and nodded once

Silverwake: How does it not? Do we recess?

Brother Timothy: if the defense is not given adequate time to repair due to the prosecutions non disclosure, I will have to move for a mistrial Fin Marda coughs listening to Tamarisk..

Krodoc: Yes we recess. You just blind side Fin Marda with a bunch of things, and expect her to just wing it for today because you're pressed for time?

Silverwake: No not at all.

Hrrum: If I may.

Silverwake: lets talk in private really fast everyone...

Tamarisk: We recess and begin again tomorrow night. That should give the Defense enough time to reorganize. We don't need to drag this out any longer than it already has been.

Silverwake looked to other judges.

Nmoto: Judges, us, need discuss this, now, first.

Hrrum: To make it an easier. I can voice my questions today and if defense decides that they will need more time to cross question.

Silverwake: yes, we are not stopping because one person isn't in agreeing with the proceedings... lets talk now and then we can decide if a recess is in order

Fin Marda: And, if I need witnesses? How many dream during the time slot you're suggesting, Tamarisk?

Krodoc: Because what one person?

Silverwake: Please come with me to the Contemplative Walk judges.

Aileron rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat

Nmoto nodded once and followed

Brother Timothy:before we discuss this, lets ask the defense how much time she thinks she will need? fin having heard the charges how much time do you think you will need?

Fin Marda: It depends what charges the judges agree to let stand.

Jerusalis: The other room, citizen.

Dumah: Execution Chamber, on the other side.

Brother Timothy: assume all of them

Brother Timothy: fin?

Fin Marda: I'm trying to think

Fin Marda: It's impossible, Tim

Brother Timothy: very well

Hrrum: If I may?

Fin Marda: Without knowing who Hrrum intends to call to support his claims, there's no way I can tell how much time I need.

Brother Timothy: yes hrrum?

Hrrum:As we stand here before you, Honorable Judges it is your call to count the charges and accept. If my charges brought the court in contempt, you have a right to act upon it. and bring the court to order. I prepared only one charge, what all of our Citizens appointed me to make. The rest were the explanation to the charges, and the paths as the defendant took to earn the charge against him

Nmoto: Many thanks, for say that, you. Then. Explain single charge, yours, again. Condensed.

Hrrum: I should remind that It is not my personal initiative to stand here before you. I've being appointed to bring Citizens charge to your ears.

Tamarisk: If that's the case you could have easily said that he was being charged with being a very bad boy. That is a broad charge.

Hrrum nodded to Tamarisk

Hrrum: That is why I was word winded to define the charge in the brackets we all understand.

Brother Timothy: hrrum we have already discussed this it was the decision of the judges not to combine the charges. now we have to decide what is fair for the defense

Fin Marda: May I approach please?

Silverwake nodded to Fin Marda.

Brother Timothy: yes

Silverwake: Yes, please.

Tamarisk nodded

Hrrum approached the bench

Fin Marda approached the bench

Fin Marda:As of yesterday there was only the one charge....Violation of house sovereignty and putting the city at risk through endangerment with his devices.

Krodoc: Correct.

Hrrum nodded his head

Fin Marda:Now he wants to enlarge it to include the sovereignty of the entire city. Along with other points not included in the original charge.

Krodoc: I get where you're coming from, and that is why I advocated for your receiving more time to prepare. You can bring any charges you want against someone. The defense just needs the proper time to prepare.

Fin Marda: I would move that we go ahead with the original charge and if other charges arise they handled at the appropriate time.

Hrrum: again I was just defining the endangerment, how wide the offender reached to do his ill intent.

Brother Timothy: that is one option fin. and we will consider it

Fin Marda: Thank you

Brother Timothy: ok.. everybody done now?

Hrrum nodded and steps back to his table

Tamarisk: Let's take a 10 minute recess so we can confer?

Fin Marda nodded her head

Brother Timothy: silver? if you would be so kind to lead the way

Krodoc nods

Aileron: Well...its...going at least?

Due to the recess not being actual part of the trial it will not be part of this transcript the recess started at 8:30 DST and continued to 8:50 DST, however here's an excerpt of it to give a breather from the more serious tone of the Trial

Fin Marda faced the gallery

Fin Marda: I'm sorry we didn't provide any entertainment for this event.

Liolira: entertainment?

Aileron: its not about entertainment

Dr Grave: I could attempt to sing, but it would be terrible.

Hrrum wiped his temple and gets ready

Silverwake took her seat.

Hrrum inclined his head

Silverwake: Just a moment as we wait for the other two judges.

Fin Marda turns to face the judges

Silverwake: Good evening Dreamers....

Tamarisk: Stop.

Krodoc: I would like to say one quick thing before we continue, if I may?

Silverwake: We have all five met and decided the following....

Krodoc: Silver....

Silverwake nodded to Krodoc.

Silverwake: Please go ahead.

Tamarisk: Silverwake can't be a Judge AND a witness. So she needs to pick one or the other.

Brother Timothy: agreed

Tamarisk: Understood?

Krodoc: It has come to attention that Silverwake is a witness for both the defense, the prosecution, and is also supposed to be a tie-breaking vote in the event of a tie. This is not how a just trial should be set up, and I will not participate.

Krodoc: Thank you.

Nmoto nodded once

Fin Marda: I was not planning to call her, were you Hrrum?

Hrrum: No

Krodoc: Her words, not mine.

Silverwake: Yes, I said "may" be called.

Fin Marda: Your honors.... if I may

Brother Timothy: recruse your self from being a witness or a judge

Tamarisk: There is no 'may" to it. You are either going to be part of the Judges or you are going to be part of the witness pool.

Fin Marda: I have told Silverwake from early on that she cannot be both a judge and a witness.

Silverwake: Then based on the Prosecution and the Defense verbally saying that I wont be called, I'll resume my position.

Hrrum: If I may approach the bench?

Brother Timothy: oh and it is not your job to keep us on track

Tamarisk: We've made our ruling on this.

Brother Timothy: understood?

Tamarisk: Hrrum, you will state the five charges.

Silverwake: Great then my time tonight here has been wasted.

Fin Marda raised an eyebrow

Silverwake snapped her fingers and resumed her normal mint green dress.

Brother Timothy:that was the ruling hrrum will restate the charges and then we will recess until next week

Hrrum:We have communicated with defense. And Prosecution wish to charge Dr Grave with a single charge Violation of sovereignty of -Houses- by placing devices at the Great Houses of the City and disturbance of peace. I would like to call a questioning motion in order, I wish to ask Dr grave to ask a few question based on the charge. does defense agree?

Fin Marda: Defense has no problem with that

Hrrum nodded and looked back to the Judges

Aileron nodded to Silverwake

Jade nodded to Krodoc

Brother Timothy:hrrum, thank you for restating the charge. we will allow you this leniency at this time, you may question the defendant

Hrrum inclined his head and turned

Hrrum: Dr Grave how do you plead top the charge?

Dr Grave: I plead not guilty to that charge. Violation of sovereignty of houses deserves a thorough explanation, and 'disturbance of the peace' is spurious at best.

Hrrum:Very well.

may I call you Doctor from now on?

Dr Grave: You may.

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum:Thank you Doctor did you or not placed apparatus of your own making at the facades of Great Houses of the City?

Dr Grave: I did.

Hrrum:Did you had an approval from the ruling body of each houses to place such apparatus before placing it? its a yes or no question

Dr Grave: No. That was never made clear that that was required. There's no publicly stated rules about that, about what may be placed at houses or by whom.

Hrrum: Are you from this City?

Dr Grave: I am not, and I will admit I do not know all of your protocols.

Hrrum: Did you or not sent dreamers of this city to retrieve records from your laboratory that apparatuses that you placed produced?

Dr Grave: That question's intent is unclear, and I am unsure what you are asking.

Hrrum: Alright Did you established your laboratory at the top of Mt. Illapse?

Dr Grave: I did.

Hrrum: does anyone but you have access to the laboratory?

Fin Marda listened closely to Prosecution's questions and her client's answers.

Dr Grave: There have been others whom have entered the house there. A group of dreamers, on separate occasions, were able to enter the house twice. With that, they were able to check the control room, and retrieve any data points that have been produced. As well as the instruction manual.

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: Did they needed your help in getting inside?

Dr Grave: Indirectly, yes. Before my imprisonment, I gave medallions to a few dreamers whom I thought were trustworthy, promising with potential, and intellectually curious about their dreams.

Hrrum turned to the Judges

Hrrum: trustworthy

Dr Grave: The medallions required some modification later, after my imprisonment, that would enable them to enter the house.

Hrrum: You said that they retrieve information. Did they bring any of that back to you?

Dr Grave:Some came by later to tell me of what they had found. However, the state of the experiment is in a dire situation currently. There were only a few data points that were retrievable, but they managed to recover the instruction manual. That which has been collected is in their possession, not mine. I do not have anything on me.

Hrrum:Can you name those dreamers for the record? Well?

Dr Grave:From the first excursion, there were three. Mengyao, Cyborg, and Zwak Bigwhisker. On the second excursion, was Dissoc, Silverwake, and Cyborg, I believe.

Hrrum:I would like to present a first peace of evidence to the Court. a report that apparatuses at the facades produced Please do look at it but don't use.

Nmoto nodded once

Hrrum passed the codex to the defense first

Fin Marda paid close attention to what Hrrum was introducing.

Hrrum offered to Judges to examine the evidence Fin Marda made some notes of the information

Nmoto looked over what had been passed to him

Hrrum: This is one of the reports that was collected at first entrance to the laboratory

Brother Timothy: hrrum we gave you leniency to question the witness before the recess.

Hrrum: may I pass the evidence to the defendant?

Dr Grave: Ahem, may I see this 'evidence' to validate that it is indeed correct?

Dr Grave: I do not need to hold it. If placed on the ground, I can validate it from a distance.

Brother Timothy: I am uncertain that submission of evidence at this point is proper. yes you may show it to the defendant for verification

Hrrum set the codex at his table for defendant

Hrrum: Do you see it?

Dr Grave peered over the ledge without leaning too far

Dr Grave: I see it. The formatting is correct for the contents. It should have a title of 'Codex of Info'. Does it?

Hrrum: that's correct.

Dr Grave: It would fit the standard formatting for a possible data points. If it is required I can detail the formatting further.

Hrrum: So you acknowledge that its a report of your apparatuses intelligence?

Dr Grave: That is an example of one data point, that the control panel would produce. However without a series of them, it does not provide a great deal of information within itself. Hrrum: Great. The apparatuses that you placed without consent of great houses, how dangerous are they if they are removed without your will?

Dr Grave: That is a leading question.

Hrrum: You are not a defense team

Dr Grave sighed

Hrrum: Please answer the question

Fin Marda: Please rephrase the question

Hrrum turned to judges

Hrrum: I would like to get an answer to learn if devices places are dangerous

Nmoto nodded once, "Question that, makes suppose, it. Of things done without some ones will. But. None been verified, that."

Hrrum: placed that is

Fin Marda: Then ask that question

Hrrum looked upon judges

Brother Timothy: I don't see this as testimony. you were given leeway to ask the defendant questions as part of fact gathering.

Hrrum: and meaning of this is?

Tamarisk: Prosecution will restate the question.

Hrrum nodded

Brother Timothy: we had already voted on a week recess until the trial begins

Hrrum: The apparatuses you have placed, are they dangerous if removed by anyone but you?

Jerusalis's golden gaze finally shifted from the pedestal to where Brother Timothy was standing as he grunted quietly.

Dr Grave: They are dangerous if they are not removed properly, and the experiment shut down in proper succession. I have been forthcoming about shutting down the experiment, and told others what they would need to do, if they wished to proceed on doing that. Gathering the instruction manual, is one of those steps, which was done.

Brother Timothy: you were to restate the charges and then you asked to question the defendant, we allowed this in the hopes that the defense would gather the necessary information to present at trial next week

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: may I approach the bench?

Dr Grave: Just as with any experiment in a dream, procedure often dictates results. If someone were to want to create a prime artifact by evoking firestorm in every room, that would be dangerous. Surely there are less dangerous ways of doing things. I have provided the details, and warnings, about what someone might do, or should not do.

Hrrum: though it was after you placed the devices?

Brother Timothy: that was what we had all agreed on. I am sorry if you did not understand

Hrrum: I would like to call my first witness if I may. Liolira of the House Calenture.

Tamarisk: Hold on one moment.

Fin Marda: Objection

Brother Timothy: I am sorry but if you are done asking the defendant questions then this trial is adjourned till next week

Dr Grave: If I may answer that last question.

Jerusalis slowly began moving down the stairs, the scowl seeming to be etched even deeper onto his features.

Hrrum looked towards citizens of this great City

Jerusalis: Are you adjourned for this evening, citizens?

Fin Marda: I believe so Jerusalis.

Silverwake nodded

Brother Timothy: yes we are

Silverwake: Thank you everyone for your time.

Silverwake clicked her heels and wakes.

Hrrum: if Judges wish to silence the prosecution.

Hrrum shrugs

Tamarisk: We'll begin again on Thursday at the same time? Be prepared. We won't have any more stalling.

Fin Marda nodded to Tamarisk

Fin Marda: And we will be proceeding with just the one charge, right?

Brother Timothy: you will have ample opportunity to question the witness when the trial starts in earnest

Hrrum: I would like to issue a note, that Prosecution didn't finished its questioning.

Dr Grave: If I may ask a question of the judges.

Jerusalis reaches out, grabbing onto the cuffs of Dr Grave. "Anything else you wish to add at this time, Grave?"

Brother Timothy: no instead you tried to call a witness

Dr Grave: Am I allowed to answer any questions from either the prosecution or defense before that day? Should they visit me in the cell?

Hrrum: I was just presenting my and when I say my i mean City case.

Brother Timothy: yes you may meet with both or ether as they wish yes and you were out of order in doing so

Dr Grave nods, nods

Hrrum: I believe that such order of things gives a fortunate advantage for the defense to recollect their statements.

Fin Marda repeats herself

Fin Marda: Are just going ahead with the one charge?

Tamarisk: Yes, the one charge.

Fin Marda nodded

Fin Marda: Thank you

Brother Timothy: yes one charge as hrrum stated the last time

Jerusalis polished one of the medals on his armor with a free hand. The firelight reflected off the metal, engulfing Grave in a golden light.

Jerusalis: I shall return to assist anyone who wants to leave.

Liolira: what time will it resume?

Brother Timothy: krodoc are you still a judge?

Tamarisk: Same time as tonight.

From this point the rest of the transcript for Day 1 is non-essential to the reading, a discussion as to the composition of the judges was done, and given active participation of most involved then went on to discuss other things.

Hrrum: Also since I am the face of the City that challenges the court of present defendant at the charge concerning only sovereignty of Great Houses. I would like to motion to remove all Free Spirit representatives from a Judging body.

Tamarisk: Free spirits are members of the CIty and will be allowed representation.

Hrrum: they do to the City affairs but not Houses.

Tamarisk: Disturbance of the peace affects them as well.

Krodoc: That doesn't make sense, Hrrum. You want an entirely biased (crested) judgement panel?

Fin Marda snickered

Fin Marda: Of course he does

Hrrum: I do, it is your house that was forced in to an experiment.

Brother Timothy: is not part of your charges endangerment of the city? is not part of your argument that the devices are dangerous to the city?

Jerusalis: Is there anyone that needs assistance leaving this venue?

Liolira turned

Liolira: no thank you for me Jerusalis

Liolira nodded once

Tamarisk: So you are now saying that only those in houses have had their peace disturbed? By all of this?

Hrrum: Tim we came to conclusion that charge is about -Houses- sovereignty You asked for it, not me.

Fin Marda: He did change it back to that

Nmoto: Give suggest, me. Judges, us, resume discussion, this, for next time.

Fin Marda: But, that should not matter

Liolira: maybe you should all meet again

Tamarisk: The charge was, and I quote..."Violation of Sovereignty of -Houses- by placing devices at the Great Houses of the City AND disturbing the peace.

Liolira: because Friday of last didn't prepare you

Hrrum: as the Judges are nominated by the great Citizens of Underlight. I wish to ask them to vote on such correction.

Liolira nodded to Aileron

Hrrum turned to those in present

Krodoc: I vote that free spirits be allowed to judge.

Brother Timothy: ok so the judges should all be free spirits then as houses would be biased in the matter

Liolira: I have no issue of a free spirit on the judges panel

Fin Marda chuckled at Tim

Krodoc: And to answer your question, Timothy, no. I will not be participating in this event.

Hrrum: you clearly stated that houses are biased in judging. That's just a cherry on a cake that I try to picture to you

Liolira: they all teach....to behave on any facade..and not to interrupt house sovereignty

Brother Timothy: ok well we likely need a week then tam, we have to replace one or two of the judges

Tamarisk: We will continue with the Judges as they are. We are all Citizens of the City. If you had issue, you should have stated when you agreed to changing the charges.

Brother Timothy: and by we I mean AoE

Hrrum tilted his head

Fin Marda looked exasperated

Fin Marda: Thanks, Tim

Dissoc: To be honest, as probably the only representation of newlies here, I must say that I was taught no such things explicitly.

Tamarisk: No, the Judges stand.

Liolira: you were given a tour of the houses

Tamarisk: Nmoto, do you agree?

Liolira: told not to fight, or go inside...not to interrupt in their business

Nmoto: Think judges, us, continue as do, us.

Liolira: ask before you do anything

Hrrum: Just to state, I personally have no intent of swaying the course of action. My stance is within the City, I am their representative.

Tamarisk: Your objection has been voted on and over ruled by majority vote.

Hrrum nodded and inclined his head

Tamarisk: By that statement alone, you just said that this is not a House only matter.

Dissoc: I'm afraid not, Liolira. Though some of that I had assumed.

Dissoc: I am not one to start fights, however.

Fin Marda: Just to make sure...*she looks at her dream calendar* we are resuming same time on Thursday.

Hrrum: The charge itself that defense pushed for was concerning Houses only, we've concurred and proceeded with questioning.

Tamarisk: Yes, notes will be made available should any Judge need them.

Hrrum: If defense feels overwhelmed, that is up to Defense to work on. But Prosecution noted a short whispers between Defense and Judge of Free Spirits. Which Prosecution frown upon.

Fin Marda: I'm not overwhelmed at all.

Tamarisk: The Ruling stands. We're adjourned.

Liolira: but should the judges be talking to anyone of the parties unless...requested by bench?

Nmoto nodded once

Nmoto: If someone need whisper, then call for it public, open, first.

Hrrum pulled out his calendar

Hrrum: whats the next date of trial?

Tamarisk: Thursday, same time.

Hrrum circled the parchment and smiled

Brother Timothy: It was a clarification on silverwake's role as a judge

Liolira shook her head

Nmoto: Will meet again, me, then.


Day 2

Thursday, March 18th

The memories I was given began at what seems to be 7:11 pm DST, the trials proceedings then unofficially began at 7:42 DST to finally begin at 8 pm DST

Fin Marda went to her table and plopped her notes down on it

Hrrum nodded to Dr Grave in greetings

Dr Grave shielded his eyes from the flickering lights nearby

Fin Marda nodded and smiled to her client as he appeared

Brother Timothy: we are still short a judge. fin marda, as ranking AoE member do you have an alternative judge since Tamarisk seems to not be showing up?

Hrrum shuffled his papers and cracked his neck

Fin Marda: No, at our last session I asked about finding replacement judges and was told it was not necessary.

Hrrum nodded to Fin Marda

Brother Timothy: Is there anyone in the audience who is qualified and would like the honor of being a judge in this trial?

Fin Marda: I would like to nominate Purple Lace who was absent for most of what happened with the devices.

Purple Lace mumbled irritably and shook her head

Purple Lace: Please.... I'm here as a spectator only please.

Fin Marda nodded

Nmoto: If are none, then will continue, us.

Liolira: how will the judges break the tie?

Purple Lace: Majority decisions i mean....

Purple Lace mumbled They'll have to come to a consensus

Nmoto: Will need to have discuss, us, until have agree.

Purple Lace nodded

Aileron muttered quietly, retaking his spot

Hrrum: Prosecution doesn't object.

Fin Marda: Defense does not object

19:34: there was a storm that affected a certain number of dreamers, around five minutes where needed for everyone to get back

Brother Timothy: ok I asked if anyone in the audience who is qualified would like to judge

Liolira shook her head

Brother Timothy: then I stormed, so Nmoto here tells me that no one volunteered

Fin Marda raised a brow and looked at Varik

Brother Timothy: well we could either reschedule for a later date, or proceed with the testimony.

Fin Marda: Varik, would you like to fill in as a replacement judge?

Varik chuckled a bit

Varik: While I appreciate the offer, I shall respectfully decline. I may not be a good fit for such a position.

Hrrum: Let us begin then.

Hrrum looked around

Nmoto nodded once

Brother Timothy: some conditions

Hrrum: As I find myself again before the eyes of the honorable Judges and Citizens of our City.

Brother Timothy: first no judgement will be made until a third judge can review the testimony

Hrrum: I would like to state the charge again, but only in a written form.

Fin Marda listened to what conditions the judges have.

Hrrum extended his pedipalp to the Defense

Brother Timothy: we will hear testimony, and said testimony will be made public verbatim is that agreeable does anyone object to those conditions?

Fin Marda: Defense agrees

Brother Timothy: Hrrum?

Hrrum: As I represent the Citizens in this trial. I would like to ask them.

Aileron scratched the back of his head

Hrrum: Do those present agrees?

Liolira nodded to both conditions

Dissoc: I do

Aileron: No reason to not have the testimony public, because its basically public right now

Brother Timothy: yea I mean I want it posted on the scrolls so the third judge can get up to speed

Given my absence there was a short discussion as to who would take notes, it was decided it would be Dissoc, who then shared it with me.

Brother Timothy pulled out a hammer that appears to be made of crystallized insight and swung the hammer, striking the floor it hits with the sound of a bell

Brother Timothy: then let it begin, Nmoto, you have a copy of the charges

Brother Timothy: would you read them?

Brother Timothy: ok, I will then

Brother Timothy smiled as Nmoto handed him the charges

Brother Timothy: DR grave you are charged with the crime of Violating Sovereignty of the great houses of the city and disturbance of the peace previously you plead not guilty top this, do you stand on this plea

Dr Grave: I plead not guilty to that.

Brother Timothy nodded

Brother Timothy: defense, as there was some confusion last time is this the charges you are prepared to meet?

Nmoto nodded once

Fin Marda: Yes, those charges are the ones I prepared for.

Brother Timothy: then the persecution may proceed with opening arguments

Hrrum nodded and inclines his head

Jerusalis stood rigidly straight, his golden eyes flitting to each dreamer in turn before scanning the room.

Hrrum: before I begin I would like to state that Prosecution seeks Banishment from the City if found guilty and assistance of removal of all equipment that was used in defendant experiments. I would like to call to the stand Liolira of Calenture as my first witness.

Liolira stepped down

Brother Timothy:no opening statements hruum, no witnesses

Liolira went back to her place

Brother Timothy: if you are done with opening statements then the defense will get to make theirs

Hrrum: I already finished my statements at the first trial day.

Brother Timothy: very well the defense will now make opening statements if they wish

Fin Marda cleared her throat and addressed the judges.

Fin Marda: Your honors, fellow citizens of this city, I come before you to defend the actions of Dr. Graves. We will prove that the uproar regarding the devices was all much ado about nothing. We will be asking the city to grant him sanctuary. Thank you

Brother Timothy nodded

Brother Timothy: the prosecution may proceed

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: I would like to call to the stand Liolira of Calenture as my first witness.

Liolira pushed off the wall again and stepped down

Brother Timothy: liolira, please raise your right hand

Liolira raised her right hand and turned to the judges

Brother Timothy: do you swear on your honor to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Liolira nodded

Liolira: I do.

Brother Timothy: you may proceed

Liolira lowered her hand and turned back to Hrrum

Hrrum: Liolira, how long were you a Mentor of the Houses for New Dreamers appearing in the City?

Liolira: in this city or mine also?

Hrrum: both if that's the case.

Liolira: roughly 8 years...and 4 houses as a mentor for new members

Hrrum: In your experience when you bring a Dreamer that never set foot at the House facade, how did they reacted to the Facades?

Fin Marda: objection

Brother Timothy: please state the nature of your objection

Hrrum turned to Fin

Liolira waited

Fin Marda: That's calling for her to make an assumption about a dreamer and further.....its circumstantial evidence and does not apply to this case.

Brother Timothy confered with nmoto

Liolira stares blankly at Fin Marda

Hrrum: I would like to show Judges the image of law obeying Dreamer versus Defendant actions when at the same settings.

Brother Timothy: since the question only asked what her experience is, we are going to allow it to stand. you may continue

Liolira cleared her throat

Liolira: when I bring a new dream as a possible future member to the facade, they are in awe. I warn them that the houses are serious business. to never fight, act out, or against a home. its their land, they make the rules, always respect a houses right to dictate what they want done on their facade. Wait to be invited up to the stairs even. consequences could happen if they don't show respect. I am sure...and have witnessed many do the same. Mentor and teachers alike. its ingrained for sphere teachers to make sure newlies know this.

Liolira fell silent

Nmoto nodded slightly

Hrrum: Thank you. A second question if I may, have you ever heard a defendant claiming that if we attempt to remove his devices it would cause an explosion. And if he to be freed he would help us to remove it.

Liolira nodded

Dr Grave sighed

Hrrum: Please state your answer.

Liolira: I have, as many others were there also. He claimed he needed to do it. and kept insisting..the Arrets were the enemy, as suggested we were misguided

Hrrum nodded

Liolira fell silent

Hrrum: I have no more questions for Liolira.

Liolira dipped her chin and went back to her place

Fin Marda: Defense has none at this time but reserves the right to recall her.

Brother Timothy nodded

Hrrum: May I call to the stand Aileron

Brother Timothy: your next witness council-er?

Aileron blinked a few times

Aileron: uh...well this is unexpected

Brother Timothy: aileron please raise your right appendage

Aileron: If you will allow me to make my own pledge.

Brother Timothy: the important thin is that you pledge on your honor to tell only the truth

Aileron clutched the talisman hanging from his neck. "I give my word on eyes of my Goddess and the honor of my oath to Calenture that I will speak only honest words."

Hrrum smiled

Brother Timothy: I will allow it

Aileron released the talisman, giving the judges a nod

Nmoto nodded once in return

Hrrum: As one of the Rulers of Calenture, did Dr.Grave ever asked your ruling circle for permission to place a device on the facade of your house?

Aileron: He did not ask permission from myself to place anything, device or otherwise on the facade of my home

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: After the device was found have you or anyone from Calenture approached defendant and demand it to be removed?

Liolira looked at the late judge sneak in

Aileron: I personally did not, Grave and myself haven't really been on the friendliest of terms. If anyone in my home did ask him personally to remove the device, i cant say

Brother Timothy whispers something to Tamarisk

Hrrum: Have you or anyone at Calenture ever attempted to remove device themselves?

Aileron: Liolira of Calenture, in an act of emotion, attempted to remove the device physically, aye

Dr Grave sighed

Liolira nodded

Hrrum: what happened?

Aileron: Liolira attempted to use a pointed tool to forcefully wedge the device from the facade itself. She was accosted by a burst of energy from the device, harming her person

Dr Grave: That's impossible.

Hrrum: Thank you. No more Questions

Liolira smirked

Brother Timothy: dr grave, please contain your outburst

Brother Timothy: defense?

Fin Marda: I have two questions for this witness.

Aileron: Aye?

Fin Marda: Before, Liolira attempted the removal, had anyone in your house been damaged by the device??

Aileron: No, many had been in close contact with the device in study and such, including myself. However no harm came to those people nor me

Fin Marda: Did any harm come to the house itself?

Aileron: As far as I can tell? No, no physical damage was taken to the house itself

Fin Marda: Thank you. No further questions.

Nmoto nodded slightly

Brother Timothy: prosecution you have the right to redress

Brother Timothy: if not the witness may step down

Hrrum: have you attempted to remove the device before you learned that its dangerous to remove it on your own or after.

Fin Marda snickered

Liolira bit her tongue trying not to laugh

Aileron: I did not attempt to remove it

Aileron: I attempted very slight pokes and prods, and as stated, no harm was done

Hrrum: No more questions. Thank you.

Aileron bowed his head both to Hrrum and Fin before turning to the judges and doing the same as he stepped backward

Hrrum: I would like to call Sadara as my next witness.

Liolira dipped her chin casually to Master Akkadian

Sadara looked slightly confused and nodded

Hrrum: Have you or those of rank from the Temple gave permission to the defendant to place the device at Temple facade?

Sadara brushed her hair behind her ear and shook her head, "No we had no idea of the device."

Brother Timothy whispered something to Nmoto

Hrrum: Have you or those of rank in your knowledge approached Dr Grave and demand its removal, what was his answer if such happened.?

Sadara: I do not believe anyone within the house asked for it to be removed.

Hrrum: Have you or anyone from the Temple attempted to remove it on their own?

Sadara: No

Hrrum: No more questions. Thank you Sadara.

Sadara nodded gently

Brother Timothy: ack forgot the swearing of the oath of truth

Fin Marda: I just have two questions for Sadara.

Brother Timothy hit his forehead with the palm of his hand

Liolira shook her head

Fin Marda: Perhaps you could administer the oath now, TIm?

Sadara looked to Tim and raised her hand looking at him in anticipation

Brother Timothy: sure Sadara do you swear on your honor that you have and will tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Sadara: I swear.

Fin Marda smiled at Sadara

Brother Timothy: ok, sorry about that folks

Brother Timothy chuckled

Sadara turned back to Fin and nodded gently

Fin Marda: I will just ask the same two questions, I asked Aileron.

Fin Marda: To your knowledge, did anyone in your house suffer any damage as a result of having the device on your facade?

Sadara: No

Fin Marda: And, was there any damage to the house itself?

Sadara: None

Fin Marda: Thank you

Fin Marda: No more questions

Sadara nodded gently and returned back to her place

Hrrum: Im good.

Hrrum: I would like to call Purple Lace as my next witness.

Brother Timothy: ok for the record when a witness is called the prosecution asks question, the the defense gets to ask, then if something needs asked for clarification the persecution can redress the question

Hrrum nodded

Brother Timothy: and if needed the defense gets to redress too

Fin Marda nodded

Purple Lace blinkded

Purple Lace: Me?

Purple Lace wrinkled her nose and moved to the center

Hrrum: Please, Lace.

Brother Timothy: yep come forward and raise your right arm

Purple Lace: Alright...

Purple Lace raised her right hand

Brother Timothy: do you swear on your honor to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Purple Lace: I do.

Brother Timothy: you may proceed

Purple Lace looked to Hrrum and listened closely

Hrrum: Being in the Ruling Circle of Protectors of the Radiance, have you or anyone with rank ever agreed to participate in defendant experiment with device on the house facade?

Purple Lace: Nay, sir.

Hrrum: Have you or anyone with Rank ever demanded from Defendant for it to be removed?

Purple Lace: I have not, nor do I know of any other ranked member doing the same.

Hrrum: Have you or anyone from PoR ever attempted to remove the device on their own?

Purple Lace: Nay.

Purple Lace: i can't speak for others though, only accounting for myself, please.

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: Thank you Lace. No more questions.

Purple Lace nodded once and looked to Fin Marda

Fin Marda: No questions at this time

Purple Lace nodded once and looked to the judges

Brother Timothy: witness may return to her seat

Purple Lace: Thank ye.

Hrrum: I would like invite to the stand, Dissoc.

Dissoc nodded and stepped a bit closer to the center

Brother Timothy: dissoc, please raise your right hand

Dissoc raised his right hand

Brother Timothy: do you swear on your honor to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Dissoc: I do.

Brother Timothy: you may proceed

Dissoc lowered his right hand

Hrrum: Dissoc, defendant mentioned to us that you were one from the 3 that had a key to enter his laboratory, is that true?

Dissoc: That is correct.

Hrrum: While in the laboratory have you picked up a Codex of Info?

Dissoc: The output codices of the console there? No, I did not pick those up, myself.

Dissoc: Though, I did read them, where they were.

Hrrum: Were you in a party with others who did?

Dissoc nodded, "Yes, I was."

Hrrum: After the visit, have you or those you were in company with brought such codexes back to the Defendant?

Dissoc: To my knowledge, no, though I did note their contents, and share said information with Dr Grave, myself.

Hrrum: Did you ask the defendants of meaning of such codexes?

Hrrum: the meaning of information it holds even

Dissoc: I do not believe that I had asked that, explicitly, at that time, though he has given some details as to the nature of the experiment. He did also note that, there were not enough sets of data to make a determination as to the findings.

Hrrum: Did defendant ever stated why he collects this data?

Dissoc: Yes.

Hrrum: Would you share to the Court what his statement was?

Dissoc: The purpose of the experiment, according to Dr Grave, if I could attempt to summarize

Fin Marda: objection, hearsay

Brother Timothy conferred with the other judges

Dissoc looked toward the judges

Liolira nodded to Aileron

Hrrum: Prosecution wishes to determine the level of danger of information that was collected.

Brother Timothy: overruled, witness is testifying to what he heard from the defendant, not a third party

Brother Timothy: but please be as specific as possible witness

Fin Marda: The defendant is here and can speak for himself

Dissoc nodded

Brother Timothy: any you will be able to call him as a witness defense

Fin Marda: Yes, your honor

Brother Timothy: you may proceed

Dissoc: Well, Dr Grave has told me that the experiment was to see if latent energies could be detected, from the houses. He has also stated, that a further purpose, was to hopefully find out if the houses were "living".

Liolira looks at Aileron The readings, he has said, are aggregate data of potential energies detected at the houses.

Hrrum: May I present this Codex to the Witness?

Brother Timothy: you may

Hrrum passed Dissoc a Codex of Info

The following is what was on the Codex of Info Control: +3.4, Cherry: -15.2, Ocean: +0.5; Iceberg: +2.4; Rectangle: -3.9.

Hrrum: is that one of the codexes you seen in the laboratory?

Dissoc inspected the codex Hrrum handed him, and then handed it back

Dissoc: No, it was not one of the ones found in the laboratory, I don't think.

Hrrum passed the codex to one of the Judges to see as well.

Nmoto: If wish to make evidence, that, you. Present public, so others can see.

Dissoc: Not on my visit.

Dissoc: It does appear similar to the others, however.

Fin Marda: Could Defense please see the codex?

Brother Timothy handed the codex to nmoto

Hrrum: Very well. Thank you Dissoc, no more questions

Nmoto then passed the object to Tamarisk

Dissoc nodded to Hrrum and looks to Fin Marda

Brother Timothy: after we inspect the codex please give it to the defense

Tamarisk handed the Codex to Marda.

Fin Marda read the codex and handed it to Hrrum

Dr Grave: Ahem, we had this issue last time. May I see it to validate it or not? It would be quite easy for me to tell.

Hrrum passed the codex back to defense

Aileron: Thats one way of asking nicely, i guess

Fin Marda handed the codex to Dr. Gravee

Liolira crosses her arms

Dr Grave: As Jerusalis' eyes cut sharply into me from his stance way up there, it would be better if it were dropped on the ground. There is no need to give that potential object to me. I can validate it, if it were placed on the ground by your or the prosecution's many feet.

Fin Marda dropped the codex near the Doctor

Brother Timothy: dr graves since you seem to be the only person able to authenticate the item, and you are on trial it poses a quandary for us.

Jerusalis grunted quietly, his posture still not changed, "I have decent enough eyes from here, Grave. If you attempt anything, there is a room behind you that I won't stop from using."

Brother Timothy conferred with the other judges

Dr Grave: The formatting of the data fits the standard that is used. The data points seem within range.

Jerusalis continues his survey of the room quietly, scowling as he does so.

Fin Marda nods and retrieves the codex

Brother Timothy: we will allow its authentication by you at this time

Dr Grave: I mean no disrespect, judges. I would think if an object of evidence is presented, it would only seem natural to validate if it's legitimate or not.

Tamarisk: If the Prosecution wants to verify it's authenticity, he can do so when you are on the witness stand.

Nmoto nodded in agreement

Brother Timothy noods

Fin Marda: I have one or two questions for Dissoc if I may.

Brother Timothy: for now we will work under the assumption it is authentic

Dissoc nods

Brother Timothy: is the prosecution finished with the witness?

Hrrum: Yes

Brother Timothy: they you may proceed defense

Fin Marda: Were the codices the only written material you saw in the library?

Dissoc: No, they were not.

Fin Marda: What else did you see there?

Dissoc: There was also a round notebook, apparently an instruction manual for the experiment, there.

Fin Marda: Was it too left there?

Dissoc: It was not, after I had picked it up and inspected it, I handed it to Silverwake.

Fin Marda: Do you know if it is now in her possession?

Dissoc: I do not believe it is, as it is an artifact, and one cannot wake with it.

Fin Marda: I see. Thank you. No more questions.

Hrrum: Prosecution have a following question.

Brother Timothy: proceed

Hrrum: Dissoc you said you inspected the notebook. But you also said that it was apparent that it held information about the experiment. The question is are you certain that it was or not?

Dissoc: Dr Grave mentioned it would be useful for shutting the experiment down, it was also inscribed as such: "Standard Operating Procedures for Experiment 2709: Measuring Hypothetical House Energies through Planar Drifts".

Hrrum: Did he mention whom it would be useful for?

Dissoc: He mentioned that it would need to be translated, first. It is filled with detailed notes, in an archaic language.

Hrrum nodded

Purple Lace raised a brow to Dissoc's last comment

Hrrum: would you say that in Dreamers of this City hands, it have no meaning.

Dissoc: I suppose it would be useful, once translated, to anyone wishing to shut down the experiment. I am not certain if I should speculate if whether or not another dreamer could translate it as well.

Hrrum nodded

Hrrum: No more questions.

Hrrum: Thank you.

Brother Timothy: defense any follow up?

Fin Marda: No thank you

Dissoc nodded and stepped back to his previous spot

Brother Timothy: the witness may step down

Hrrum: That was my last witness. Thank you.

Brother Timothy: judges?

Brother Timothy confers with the other judges

Hrrum: Just a note, that if Monastery representative was present and also from the Alliance. I would also ask them questions. But they not present.

Fin Marda moved her head from side to side trying to work the stiffness out.

Brother Timothy: we are considering recessing at this time due to the lateness of the hour. we are considering Saturday at 8 at this time

Nmoto: Noted. But. Is up to prosecution, and defense, them. To make sure witnesses, theirs, are present.

Fin Marda: I would be calling the defendant as well as recalling Liolira and Purple Lace.

Aileron: I can let Lio know of the day and time

Tamarisk: Saturday at 8dst.

Aileron: And Tim

Tamarisk: Jerusalis, you can take the Doctor back to his cell please?

Jerusalis: Does any citizen need assistance out of the venue?

Kivander: I am fine, thank you for the offer

Akkadian: I can assist with evacuations if needed.

Dumah: I am fine, thanks Akkadian.

Jerusalis: Your cuffs, Grave.

Dissoc: I am alright as well, thank you both.

Dr Grave faced Jerusalis with his cuffed hands extended

Jerusalis grasped onto the cuffs with a giant hand, polishing one of the medals on his armor with the other. Light reflecting off the medal, enveloping Grave.


Day 3

To facilitate the writing of the transcript the Dreamer's name shall be stated before what they said, Greetings to people who just got there will be omitted as well as irrelevant interactions in between members of the crowd. Should I have missed something please do tell and I will do my best to rectify it.

The Defense, Prosecution and Dr Grave arrived around 8 pm DST and the Trial as such began towards 8:15 pm DST Sat Mar 21 2020

Given the Trial being about him I realized that it would be important to add a description of Dr Grave.

Observing him one will likely see that he has piercing red eyes, and sharp edged teeth. His hair is long and hangs down his pack and covers a portion of his face, and a hat that sits uptop his head. He wears a doctor's lab coat.

Brother Timothy: Once again it appears I will be speaking on behalf of the judges.

To clarify I am only speaking on our behalf, my vote has no more weight than any others.

As there is no bailiff to do so I will also deliver oaths to witnesses.

Last session we heard the prosecution call witnesses and enter evidence.

next we will hear from the defense.

The defense can call witnesses enter evidence etc.

Fin Marda: I would like to call Liolira as my first witness

Liolira stepped down and turned to the judges and raises her right hand

Brother Timothy: the prosecution can then cross examine the witness. finally the defense and prosecution have a second opportunity to clarify the testimony.

after the defense is heard there will be closing statements and then we the judges will confer and deliver a verdict

prosecution and defense, are you ready to proceed?

Fin Marda: Defense is ready

Hrrum: We are ready.

Brother Timothy nodded and removed from his pack a hammer apparently made of pure insight crystal, he hit the ground with it, and it rung like a bell.

Brother Timothy: then let it proceed. defense? your move

Fin Marda: I had called Liolira and I believe she is ready for the oath again

Brother Timothy: Liolira, please remember you are still under oath, you may proceed

Liolira nodded and lowered her hand before stating: I understand

Fin Marda: Lio, what is your role with the newly awakened?

Liolira: as with any teacher of the city that trains arts, we train the oracles to welcome them in and get them use to dreaming to our cultural standards...they come from many places, its overwhelming..we try to give them suggestions to make it easier on them

Fin Marda nodded before asking

Fin Marda: You mentioned bringing Newlies to visit houses and talking to them about house protocol. Was any of this in the form of a document like some of the information in the Welcome Center?

Liolira: no, that is personal and specific to houses, Example your home is open. I speak for Calenture and then encourage the newlies to visit with other guardians or rulers, or a house mentor...after visiting the archives I can only speak on Calentures behalf

Fin Marda nodded before continuing

Fin Marda: Since Dr. Grave was new to our city, did you ever talk to him about house protocol or help him in any way to adjust to this city?

Liolira: He crawled out of the Palisade and created a ruckus in the library. I am a former warden, I was not happy dreamers followed him blindly to the former Illapse home.

Fin Marda: Pleae answer the question I asked.

Liolira: I did and the answer is no...I know his prior incident with my ruler and threatening this city.

Liolira then fell silent

Fin Marda: So, there was no attempt on your part to help a newly awakened in our city adjust. Do you do this sort of training with other newlies deciding who you will help and you you won't?

Liolira: he wasnt a newly

Hrrum: I object

Brother Timothy: on what grounds?

Hrrum: Defense clearly undermines witness credibility. stating not asking

Brother Timothy nodded

Fin Marda: The witness clearly stated she did not attempt to help him.

Hrrum: him but not newly awakened

Fin Marda: I wanted to find out if his was current practice.

Liolira looked on clearly confused, tilting her head at the Defense Attorney

Brother Timothy: upheld defense will rephrase the question, and the witness is reminded to try and answer directly

Hrrum nodded and then said: Thank you, your Honor

Fin Marda: No need The witness has answered.

Hrrum: Question is out, so no answer can be counted.

Fin Marda: Were you with the party that went to see Dr. Grave last night?

Liolira: yes

Nmoto: Question is none out. Judges will remind prosecute to behave.

Hrrum: My apologies, defense was asked to rephrase but didn't.

Fin Marda: Thank you. That is all I had for this witness.

Liolira dipped her chin

Liolira returned to her place

Brother Timothy: ok we need a short recess

Hrrum: I have a few questions to the witness, If I may?

Hrrum nods to Judge Tim

Liolira seemed to wonder if she should return

Brother Timothy: yes you have the right to cross examine Hrrum, but please wait until we have a certain procedural matter worked out

Hrrum: Of course.

After a 23 minute period where the Jury convened for various reasons not discussed fully to the public.

Brother Timothy: sorry friends for the delay, there was some ambiguity as to the judge line up that needed to be addressed before we continued

Hrrum you may proceed with the cross examination

Hrrum: Before I start may I ask the judges for a calling on procedures of the Trial.

Brother Timothy: as in?

Hrrum: Prosecution believes that if question was out of order. It needs to be deleted from the transcript as is the answer.

Brother Timothy: a question was asked, it was objected to as a statement, the objection was sustained and the defense was told to restate as a question, the defense dropped the question the judges will disregard the statement and the response

Brother Timothy: it will remain in the transcript

Hrrum: Our thanks.

Hrrum then inclined his head

Hrrum: We would like to cross question Witness Liolira.

Liolira stepped back down

Hrrum: You have stated that entrance of the defendant caused negative relationship between your house ruling circle and the defendant. What would be the cause of such negativity?

Liolira: Aileron reported...he made certain threatening statements...and was in a fight with Bloody Teeth over the Crown of Parity

Hrrum: what were the statements?

Liolira: I was not present, I can not verbatim word for word, repeat what transpired.

Hrrum: And who was?

Liolira: generally he threatened our city.

Liolira shrugged

Hrrum: In what way?

Liolira: My ruler reported a threat, it was also reported in the City Guard meeting...we take those threats against our Whole City, seriously. I have no reason to doubt my rulers concern.

Hrrum: can you clarify the treat exactly as you heard it?

Fin Marda: Objection

Nmoto and Brother Timothy then asked on what grounds

Fin Marda: The witness has already stated she was not there to hear it

Brother Timothy conferred with the judges he speaks for

Jerusalis adjusted the sashes draped across his chest, grunting quietly. The golden eyes keep an intense watch of the entire room and each dreamer one by one.

Hrrum: I belive since the Witness was a ranking officer at the time, the dealing within the house gives motion to pass her knowledge on behalf of any ranking officer in the House.

Brother Timothy: sustained

Hrrum: what were the treats that build the negativity between you as a member of Calenture and the defendant

Liolira: That he wanted the Crown of Parity that....is needed to take the Throne in the Palisade...and over throw our city.

Hrrum: Thank you Liolira.

Liolira nodded before asking if she could go

Fin Marda: Redirect please

Liolira paused

Hrrum nodded to the Judges

Brother Timothy: defenses you may

Fin Marda: Did you actually hear him state that?

Hrrum: I object

Liolira: him and others...later at the City Guard meeting, that was present that evening

Liolira fell silent

Brother Timothy: on grounds?

Hrrum: We already sustained that line of thought.

Fin Marda shook her head

Tamarisk: You asked her share her thoughts.

Silverwake: Sustain means that we "continue" unless an objection is made to counter that we would overrule on.

Fin Marda: No further questions of this witness

Brother Timothy: we sustained that the witness cannot testify on items she was told by a third party

Fin Marda: I would like to call Dr. Grave to testify.

Dr Grave nodded twice

Brother Timothy: Dr graves please raise your right hand

Dr Grave raised both hands, as they are cuffed together

Brother Timothy: do you swear on your honor to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Dr Grave: I swear that I will be truthful and honest with all of my answers.

Brother Timothy: a point you are not required to answer a question posed to you

Dr Grave: I understand.

Brother Timothy: but those questions you do answer must be truthful

Dr Grave: Of course. I will answer truthfully and honestly.

Brother Timothy: you may proceed defense

Fin Marda: Dr. Grave, when did you arrive in our city?

Dr Grave: After leaving Valoura, I eventually arrived at the Lower Palisade while the Coven of the Echt ruled there. I was taken in there, and allowed some space, but I was never allowed to leave beyond the Lower Palisade. I am told, this occurred many, many years ago. For my introduction to your city, this only occurred after the Echten were defeated. And myself and several individuals were able to leave there. As I've understood it, they have scattered and gone about doing their own things. With varying degrees of ethics.

Fin Marda: Thank you.

Fin Marda: So, it was only fairly recently in your days here that you were actually in the part of the city that most dreamers reside in. Would you say that was an accurate statement?

Dr Grave: That would be accurate.

Fin Marda: During that time, did anyone approach you and try to assist you with the ways of the city?

Dr Grave: They did not.

Fin Marda: You have been charged with Violation of house protocol for placing devices on house facades without permission of the rulers. Why did that happen?

Dr Grave: May I ask for clarification. Why did the charge happen? Or why was there no permission requested? Or something else?

Fin Marda: Why did you not ask permission.

Dr Grave: Thank you for clarifying, I only wish to be precise and truthful with my response. There are several reasons for this. First, I was not made aware of any formal requirements that this was required, especially of simple, non-intrusive, benign devices. The houses themselves, by prior observation, have a considerable amount of things out front. This includes randomly generating items. To an observer like me, there didn't seem to be an immediate reason for concern. Secondly, this was the second experiment that I conducted. The first one, took place in the house atop the Luminous Mountain.

Fin Marda: Did anyone question that experiment?

Dr Grave: That first experiment did not have protesters, considering that I stationed my experiment there. No one formally objected to my running of that experiment out of that location. To me, that showed that there was some general leeway being given to how I might use some of that space there.

Fin Marda: I see. Was there any intent to do harm from either of these experiments?

Dr Grave: When it came to setting up the second experiment here, I didn't think there would be an issue in placing the devices at five houses. To clarify, those experiments were quite different. The objectives in the first, and second, differed greatly. In both experiments, it was not my intent to do harm.

Fin Marda: Thank you for clarifying that. Now it's my understanding that last dream Aileron and other came to visit you.

Dr Grave: That is correct.

Fin Marda: Aileron brought you the Manual of Instruction.

Dr Grave: To clarify, he brought a copy of the instruction manual that he transcribed, from the original copy that apparently his house keeps.

Fin Marda: Yes, that was my understanding too that it was a copy. Could you please tell the court what was discovered by reading the Manual?

Dr Grave: The instruction manual details the initialization, the operating procedure, and how to shut down the experiment safely. It also contains information about which devices were assigned to each house, including which house had the dummy device.

Fin Marda: And, could you please tell the court which house had the dummy device?

Dr Grave: As was produced with the data points, there are a set of five labels that are used to denote each house. Following by a single decimal precision number, positve or negative, representing the aggregated measurement. As we saw last night, the labels are as follows: Rectangle: Monastary, Ocean: Radiance, Cherry: Alliance, Iceberg: Temple, Control: Calenture. This means that Calenture has the dummy device. What this means is, the dummy device does not measure anything.

Fin Marda: What would happen if someone tried to remove the device without following proper procedure?

Dr Grave: It would threaten the integrity of the experiment to start. However, the devices themselves are benign and passive. It would be difficult to remove these, but it is not impossible. The instruction manual details exactly how shutting down should occur, and that starts at the control panel. To add to that, There would be issue and disruption at the control panel's side, if proper shutting down procedure was not followed. I've been abundantly vocal with more than several individuals about this fact. However, at the device's side there would not be an extreme response. The devices themselves do not produce energy, nor are they explosive.

Fin Marda: Did any rulers come to you asking you to remove the devices?

Dr Grave:There have been rulers from many house that have asked about the devices removal. I have offered to aid in the shutting down of the experiment, which includes removal of all devices.

Fin Marda: How could someone be hurt by trying to remove a device if they contain no energy?

Dr Grave: That is a mystery to me. As I was made aware last night, some took a pick ax to one of the devices--a fact which was concealed from me--and they received somewhat of a shock. As I created the devices, these were never produced with any such functionality.

Fin Marda: Thank you. Your witness

Dr Grave: The devices themselves were made to be elusive and hard to grasp. They were never designed to be dangerous.

Hrrum: We wish to cross question the Defendant.

Brother Timothy: your witness then Hrrum

Hrrum: Doctor you have stated that you found yourself within the City under the Rule of Coven of the Echt. With its advancements against the City have you ever fought dreamers from this City?

Dr Grave: Fought? No, I am not a fighter. I am a doctor. My capacity within the Lower Palisade was attending to the many imprisoned that were held there.

Hrrum: Honorable Judges, I can present 4 essences of Dr Grave that were left after numerous fights at the Lower Palisades. But the defendant said no.

Brother Timothy nodded

Silverwake: Proceed.

Brother Timothy: please pass them to us

Fin Marda: objection

Hrrum: They are within the Protectors of the Radiance halls.

Brother Timothy: grounds?

Fin Marda: Where is the proof that they were after a fight in the Palisade?

Brother Timothy: if you do not have them they cannot be presented as evidence.

Hrrum: I can name dreamers that present here who fought him during those times.

Fin Marda: I can produce essences of mine and I've never fought anyone.

Brother Timothy conferred with the other judges

Silverwake: Let's have some order. Hrrum, if you are going to quote "evidence" then please present it and also inform the Defense as with the other items that have been shared. If you don't then let's strike this reference from the line of questioning? Judges?

Hrrum: I was unaware that Dr Grave would respond that he was always peaceful My hopes that the defendant would be truthful in his statements And I wont need evidence to clearly show that he is not.

Dr Grave: If I may clarify.

Brother Timothy: the objection is sustained. there is no providence, no and no essences to be entered into evidence

Dr Grave: Have I had to defend myself in a fight in my life ever? Yes, I have. I do not enjoy having to do that. I am a doctor first and foremost, and wish to help others.

Hrrum: may I proceed with questions?

Brother Timothy: prosecution will cease the essence line of questioning and continue

Silverwake: Hrrum? Since you have no "evidence" to present to the Defense, you need to reword or rephrase your question.

Hrrum: Defendant stated that it was his first visit to the City, During the first experiment Master Akkadian shared with us that he knows defendant and can vouch for him that he wont cause any harm to those in experiment. my question is, are you certain that it was your first visit to our City?

Dr Grave: As certain as I can be. I recall after leaving Valoura, I eventually encountered the Coven of the Echt. I was taken in an confined to the Lower Palisade. As I have learned, this happened many years ago.

Hrrum: But yet, Master Akkadian assured us that you both worked before in the early days. Which prompts me to ask the court if we could believe the defendant as truthful in his statements.

Fin Marda: Objection on grounds of hearsay

Silverwake: One moment Fin Marda...

Hrrum: Prosecution show doubt in truthfulness of defendant statements, how else would I bring it to your attentions besides facts that transpired.

Silverwake: We are conferring.

Dr Grave: If I may say something.

Dr Grave then awaited a response

Brother Timothy: objection sustained, Akkadian has testified to nothing in this court. there for for these proceedings the question is hearsay

Hrrum nodded before continuing

Hrrum: May I ask a following question?

Silverwake: Until Akkadian is sworn in as a witness Hrrum, its not a fact until it has been presented to this court.

Dr Grave: I wish to state something, to that prior question. If that is allowed, otherwise I will have to proceed to answering the following question. The original question was unclear.

Brother Timothy: defense? your response to your clients request please?

Fin Marda conferred with her client

Fin Marda: My client wishes to address Hrrum's question about Akkadian.

Dr Grave nodded twice to the statement

Hrrum: that question was out I don't see the reason to listen for a reply to it

After a short deliberation it was decided that the trial would pass on to a new question

Hrrum: After Arretians arrived you were given sanctuary at the Protectors of the Radiance, were you asked to address the City at the Chimeric Meeting before all houses and explain yourself and present your stance within the City?

Dr Grave: I do not recall. I am somewhat traumatized by my interactions with the Arretians, and I have avoided being near them if at all possible. It is likely that I avoided such a meeting, and redoubled my efforts on preparing traps in the house atop the Luminous Mountain, should they storm through.

Hrrum: Honorable Judges, I would like to note that defendant was given all opportunities to address the Rulers of the City. Under the treat of Arretian prosecution instead getting support from us he planed devices as a of form of his defense.

Dr Grave: If I did not show up to a meeting that I was supposed to attend, I do apologize for that. I am deeply concerned for my well-being, with Arretians arriving. That is not true at all. That is not what I said. I never conducted the second experiment as a form of defense.

Silverwake: Hrrum, you're out of order. This isn't an opportunity for you to make your closing statements unless you're done with your questioning in which case you'll have that opportunity.

Brother Timothy: after the defense redirects

Silverwake: Hrrum do you have any further questions for Dr. Grave? Please stick to that please.

Hrrum: In the events of last night, you said that you saw the copy of the notebook written by you. You read the notebook , translating from the language that only you know. The information from that notebook that you shared was truthful or not

Dr Grave: I have no reason to lie about the contents of the instruction manual. I have been vocal that is the reference source in properly shutting down the experiment. I was truthful in my translation, and I will continue to be truthful in translating it to shut the experiment down. I have offered that, more than several times.

Hrrum: I have no more questions.

Dr Grave: The notebook was written in my native script, from my original city. I did not have time, at the time, to make translations into the common language here in this city. It was fully my intent to do that, but I was captured and imprisoned.

Brother Timothy: defense do you wish to redirect?

Fin Marda: I only have one question on redirect.

Brother Timothy: then proceeded

Fin Marda: Actually two. Where did you first work with Akkadian? Was it in this city?

Hrrum: I object

Brother Timothy: on grounds?

Hrrum: It have nothing to do with the charges rolled against the defendant.

Fin Marda: I am not asking about what Akkadian said or didn't say.

Hrrum: We all know what he said.

Brother Timothy: objection overruled, goes to characters background information

Dr Grave: Thank you. It was not in this city. I first met him prior to my encountering of the Coven of the Echt. We worked together in a newly formed city, distant from here. The experience was amicable. I consider him trustworthy and honorable.

Fin Marda: No more questions

Brother Timothy: Hrrum? do you wish to redirect on the redirect?

Hrrum: We do not.

Brother Timothy: we have decided to adjourn for tonight, the hour is late, especially for some, we will resume Monday night at 7 pm if there is no objections to that time by the prosecution, defense or witness

Fin Marda: Will we be doing closing statements at that time?

A decent amount of frustration was expressed from the crowd

Silverwake: If there are no further questions or witnesses . Brother Timothy: unless you have more witnesses to call yes

Brother Timothy: defense prosecution any objection to that time?

Hrrum: If prosecution have known that tonight wont be the last day of trial. We would provide evidence to the Court based on answers of defendant that his statements are false.

Brother Timothy: very well court adjourned till Monday night at 7pm


Day 4

The proceedings on this day started in the roundabouts of 7:20 pm DST. I was absent during this day, Dissoc let me copy his memories of the day to be able to put them in transcription here.

Nmoto: Vote should wait, us. For some longer. Important, that judges, all, are here.

Brother Timothy: we stopped in the middle of fin's defense after that we have closing arguments

Hrrum: I have a question to the Judges, If I may?

Silverwake: Sure of course.

Brother Timothy: go ahead, but be advised the trial has not yer restarted

Hrrum: In prosecution closing statements, is there a practice that it could be interrupted by the defense? Or I could complete my statement without interruptions?

Brother Timothy: your closing statements are not testimony. so there should be no objections

Silverwake: You'll be able to speak without any interruptions and so will the accused. Brother Timothy: and the defense

Hrrum: Thank you, Your Honor.

Dr Grave: I will also refrain from interruptions, for the record.

Brother Timothy: yes please do

Fin Marda: I will be speaking for the accused.

Brother Timothy: the prosecution closes first, the defense second, and finally the accused gets the last word if they wish it

Fin Marda: I have one more witness to call.

Brother Timothy: well lets wait another 2 minuets for tam one minute

Brother Timothy pulled out the hammer crafted of a pure insight crystal before nodding to the other judges then struck the floor with it, it hit with the sound of a bell

Brother Timothy: the defense will continue its defense

Fin Marda: I would like to call Purple Lace to the stand.

Purple Lace mumbled and walked to the stand

Purple Lace looked around and nodded to Fin

Fin Marda: Lace, do you also work with the newly awakened and those newly returned to the city?

Silverwake: Fin? Can you please swear in your witness?

Fin Marda: Sorry, that's Tim's job

Brother Timothy: remember purple lace you are still under oath

Purple Lace looked from one to another and then nodded once to Tim

Purple Lace: Aye

Purple Lace: I do work extensively with both, aye.

Brother Timothy: purple lace was previously sworn in. so just remember you are still sworn in

Purple Lace nodded again

Fin Marda: Is there any place in the Welcome Center or perhaps the Library that details house protocols?

Purple Lace: Nay to m'knowledge. They be mentioned, and e'en beliefs may be found in the Archives of the Planes... But as to protocols, nothing around the City explains them in any detail.

Fin Marda: Have you ever taken newly awakened to show them houses?

Purple Lace: Aye

Fin Marda: In your experience, how do they act when on the facade? They want to see e'erything. They may hear about what is and aint done, but if'n there be a way, they like to get on the steps, look all around and explore.... I've had experience, when the main house portals were still open, that many went in, e'en tho I told them it wasn't allowed. Their reply was.... "If it's not allowed, why can I enter?"

Fin Marda nodded

Fin Marda: So, they don't always follow the rules.

Purple Lace: True.

Fin Marda: Thank you. That is all the questions I had for this witness.

Hrrum: If I may.

Nmoto: Can, can.

Silverwake: Yes you may.

Brother Timothy: prosecution gets to cross

Hrrum: Purple Lace are you familiar with the facade ethics or rules as defense put it?

Purple Lace: I be familiar with what be established, aye.

Hrrum: Have you ever enforced such rules at houses you resigned?

Purple Lace: I have at times, Blasted a stair-climber in m'time, aye.

Hrrum: On a journey to the any house, didn't you instructed your students to behave once at place?

Purple Lace: I dunno if'n "behave" be what I do for the newcomer. I tell them the houses be a place of members and needs to be respected, but I cannot control the actions of another.

Hrrum: Those who you witnessed to not behave once at the Facade, did you attempted to stop them or guide them further.?

Purple Lace: Hmm, "Get down off them steps" comes to mind, and Blast be a helpful tool now and then...

Purple Lace tilted her head

Purple Lace: But newcomers want to explore and i dun wanna hinder that. And it's nay like the rules be written in stone.

Purple Lace shrugged

Hrrum: And what would you do with a student or newly awakened who would disrespect your wishes and clearly show you any lack of respect towards your teachings?

Purple Lace: Me personally?

Hrrum nodded

Purple Lace: Blast....lots of Blast.

Hrrum: A punishment.

Purple Lace nodded

Hrrum: Thank you. No more questions

Purple Lace: If'n I may.... I haven't Blasted any newcomers in hours.

Purple Lace smiles sweetly and returns to her seat

Brother Timothy: defense do you wish to redirect? or do you have more witnesses to call?

Fin Marda: Just one more question, Lace

Purple Lace: sorry Sure

Fin Marda: When Dr. Grave first came up into the city after the Echten were defeated, did you try and assist him with becoming acclimated to the city?

Purple Lace: The only aid I or the house I was associated with was to offer him asylum, which I believe he took the house up on.

Fin Marda: Thank you That is all

Hrrum: A relevant question if I may?

Brother Timothy: ion?

Purple Lace: of me?

Brother Timothy: prosecution?

Purple Lace looked to Hrrum

Hrrum: On a -first- entrance from within Lower Palisade, how did the first meeting occur?

Purple Lace: I was unaware of exactly where he had come from, nor did I care. He mentioned being hunted by the Arretians.... that was enough for me to hear.

Hrrum: No more questions.

Brother Timothy: defense, your next witness?

Fin Marda: Defense rests

Brother Timothy: prosecution are you prepared for closing arguments?

Hrrum: We are.

Brother Timothy: you may proceed

Hrrum nodded and looked at his notes for the last time.

Hrrum: Greetings Citizens of the City, Honorable Judges, Office of Defense. I was called to the Trial in a office of prosecution to direct a City Calling...to charge Doctor Grave upon his Crimes against the Great Houses and disturbing the peace of our beloved City.

I would like to set a chronological time frame of how Doctor arrived in the City to the time he found himself facing all of us behind the zapping bars As the horrid Ruling of Coven emerged to our City, spreading its agents in to depth of our City a smiling, person came out from the depth of Lower Palisade.

Doctor Grave.

Prisoners that were shaking in corners at Lower Palisade were screaming when they seen him or heard his name. After City amassed an army and defeated the Darkness, Doctor Grave threatened the City to conquer all its Houses

Fin Marda: I object. None of this was established.

Silverwake: Order Fin Marda. This is a closing statement.

Nmoto: Are none interruptions, during final statements. Continue, prosecute.

Brother Timothy: we have already established closing arguments are not testimony. you cannot object

Hrrum: After a few fights leaving trails of Doctor essences he vanished from sight just to reappear within the City and offering help to all who wish for it.

Fin Marda: You also said if we said something, it had to have been already established.

Hrrum: But the happy times for the defendant didn't last long enough. Arretians have came and asked for his head.

Nmoto: Judges remember what said, us. And. Will take things, that, into decision, ours. Please, please. Continue, prosecute.

Hrrum: Houses repelled against the intrusions and showed empathy to the defendant. A great Chimeric meeting was called in his favor to address all his problems and show him support. Doctor decided that City help is not of his first choice of defense. And under the cover of night, sneaked between all houses and installed a devices that City have never seen before. Working in his Laboratory, not coming out for days. When Houses were seeking who have done such thing to their facades. In the day when he wondered off from his walls, He was captured by the Arretian visitors and chained in to the cell block of Palisade. Once in the Cell, he have shared that it was him who installed the devices and that if all of us wont help him escape, only he could remove such devices and if we attempt to do it ourselves there will be a great destruction. Once this method didn't work, he changed the tune and offer help with a smiling face. Let us work together and I will help you. His escape was out of his words as he is so carried about the City and wish no Harm to it in any form especially from Arret. Right here, in front of your eyes stand a man, a doctor...Dr Grave. Who is also backtracks his words of care to our City fates by pleading not Guilty as long as it could save him again. I am asking you the Honorable Judges to end this tonight, and Banish the Man out of the City so he could never cause any more of disturbance here.

Hrrum inclined his head

Brother Timothy: defense are you ready to make closing arguments?

Fin Marda nodded her head and turned to face the judges

Brother Timothy: then proceed

Fin Marda: Your honors, citizens of the city, in my opening statement, I said that I would show that the charges brought against the doctor were all ado about nothing. And, that is what I will show you now. The first part of the charge was about violating house sovereignty. There is no codified set of laws in this city. There is nowhere a citizen can go to read up on laws and protocols. It is all by trial and error. We established that when Dr. Grave first came to our city to tend to the health of the Echten, he stayed exclusively in the Palisade giving him no chance to learn the ways of the citizens and houses. Both Liolira and Purple Lace stated that they did not instruct him. Liolira, who puts in many hours working with newlies, admitted never contacted him to offer any help and while she considered house protocol important enough to explain to all newlies. she obviously didn't consider it important enough to seek out Dr. Grave and make him aware of the protocols She later admitted that the protocols were different for each house. So, without a written set of laws and no assistance to conform to the city, it is no wonder that mistakes might have been made.

Now to the second part of the charge, that the devices caused a disturbance of the peace. I'm not going to speculate on whether or not there was a disturbance of the peace, but I would put forth that if there was, it was not caused by the devices. You have heard Dr. Grave state, under oath, that the devices were not placed to do harm. You have heard the testimony of several house rulers that no members were hurt nor was any damage done to the houses except for one incident. Aileron testified that Liolira, in an act ofŅ..now what was the word that he used?.....oh, yes, Liolira in an act of emotion tried to remove the device physically. Dr. Grave has stated that the devices were benign and contained no energy. Further, translation of the Manual of Instruction showed that the device placed at House Calenture was a dummy one.

So, it remains a mystery as to how Liolira ever became injured from the device. As she was, as Aileron testified, in an emotional state, perhaps she perceived an injury that never happened. I don't know. Placing devices that do not harm houses nor the dreamers that inhabit them, dreamers who go about their daily business inside and outside of the house with no interference from the devices can hardly be said to cause a "disturbance of the peace."

Fin Marda begun to tick off her recommendations on the fingers of her left hand.

Fin Marda: We humbly request the court to

find the defendant, not guilty,

give him sanctuary in our city,

and order HC to return to him his Manual of Instruction so that he can safely remove the devices from the house facades.

Thank you

Fin Marda bowed her head respectfully and turned back to her desk.

Nmoto nods once and asks, "Grave, want make final statement, you?"

Dr Grave: That I would.

Nmoto: Please, please, speak, you.

Dr Grave: It is an odd feeling being asked to speak like this, and while I disagree vehemently with what the prosecution outlines, on issues he was not present for. I will instead speak to the facts and my experience here. After being released from captivity of the lower palisades, I admit I was optimistic and forward thinking, especially after years of captivity there. Have I taken actions that were out of lines? Perhaps. Is the first or even second experiment one of those things? Of course not. I will outline this. I was not locked away hiding during this time of the second experiment. I engaged in conversation with many of you. I was eager to learn about your dreams, the ideas that you believe, and kinds of topics that are intriguing to you. From this, I have met more than several of you, that I believe are honorable, and brilliant, and truly sought to understand your dreams better. These are admirable virtues. I am grateful for those conversations, and even in those times in which we disagreed, I did not think the worst of you. I want to be clear with what the prosecution is asking. They seek my exile from this city. That is to mean, the seek my death at the hands of the Arretians.

Now, even in those conversations, I've learned of several of your projects that I think are terrible or disastrous. I've learned that there is a brewing collective of dopplegangers, one of which appears like me, and I've learned that there is a project of chaos filtering that could flatten several planes.

Do I think, that even in those bad projects that you should deserve to be exiled to your death? Absolutely not.

Part of learning about our dreams, is in learning our bounds, and how we interact with each other. There are times in which perceived slights, turn molehills into mountains. At those times, what we must do is work towards righting our wrongs.

I admit, when I was first imprisoned I was angry at my situation. Yes my ego was large and arrogant. This had never happened to me before. However, through these months of captivity, and through the conversations of the good souls of this city, I've learned from this.

I ask of you, dreamers of this city, allow me the opportunity to make right what has been done. Even if we disagree on the terms that, allow me asylum here to improve my dreams and right any wrongs. Condemning me to die, does not solve these issues. And I am afraid if I am condemned to die, I will not be the first that meets this new standard of trial then execution.

If the path of maintaining sovereignty and peace is so narrow that a simple benign experiment would through someone off of it. I am afraid what that means for the society as a whole. We should be allowed to seek and improve our dreams, even if there are faults made along the way. Failure, should not warrant death. That is all.

Dr Grave turned to the judges

Brother Timothy: this concludes this portion of the trial, we will now deliberate shall we retire to chambers?

Silverwake: Yes.

Nmoto: Should, should.

Liolira: there is a judge missing

Dumah: Provided there is an odd number, it should be fine.

Cik then appeared in the memories, the details of the exact fight where unclear, however the dreamers seemed to have repelled Cik without notable issues.

After many dreamers discussed the attack Brother Timothy came back from deliberation

Brother Timothy: a clarification if you would

Dr Grave Dr Grave nodded twice in response

Brother Timothy: if you translated the manual could anyone disable your experiment safely?

Dr Grave: They would be able to. There would be difficulty in getting to the control room, but once deciphered, the instruction manual would allow for any reasonable and intelligent dreamer to shut down the experiment. Brother Timothy: thank you

Dr Grave: It would need to be done as a group, however.

During the wait for the deliberations to be finished Mengyao who hadn't been present for much of the proceedings inquired about the missing judge and the lack of possibility of a tie, this was responded by the dreamers who where present for the trial that the trial was already long enough and that doing so just for the possibility of a tie was something that was counterproductive.

a notable excerpt from this period of wait was a response from Jerusalis. Jerusalis: I wouldn't say this has been enjoying to watch, no. However it's what was asked from your city and agreed upon by my superiors.

At 10pm DST the Judges returned

Silverwake took her seat.

Brother Timothy stood up

Brother Timothy: We have reached our verdict

Many where looking towards the judges

Brother Timothy: Dr grave, on the charge of violation of house sovereignty, we find you guilty through neglect.

Brother Timothy sits down

Silverwake waits...

Nmoto: On charge, of disturb peace, find not guilty, him.

Silverwake stands up.

Silverwake: And as a result of the guilty charge on negligence, we have unanimously come up with a fair sentence. In which we've written down as a task. I will read the sentence...

Silverwake produced a codex and read it...

Silverwake: Dr. Grave must perform the following....

One. Removal of the experiments on the effected Facades IN-FULL with proper supervision.

Two. No teaching of Any kind until you, Dr. Grave, have taken the Teaching Oath of our City and are approved by Akkadian under the same teaching guidelines as a Teacher returning to the City of Underlight.

Silverwake: and three.... You must right the wrongs of those affected in this City to the best of your abilities. You will be given temporary asylum to work on this task and then full asylum once its been completed. Do you accept this task and verdict Dr. Grave?

Dr Grave: I do. I will adhere to it.

Silverwake and Brother Timothy nodded

Silverwake: Then you will work with the Alliance of the Eclipse as your "parole" representation on the task.

Jerusalis adjusted his armor, the medals clinking against each other. His scowling features denoted no emotion to the words.

Silverwake hands the task to Fin Marda.

Fin Marda turned and looked at Dr. Grave

Silverwake: Please give that to your client. We are adjourned.

Hrrum turned to Fin marda and shook her hand.

Dr Grave nodded twice

Fin Marda handed the task to Dr. Grave

Brother Timothy: the court would like to thank the defense and prosecution for their participation

Silverwake: This court has now concluded and reached its final verdict. Please release Dr. Grave to the care and supervision of the Alliance of the Eclipse effective immediately.

From this point on the Trial as such was complete however there was a conflict of interest with Jerusalis representing the Arretians. The following is the discussion that followed.

Jerusalis: I commend this city for completing a search for justice.

Jerusalis: However your verdict contradicts the orders of myself and the search of justice from others. You wish to effectively deny others what you yourselves have just accomplished here?

Dumah: You have no jurisdiction in our city, Arretian.

Silverwake: The Arrets agreed to allow Grave a trial of his crimes here in the City of Underlight. That is what this was. You agreed to it. His crimes else where were not in question or consideration.

Jerusalis: And a trial was had, and judgement given. Now he will face judgement of matters not of this place. Nor should they have been, because those matters don't concern you, just as I didn't interrupt your trial here. So, let us dispense with the formalities and come down to what is about to be the outcome here.

Dissoc: Could you not hold your own trial here, as well? You seem comfortable enough with the place.

Silverwake: That isn't anything that I or anyone else has powers over... However, this is the City of Underlight and you, yourself are a foreigner... Do what you must but we reached a verdict and would like to thank you for your assistance. The next steps are something needs to be brought up later.

Jerusalis's lips purse, breaking the scowl for the first time. He clasps his hands together in front of himself, giving a stiff nod.

Liolira: you agree?

Jerusalis: I agree that what I will do what I must.

Liolira: I was just speaking on Dissocs suggestion

Nmoto: With trial, and justice, it. Have reached conclude, us. Needs make good, him, on what been state in verdict, it. Is decision, of Grave, if choose to pursue, that, or no.

Brother Timothy drops the glamour of his original self and returns to his normal dark angel appearance

Nmoto says of Dr. Grave, "But. Should be given chance to, pursue that, him. For atone, for wrongs done, him, here."

Jerusalis: It was stated by Grave himself that if he translated his manual, that a group of citizen's could then take the steps to remove his experiment.

Silverwake: Yes, and we also said that needs to be done through supervision.. that could be you Jerusalis or it could be Leonard. its up to his parole House to coordinate that

Fin Marda: We can certainly coordinate that

Dr Grave: I will adhere to the provisions made in that verdict. I agreed to those.

Hrrum: You have heard the City ruling, how would you respond Grave?

Silverwake: If you're willing to assist the Alliance in this matters Jerusalis, I think it would be warmly welcomed.

Jerusalis: Grave will not be let free at this time. You have a solution in front of you, and there are people who seek their own justice. Neither I nor any of you will deny them that.

Dr Grave: I will not be let free? I will remain imprisoned? What does temporary asylum mean then?

Liolira: we have a way to ...get the manual deciphered

Silverwake: Unfornately the prosecution did not bring any of that up in their case. We made our decisions on what the prosecution brought up as grievances, as what was testified and brought up as evidence. If there was "more" it was the duty...

Jerusalis: After Grave has been tried on Arret, if the justice is found in his favor, he will be returned here to dream out his asylum.

Dr Grave hung his head low

Dumah: That's a death-sentence.

Silverwake: Its not for us to decide Dumah.

Hrrum: If I may

Jerusalis: So I keep hearing, from mouths that have no knowledge of what they speak.

Hrrum looks to the Judges and to the Dreamers gathered.

Silverwake: We were all tasked to interpret wrong-doings here... That's it. The Arrets have their own grievances and those are separate.

Liolira: dont add me to that...I heard the prisoners complaining up at Calenture of his tortures

Dr Grave: A death sentence. With the offering that should I somehow survive and you manage to let me out of there, which we both know you wont, and assuming I still have a coherent mind, then I'm to help those good souls here?

Fin Marda holds on to the task as Dr. Grave's shackled hands prevent him from taking it.

Dumah: We shouldn't be letting them dictate how we conduct our affairs.

Silverwake: May we talk with you Jerusalis?

Nmoto, myself and Tim?

Jerusalis: You may speak as you wish, I will not leave this room with Grave alone.

Liolira: you speak for the whole city Silverwake?

Silverwake: No, I dont speak for the City.

Purple Lace: Then that conversation needs to be public.

Nmoto: Does.

Silverwake: Oh I did not mean it to be private.

Hrrum: Protector of Radiance would seek the Judgement to be carried out and protect the decision from any outside involvement. Justice was served and we will rise to protect it. I encourage City Guard to stand with us to protect our City.

Dumah nods

Silverwake: The Arrets supported this City is making a decision with the doings of Dr. Grave. There is nothing to prevent him from working on that task with supervision. How that is to be done, is really up to the City.

Purple Lace: The Arretians nay be letting us decide what happens to Grave regarding things Grave has done against the Arretians.

Stormy Edwards: tell ya what

Silverwake: i would imagine that the three things he needs to do, can be carried out in a way that is beneficial to everyone. All of you...

Purple Lace: The charges against Grave here be what he's done HERE.

Silverwake: Need to decide on how that is to be carried out.

Purple Lace: The Arretians want to take him to face his accusers somewhere ELSE.

Stormy Edwards: Take me in his sted, as an insurance policy. Let him have his asylum. If he doesn't come, willingly to serve at your trial.. just take me

Stormy Edwards: I mean you know where he is.

Liolira: Stormy hun

Dumah: Say what?

Aileron scratches the back of his head a few times

Stormy Edwards eyes jeru

Stormy Edwards: If its all about serving justice, then let it be just.

Purple Lace: But it isn't.

Jerusalis: Those involved don't want a stand-in, citizen. However your offer is honorable and valiant, I commend that.

Liolira: thats not just, he is accused of torture and genocide

Dr Grave: It is my plan to fully carry out the terms of the verdict, Jerusalis. I am not going to run away from them. But to deprive these good people of their justice, is beyond the pale. I have been truthful, honest and compliant.

Stormy Edwards: I'm sure.

Dumah: Honorable and valiant, when was the last time the Arretians ever did something like that?

Stormy Edwards: But if he's not to be set free, then besides a really big fight.. why you just standing here for them?

Liolira: Stormy hun...comer. I dont want you hurt

Jerusalis: You're correct, citizen. The discussion will go no where.

Stormy Edwards: It's not sounds tacticts. It's not making sense. Plenty of time to talk either way.

Liolira: Stormy hun...comer. I dont want you hurt please

Stormy Edwards: sorry, to interrupt.

Liolira: hun come on thank you

Stormy Edwards: none of this is making any sense.

Liolira: its not our business...he dragged us into their affairs

Purple Lace: Tis why drinking during a trial aint the best of ideas.

Jerusalis polished one of the medals hanging from his chest, light enveloping him.

Dissoc: Had your superiors considered this potential outcome, Jerusalis? If so, did you already have a particular directive, in this case?

A Tempest raged the memories where unclear as to the specifics of who did so.

Dr Grave: Jerusalis, reconsider this. These are honorable good people, have exercised justice, one that I agree to it's verdict.

Jerusalis placed his hands on Grave's cuffs, polishing the same medal once more.

Dr Grave was then transported to the Cell Block, in Palisade

Jerusalis: Now, you wish to converse, or take more matters.

Stormy Edwards: which portal gets me out of here?

Jerusalis: Just to be clear. This city will deny the same justice they sought for themselves, correct?

Jerusalis: this one, citizen.

Stormy Edwards: thanks

Liolira: I am not denying anything

Purple Lace: Nay.

Liolira: they can speak for themselves

Hrrum: Never We can meet in the middle.

Purple Lace: So when will ye be taking Grave to meet his Arretian accusers?

Brother Timothy: the punishment is correct for the crimes committed here

Dissoc: It has been asked if you could hold your trial here as well, I don't know if any others here would disagree with that.

Liolira: better yet, how much time do we have to get Dr. Grave to decipher the manual so we understand it?

Jerusalis: Either tomorrow eve or the next day. Then we will leave your city, this is the solution that has been spouted to me again and again, correct?

Liolira: Ail, go talk to him now please

Jerusalis: If you wish to have the manual translated, I will give a day for that.

Purple Lace: Sounds reasonable.

Aileron: Hey Jeru, can you get me to where Grave is? I have a copy of the manual?

Dissoc: I do apologize, I did what I could to try to get that done sooner.

Liolira: you did Dissoc, and we thank you. Seriously

Jerusalis gave a stiff nod to Aileron, polishing one of the medals on his chest.

The Memories shared ended at this point. However from what I have gathered post event Dr Grave was then broken out of the cell block by Dumah and PoR. Dr Grave then did start working on the task he was given to repair his crimes in the city. The Runic devices that where placed on the facades of the Houses where removed. However Dr Graves still had the Cuffs, but that could be a subject on its own, and thus I will end this transcript here. Thank you for the patience in the delay for releasing the full transcription.