War Hall

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War Hall entrances are located on the left side portal of each faction. Those portals remained locked, except when two, or more houses go to war. The portal will then be unlocked, and 1 of the portals inside will be unlocked. Yes, this means that your armory/vault will be open to other houses crested members.

Only 1 portal inside the war hall will be opened at a time. As the weeks go on, more will open. Why you say? Because you folks don't want your war to drag out for months on end.

Every house involved in the war, will result in your War Hall opening.

writing has been scrawled across the page

  • When conflict is initiated by one House against another, the aggressing House's War Hall shall unlock within one day's time. Each subsequent week another vault will unlock until the conflict has been resolved.
  • Should the house which was attacked do nothing, their War Hall will not open. The aggressor will then have to negotiate terms in order to cease the conflict, else their War Hall will remain open.
  • Should the attacked House retaliate in any way, verbally or otherwise, then this will be considered an acceptance of the conflict and their War Hall will open, following the same time line as the first but beginning from that point. This includes a House (or a single member of a House) raiding an open War Hall. This action is an acceptance of war, and will result in the offending House's War Hall opening.
  • Should an uninvolved House become involved in the War, through direct action (fighting/supporting/supplying/etc) then that House shall be termed part of the conflict and their War Hall will open.
  • A conflict will end once all parties involved come to agreeable terms and declare the conflict at an end. War Halls will remain open until this has occurred.
  • I do not have the time, nor the desire, to list each and every situation which could arise. I believe these updates will cover some foreseeable problems and will be adjusted as additional hurdles are discovered. But, I will give you an example or two...
  • Dreamer A of House Blue attacks Dreamer B of House Yellow. Dreamer B is now in an aggrieved state, it is up to Dreamer A to make amends and Dreamer B to agree they have been satisfactorily appeased. Should this occur no further action is required.
  • Dreamer A of House Blue attacks Dreamer B of House Yellow. Dreamer A has no interest in making amends with Dreamer B. House Yellow decides to adopt Dreamer B's aggrieved status, as such House Blue is now the aggressor in a war, and their War Hall will open the following day (unless House Yellow is appeased before that happens).
  • House Yellow decides to attack House Blue in retaliation. The war has now been joined by both sides, as mutual aggressors. War Halls open for all involved sides.
  • As a side note, any and all physical violence which takes place within the confines of Chimeric Plane will be punished by a drain on your Prime. Violence in these chambers is unacceptable and disrespects the very idea of diplomacy. Each subsequent offense which occurs will have that penalty doubled.

The Art of Translocate fails while in the War Halls

War Hall Gallery

House Calenture

Protectors of the Radiance

Order of the Sable Moon

Dreamers of Light

Union of the Covenant

Gathering of the Entranced

Alliance of the Eclipse

Keepers of the Eternal Shadow
