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The History of Greston

Greston was a Soulmaster of great renown and power, but used his power to only help, heal and defend those in the Dream and the Dream itself. Being concerned with only those things, he did not have much time for politics and the Houses. Being a free spirit enabled him to work with all those in the Dream.

He had just come into some recognition for his abilities, when the mares first appeared in the Dream. Master Dreamwright Syriand the Gracefull approached him asking Greston to join the team that eventually developed and placed the first portals within the Dream. These portals would hopefully lessen the dreadful impact of the mares, which were marauding through the entire Dream.

After his duties to Syriand were completed... and seeing the tension starting to develop between the houses, he established a small non-aligned colony of free spirits. The Dreamers of Light donated a seldom-used section of their domain to the colony, with free access for the colony in their lands up to the Rock Falls, where the connecting portal was located. Now having a home, the colony started to grow, slowly, but it grew. Soon, however, disaster struck.

The tensions between the Dreamers of Light and House Calenture came to a peak, skirmishes turned into small battles...which turned into all out war. The war climaxed with the Battle of Rock Falls, where House Calenture met the Dreamers of Light defenses. Greston and others from the colony saw the battle was going badly for defenders...and tried to help by healing those who were collapsed, protecting them from the dreamstikes of the attackers. After two Rulers of Light were Dreamstruck, the defenders fell back.

Thinking Greston and the others from the colony were from the Dreamers of Light, House Calenture fell upon them savagely. Greston, and the strongest members of the colony held a holding action, giving little ground to try to give the others time to flee. However, there was no Sanctuary yet in the colonies land… and there was only one way out, through the advancing army.

Greston knew this and made a final stand with the colony defenders at a narrowing path, later named the Pass of Sorrow. Behind the defenders was a portal to an undeveloped region in their land, and Greston came up with a bold plan to save the colony. The defenders formed a wall, using their own bodies to stop the tide of attackers at the pass, to let the remaining colonists go through the portal. Seeing the fleeing colonists, some of the attackers ignored Greston and the defenders and launched chak bursts over the defenders. Greston, ignoring the attacks on him which were draining him and his comrades, used his remaining strength to protect and heal those who were hit fleeing through the portal.

As the last colonist fled through the portal, Greston’s line was breaking... the attackers were breaking through to give chase. Greston knew what he had to do... and only he could do it, he used the last of his power, all that he was, all of his self and essence into a strike at the Portal...

The portal exploded with a flash of energy... never before ... and possibly never since has a portal been destroyed. Not one of the defenders of this noble colony survived...all were Dreamstruck... except Greston. He vanished with the portal, his soul consumed in its energy. They all gave their lives to save others. Where that colony is today, none can say, perhaps they still live and flourish in their own city in the Dream.

The story of Greston Y'rest, his memory and deeds, bade me choose to follow in his path, to become a healer, protector and defender…to serve the Dream as a SoulMaster.

-Sethiel Treslok