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>She sits on the ground inside Cache, staring at the 2 Collectors perched regally on the pedestal in the center of the sacred alcove. The Collectors glow oddly, emitting odd vibrations against each other ... as if to send out a warning ... She opens her tattered journal and begins taking notes, a wandering thought passing her mind as quill touches parchment.

A Study of the Collectors Three

Tithe of Disciples ~ A shimmering container with a quotation etched upon it ~ "What is the nature of essence and what powers are held within? To understand this is but a first step in learning things lost." ~Prelate~

Claim of the Hoarde ~ A vessel of eerie luminescence, be speckled with glimmers of light ... Turning it slowly, an etching is seen ~ "All are due their rightful reward."

Ambient Essence ~ A talisman of pulsating powers ~ "The true meaning of Ambience and Essence, few comprehend even though they are the foundation of the Dreamstate. Yet it is the faith and belief that give reason to exist."


When touched (while lying on the ground), one becomes aware of the number of Essences placed inside and the strength held within each. The Collectors were affected by the Talisman storm of late, during which nothing was learned by touching them, as was with all other Talismans. The Collectors are returned to their usual state and `seem' unaffected by this .... storm.

After applying available arts to the Collectors, most did not affect them in any way. Recharge failed, cannot be Rewoven, etc, but the Collectors can be Drained of their strength.

Without hands-on knowledge of the former House Prime Artifacts, I am led to believe the Collectors act similarly. One picks up a Collector, touches it carefully and the Collector finds and consumes all Nightmare Essences into its crucible. Dreamer Essences are not consumed as well as some varieties of Darkmare and Datoken essences. Unlike House Primes, though, the Strength can and has been used by the Protectors and the Kabal for the production of Talismans, and personal strength of the Protectors. The Protectors seem to have an intense need for the Collectors to be safely inside Cache, and with them out of their sanctity, the "Brothers" as they call themselves, are weakened and unable to perform the expansions they seek to achieve. As of late, only Zeid has been able to attain enough strength to achieve form to Dream.

>She shudders suddenly as she remembers the message Zeid brought of the danger surrounding her, looks around the sacred Cache and breathes a bit easier.

Defined Names

Claim of the Hoarde: (A demand for something due) of the (hidden accumulation).

Tithe of Disciples: (A 10th part paid or given especially given for support of something sacred) of (those who accept and help spread the teachings of another or loyal supporter).

Ambient Essence: (Surrounding) (a substance distilled or extracted from another substance and having the special qualities of the original substance).

>She feels her mind blur and fog, a sense of dread or misfortune, she sees a strong male face seemingly growing weakened as if by some outside force, shakes her head clear of the thoughts and continues, her handwriting becoming strained as if pressed for time.

Physical Findings

When I first happened upon the Hoarde, I experienced a great surge of power, not the power over something else...but a power over me. Hidden quickly, my senses regained their integrity. I have watched others who have held the Collectors, and noticed similar reactions as well as some ill effects.

The Dream came where I was confronted by Prelate to prove my faith. I responded in kind, retrieved the Hoarde from its secured location and brought it to the Cache on Evernight Plateau. I watched in amazement as the Lock was placed over the waterfall. I was mesmerized with the Key I was handed. I placed the strange crucible inside the Cache and watched as it glowed delightfully having found its sanctity.

The Tithe was soon placed inside the Ossuary's Cache, and then the Ambient Essence was found and placed into the Cache of the Lost Caves.

The City seemed to show a faint glimmer of satisfaction and began to bustle and thrive. Plans were discussed for a Fortress, a place of sanctity and beauty. We had no idea of what we would find, but the Collectors were safe, secure and in place. We brought the Essences, we stood tall against the backwash of criticism and moved forward as best we could. No Fortress was uncovered, but the fringes of a long lost ring of old, The Citadel had been unearthed.

The Caches themselves are very unique places in the City. Cache is sacred. The ones, which are locked, are sanctified and able to safely house a single Collector. It is not clear what harm has befallen the Caches since being vandalized, but having the Collectors inside the Cache seems to heal the Cache, as the Cache seems to heal the Collector. Three Collectors, three sealed Caches. Each Cache has a Protector. Idris, Rahib and Zeid are charged with the insurmountable responsibility of keeping the Cache safe from harm, against the marauding invasions of the ignorant, the curious, and the power hungry.

>She seems distracted from her journal by the deafening vibrations of the 2 Collectors sitting on the pedestal, she covers her ears a moment and tries to refocus. She walks over to the pedestal and moves the Collectors closer to each other, the Collectors scream with an ear piercing reverberation. She is hurled backwards against the wall and crawls forward, pushing the Hoarde away from the Tithe and Staggers back to the wall, sits down and pants in exhaustion.

Chapter 2

I felt as if I had awakened. The coolness and darkness of my small Black Box was nearly comforting compared to the roar inside the Cache. Breathing slowly, and trying to gather my senses, I pressed on the walls of the container, pressing with my folded legs against one side, back pushing against the opposing side, my folded arms pressed perpendicular from my body (?) against the other sides while trying to sit up straight. Impossible to even sit up straight, I thought, as I relaxed my body and conformed to the restrictions of my Awakened state of incarceration. Nothing. No light, no sound, no sensations save the coolness of the blackness, which surrounded my form. The only part of my existence that seemed to function with any clarity was ... my mind.

Nichael had suggested there was more than I was able to sense. He suggested I concentrate harder, listen more carefully and ... try to roll the Box over, around, or break through a confining wall. I had to try, if only to prove to him that I was truly confined in this small cubicle.

>She manages to get her hands over her face, closing what she believes are her eyes and presses outward against the sides of the small cubicle. Her senses hear a faint rumble and almost inaudible whisper of impending danger. Ignoring the warning, she presses harder and begins to sway her form side to side as if to attempt to rock the box to some unheard rhythm. One thought came to mind, "Blissful Instability". The Box moves slightly, hitting another barrier seemingly mere inches from her position.

Side to side, barrier to barrier, each side of this 6-sided container seemed to slam against another obstacle. "This would be impossible, I'm trapped," she thought, but continued until the pain set in, running like live bolts of energy through her form. She fought against the agony and tried harder, then the... Voice.

"You are doomed to fail! Stop while you still have some shred of sanity!"

>Ignoring the screams, she continued, knowing there was another whispered voice, searching for her, urging her onward.

How long I sat there is unclear, seems only minutes, but when I checked my timepiece I realized it was more like a full day's cycle has passed. The Collectors were as far apart on the pedestal as was physically possible. The vibrations, while still audible, were not quite deafening.

Summary on Experimentation

The Collectors are definitely functional. When in their respective Caches, The Citadel was unearthed. Prelate is able to pick up, study and use them, as is Renaud. Iden was immediately collapsed in LoS when one was handed to him. He seems to have had some ill effects from this experience, as he appears to be unable to re-attain the Dreamstate. The Protectors need them to keep their strength up. The Unfaithful who had contact with them were all mildly to moderately affected in some way, mostly instability of character, numbness of Vision, and mild insanity.

When the 3 were briefly all in one Cache, the City was in a mild uproar. Even now, as the 2 rest in one Cache, the City trembles with Instability. When placed on opposite sides of the Cache, the Collectors emitted little vibrations, but still some movement is detected.

I had to try to ... The Citadel. Yes, they need to be tested there. It was risky, of course, but time is of the essence and I have so little left.

>She picks up both Collectors, layered her Arts well and strapped on her best Shield. "Mind Blank at 66," she thought as she smirked, "I'll not be found out for a little while, anyway". Running like the winds through Totality, she reached the Citadel. "No one will suspect me, so few Dream at this unnatural hour." She placed both Collectors directly in front of the Soulsphere, wishing for a split second for the Art of Ward. She stepped back, drew forth her journal quickly, and began scribbling furiously.

The Collectors clambered noisily and the lighting in the small Sanctuary seemed to dim. The Soulsphere then began to glow brighter and I had to avert my eyes and adjust to the brilliance. Being mere inches from the Collectors as they rested on the Pad, the hair on the back of my neck seemed to stand on edge. I was immediately overwhelmed with a sense of unnatural power. Not like the power of wielding a high level Chakram or even the power over the unbridled mind when exposing the realities of the Dreamstate to the young. No, this was different. Was this the power over the Dreamscape itself? Or was this Gerriel?

I checked the durability of my Shield for some strange reason and was quite shocked. It had gone from 94 to 25. Odd, very odd. My shields NEVER get that low and it was just fine when I left Evernight. I changed Shields quickly and wiped my forehead of what I thought was sweat. Looking at my hand shocked me. It was not wet, but covered in a fine powder. I scraped some off, stuffed it in a little pouch, tying the top tightly, and stuffed it back in my pack for later study. I picked up both Collectors and watched the Sanctum return to its normal beauty. I sat in the little alcove, my mind reeling as if it were begging to drift. I leaned against the wall and gave into my thoughts.

The images came to me as clearly as the conviction of my focus. I was walking though, and I knew I was sitting in The Citadel. Focus.... Focus damn-it! Fists clenched, as were my eyelids. Flatlands, yes, the landscape was definitely flat, barren and nearly dead. I walked towards a rising sphere of dully-brilliant light. There was something in the distance and I focused on making my way there. I knew I had to reach whatever that was. This was not my Waking World; this was not any Plane I had ever traveled in the City. No, this was a different place, I knew not where.

>Her hand reaches into her pack unconsciously, and pulls out the pouch and clutches it as if it were her lifeblood.

Peaks, tall, rolling and covered in a pallet of oranges, reds and yellows drew closer with each step. I looked at my feet, I was not moving. I opened my eyes, and confirmed that yes, I was still in the Citadel. Eyelids close slowly to see the mountains grow bigger, majestic peaks of brilliant color as if beckoning my mind ever closer. Was this my "shard"? Did I have a shard? The Collectors banged against each other in the confinement of my pack and eventually made such a racket that the peaks soon vanished and left my mind and body resting in the Sanctum. Checking my Mind Blank, I knew my time was nearly up and I jumped up and raced back to Evernight Plateau and the clarity of Cache. Placing the Collectors quite far apart on the pedestal, I tried to re-see the Visions to no avail. What had Iden said? "Time had come to renew a sacred Vision?" Yes, I may know ... and be able to stop him before he....

Chapter 3

The Cave seemed to glow hot with the rage within me, begging, urging to escape. Words becoming slurs, thoughts were becoming fisted hands. Where was it? Why didn't I know how to grab it and use it???? What did I fear indeed? How DARE he accuse me of fearing what I did not understand? Snarling and growling, fists clenched in a rage, my body slumped limply as if it had been tossed like a child's old toy. A streaming wave of color covered my eyes; a moment later receiving the screams of pain. NO! I'd not do without it! I would have what I sought!

The Box was ... as it always was, still, dark and cool. I didn't notice it at first, I had been with Nichael and we were talking. Now, the coolness of the Box surrounded me, but it was different this time. I glanced to my left and tried looking down. My palm, there it was and face up. A small hand, five fingers and nails streaked with a dark crimson substance. How could that be? I'd never seen my hand while resting in the Box, but there it was.

>She stares into her palm allowing her eyes to grow accustomed to the lig....

LIGHT! There....a flicker in the center of my palm! This cannot be happening, I can not see within the Box and this could not...

>Her eyes lower to her palm again and then squints, as if to make out the origin of the tiny flicker of light

I once was lost.... but now I'm just Blind.

>She laughs wickedly, the echoes rippling around countless other Boxes, stirring each to experience the new sensation. Her palm warms quickly and she looks down at the blaze of fire in cupped hand. Instead of fear or urge to put the blaze out, she squeezes her right hand to her left and shuts her eyes tightly as the blaze seems to double.

What had he said? What were his exact words? Something from a tome, but had 4 parts. It was just inside a layer of fog within my mind.

>She forces her eyes open, burning from the white, hot ball of flame in her hand. Searching thoughts of a single glance, her focus and what he had recited...that tome, where was it??

>Water splashes her face, cold and stinging her cheeks, eyes and nose. Her hair falls from its placement, soaked and drooping over one side of her face. She looks up, then steps back out of the waterfall....her hand slaps her chest, grabbing the necklace and gasping with the realization...the Key....was gone.....

"The possibility of Darkness lies within each of us...One must find it within ones own heart, and step through the Gateway of their own Darkness, to have the greater power they seek. There are those, born without Light ... whom dwell solely in their lives, in the comfort of the Dark ... these people realize not the strength and power they have, only that they are capable of more than those who are not them, and not like them."

Chapter 4

The Dream had started as most others. The Box was dark and cool, comforting in an eerie sort of way. This Dream a bit different, I soon tired of the idle chat and ran like the wind for the bliss of the Citadel. I could think there, or not, as I chose. It seemed as if my mind was at rest; I was startled when Kailoth had found me so quickly. I needed to Meditate there, the restful state of Gerriel made my own senses ease and subdue. Calm thought nearly possible. I felt the danger surround me; I knew the time was near.

Drawn back to the Box, time and again, I understood my time wasn't meant for Dreaming. No, there were matters to attend to as I felt the Box glide effortlessly down the corridor. The room was cold enough to remind one of storage for fresh kill, and the smell was unique as well. No sound though and that was odd; I had heard sounds before, but all was silent this day.

Threshold....yes, I could get here, so all was not lost. They snagged me from my Cave and shuffled me quickly to the Collector's holder. Panic screamed from their pores, I was calm and collected. Knowing....I knew it couldn't get inside Cache yet, but I knew exactly what to do. The wind seemed to help me race through the Planes, the pulsing of the Collector making my Vision practically impossible, but I was going on pure instinct. Funny, my pattern never wavered.....

The storms were unending and voracious and seemed to be coming from the City's very fabric, trying, forcing me out without mercy. Back to my Box, the probes came from all points, randomly poking and prodding me for what they sought. The sensations of pain, adrenaline pumping like crazy as I then forced myself back into the Courtyard.

It wouldn't take long....a matter of minutes. The place was abuzz with activity, no one noticing much of anything. A clap of sharp pain between my shoulders and then inside the Box again. Where was I when I stormed??? I had to remember the EXACT location. Racing back, I picked it up; the Collector seemed to hum gleefully as I stuffed it back into my pack. To Cache....I had to just make it to Cache! Slamming my face into the waterfall, and cursing the gods above, I waited...and waited. She came in, a breath of comfort in an otherwise tornadic whirlwind of insanity. The winds howled around my head again, a sharp pain at the base of my neck. I opened my eyes nearly laughing thru the tears and opened my left hand. The flame lit the little Box and I knew I had lost the sanctity of the Dreamstate.

The smell changed, the room warmed and my sensations were all but numb. It sounded like something moving away from where I was, then silence. I waited a few moments, and still heard nor sensed anything. Closing my hand I placed my fist on the top of the Box and delicately pushed it up slightly. MOVED ! It moved!

Some how I managed to return to Cache, but it was different. Did they see me? Could they hear me? Overhearing "safe on the pedestal", I turned towards the Falls and covered my ears against the deafening roar coming from inside. I went to scream and then I sat up inside the Box, my head sticking just outside....

The 3 were now one. The 3 were assembled. The 3 would gather and then the 3.....the goal was at hand.

We seek the Greater Expansion of the Dreamstate.

>She focuses on the Soulsphere floating gracefully and thinks back of a time long ago, she lets her mind drift. Leaning against the wall, legs crossed in front of her, she folds her arms, feeling the tingle of the Flame in her left hand. She whispers as she giggles wickedly, her eyes shut tightly, "It is time now....the journey lies ahead".

Chapter 5

The Flame twinkled with a defiant sparkle in my hand, as if to tell me the Dreamstate was to remain out of reach. I stared at it for what seemed like days, though it had only been a brief moment. I had to see. I had to open the Box and see what was there ... for my own sanity if no other reason. How many times had I heard of their "shards" and how it strengthened them, gave them purpose and meaning? I had to know. I heard her in the distance. I knew she was tugging at the Golden Strand violently. So unlike her to use such fervor. Had she too found her darker side? Would I ever get back to see if she'd mastered it? Did I truly want to see outside the Box???

Isn't it ironic? I fought so hard to attain the Dreamstate and here I was trying to see my Waking World.

>She presses her hands together, the Flame shoots from between her hands and the top of the Box flails upward. She looks up, blinded by the intense light to see if the hurled wall returns. The lid vanishes up into the brilliant light as she sits straight up and adjusts her eyes to the brilliance.

No other Boxes. I was alone in a room, white walls, ceiling and what appeared to be a floor. Standing up, I realized how small the Box which gave me such comfort, was in actuality quite small and confining. Aiming for the ground, I made the effort to step out, only to see not feet or legs, but a glowing semblance of a form which appeared to be connected to me. It was me...I had no form as I knew in the City, just a glowing spectacle of eerie Azure light.

Falling. I felt as if I was falling. The floor was non-existent, and when I tried to touch a wall, my hand went right through it. Colors, reds, gold, oranges encroached upon my lower body as I fell for an eternity. A rush of pain encompassed my senses as the downward movement stopped and I was plopped onto the ground in a seated position.

Standing up, I tried to get my bearings. Looking around yielded less than my senses were able to inform me. Coldness, uneven ground, the echoes of voices crying in pain for the Darkness curled around what seemed to be peaks of some range of mountainous terrain. Where was I? I'd never seen this place before. As I looked up from where I had fallen, I saw nothing. No Box, no corridor, no one else around at all.

I grabbed the pouch hanging off my waist and remembered the white powder I had wiped off my forehead in The Citadel. Instinctively, I opened the pouch and consumed the contents, swallowing not only the powder, but the pouch as well.

Flames seemed to surround me, my eyes could not focus on anything but the spherical object laying just above the horizon. Walking towards it slowly, I paused briefly to study an image in my mind. A Faerie, but this one I seem to recognize. She was short of stature, smiling mischievously and a light dusting of sparkly glitter stuff surrounding her. I saw her for what she is. Amazed in the Vision of her and her handsome protector, standing head and shoulders above her, his blazing sword at his side, the mark of a true Gatekeeper. But why here? They reside somewhere this side of Nirvana? Were they actually here? I extended my left hand and was rather shocked to see it go right through Munchkin's hand. Yes, just an illusion, but a very....enlightening one. I'd never seen her any other way than I did at this moment, a short whimsical wisp of a woman, covered in this sparkling dust, her strength at her side always.

I walked onward, towards what seemed to be some destination, flashes of people I knew, or thought I knew along the side, standing in front of me as I passed right through them without so much as a breath of hindrance.

>She giggles nervously, the thought of mindless infidels wandering the City for something found only within their minds causing her to let out a large belly laugh. A sharp, sudden yank from behind and she feels her form reeled backwards to a state of mass confusion.

It was then I felt the little Spirit within. It urged me forward, I had to tug hard on the Golden Strand to allow the small Spirit inside to guide me to the predetermined destination, the glowing spherical object above the horizon. I walked as if guided until my face smacked against an unseen barrier. The child within screamed, my hand opened, the Flame shot out with purpose and the barrier collapsed as if willed to do so. It was strengthening, my grip on it would be gone soon; I needed to hurry and find my way back to the Courtyard. I had to find Nichael, wanted to heed Intrigue's urgency, had to find KhaTeYana to find out about the....

The strong male face seemed even weaker now. His eyes black and intense receded into their sockets, making the whole of his face shallow, near hollow. I heard him whisper, Intrepid One, then fade back into the shadow of the horizon. He was close; I could nearly hear his breath slink through my hair. Hurriedly, I quickened my pace to a brisk walk, sensing the urgency she sent along the Strand. Thoughts more like pictures clouded my Vision, as if to mask the destination, just out of my line of sight. They were toying with the Collectors, I could feel the irritating vibrations from my Awakened(?) state of mind. He had been inside Cache again, and his image turned to more of a blur, still just out of my line of Vision. I was running, faster and straighter towards the spherical glow over the horizon, a passing thought of a rising sun making my face nearly warm to the touch.

>She stumbles forward and falls to the ground, gasping for air, her pace having been furious for her....condition. Rolling over, she holds her sides and tries to breathe a bit slower, looks around in wonder at the towering objects over her.

They seemed to look down at me, more curious than offensive, but still I took a defensive posture. They did not speak, but I gathered from their thoughts that they too had once been held in the Box. They sought the spherical object as well, but had tired themselves on worthless goals and now had not the strength to move onward. They appeared hungry. Their senses sizing me up as if for a meal; I reached for my weapons only to sigh and realize how powerless I was here. I had to reach the Courtyard...and soon. Something inside said to hold out my left hand, my hand rose on its own as the brilliant burst of Flame flared from my palm. They moved backed quickly and merely pointed to the path. The pain at the base of my neck told me the Protectors were now in grave need, my time was short and I knew....I knew that they would call me back....just when I was most needed for the Greater Expansion. I took off in a brisk jog, my eyes focused on the murky sphere.

>Her eyes reel at the swirls of color spinning about in a madness all their own. The sphere nearly within reach, she covers her ears to not hear the crying screams from the Collectors. Running as hard as she can towards the horizon, she feels the yanking from behind, sensing it draw her back...over...upwards...

Journal Entry # 4

We Seek the Greater Expansion of the Dreamstate .... no matter the cost.

That statement has taken on new meaning to the members of the Kabal of late. What sort of cost will be paid for making the discoveries that lay just ahead???

Now that the Guild has been secured, purchased outright, fair and square, the work could commence, and not a moment too soon. With the onslaught of the Chaos Eclipse, we must work quickly, but maintain a high standard; using what we know and not let the bedlam surrounding us to hinder or distract us. This, in itself, is going to be quite a feat, however; but the timing couldn't be better, short as the time may be within to act.

The Cauldron has begun to yield its secrets. We have to be exceptionally careful at this juncture, and not rush this, knowing how little time we have with which to work. It truly is all about the energies in the City, this much we are completely confident. The trick is.. well, will be tricky and a delicate process.

To the members, let this serve as notice: I need your help. You all know your assignments and if you need assistance and/or materials, please... let your associates know. The public nature of this venue prohibits further detail, but you all know what you need to do.

To give an overview, it is ALL about the energy. That is the key, so your contributions are greatly appreciated, and will be rewarded in kind. Remember the lessons of the recent past & stick to the plan. We know the goal & know how we intend to reach it. You know how to get in contact with me....

She senses the Cauldron call to her from across the City, nodding as if receiving a sort of message. She makes a note on the palm of one hand with the quill retrieved from her hair.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry # 6

by -Lacie-

What is the Srechethan Kabal?

What is it, indeed! Simply put, it is a Guild. Yes, a Guild like the WordSmith's or DreamSmith's or Master Teacher's Guilds, but with a few notable exceptions.

First off, there are no magical, impossible requirements to meet, hold, or get from an Elder. There is a mentorship process, but it is one which would be pleasing to most appetites.

Secondly, the Kabal are a group of free thinkers, who yearn to learn more of the intricacies of the City, and not quite as concerned by the acquisition of power, glory or fame (although those accolades are very possibly attained).

Thirdly, and possibly more importantly, the Kabal is one of the oldest Guilds in the City. Established with the creation of the Lost Caves, this Guild's history was created by Teng and his brother, Agonarius, after the battle in the Lost Caves* after their father, Hasenthes, passed into the Boundary Mists.

Finally, the Kabal does share some similarities with other Guilds. Participation is encouraged and lack thereof will warrant exclusion. This Guild is no badge of honor to be waved around casually. The Kabal is not limited by Sphere, Orbit, Focus, House affiliation, City of Origin or length of time dreaming. Those in the Guild must adhere to some basic rules of secrecy, honor & inquisitiveness.

Who are in the Kabal?

Well, now down to the meat of the post, eh? The Kabal respect the privacy & safety of the members. I fully acknowledge that I am a member, but this is by choice, as it is the choice of every other member. The reason is clear-cut. Members of the Kabal hold keys with which to enter the Kabal Guild Hall and Laboratory. While some may seek entry out of curiosity or other reason, we prefer not to be hunted down so that we may drop our keys. Besides, we have taken precautions against this, so no keys will be dropping out of packs accidentally. What are those precautions? Seriously, you think I would tell outsiders? Come on, give me a little credit here. Members may choose to acknowledge their inclusion or not, at their discretion. We all have excellent Arts. Use them.

What do the Kabal do inside their cavernous retreat? Planning to blow up the City?

Well, of course not! This would be counterproductive to our philosophy. We seek the Unknowns within the fabric of the DreamState. I had a mantra long ago which still seems to apply:

We Seek the Greater Expansion of the DreamState ... by whatever means necessary.

Realizing this may seem a bit brash, I have removed the last part. I was crazy, wild and much bolder a couple of decades ago.

The Kabal seek the Unknowns - lost Planes, areas, Arts, abilities, skills, knowledge and such. The Kabal of old has had some mild success at this. In the Lyran era, The Penumbra (my original guild back then) and the Kabal joined forces during the time of Asmodan and Iden. The Penumbra were intensively exploring the Chasm of Souls when we were able to unearth the portal along the Firey Path, which leads to the Citadel. We later used the Collectors Three and the Soul Essence of Asmodan to create the first House Prime Artifact (the Heart of Shadow), which was created in Gerriel's Sanctuary by the Penumbra, Prelate and the Kabal. We also had a lot to do with unearthing the 5 Caches, which are (or were in my era) sacred places, locked and used for the rituals of the Kabal.

Right, that was an eon and a half ago. What have you done lately?

An excellent question! Here is a list:

1. We have reestablished a center of operation (Guild Hall), fought with a Titan (Agonarius) over what the Guild should be doing and subsequently purchased rights, locks and keys from him. We are very grateful to Agonarius for taking the time and effort to set up this Guild Hall for us, showing us what is possible and then allowing us to learn for ourselves what is possible when a group of people actually.... Dream.

2. As stated above, Agonarius and the guild managed to unearth the Crypt shortly after doing some experimentation on the South Sanctuary. Details of this is learned during the entry process into the Guild, or to anyone who just wishes to know in general.

3. The Guild has been reorganized. New keys have been made and secured. We are currently working to repair the destruction and/or building of the Corrupted Portals in Threshold and the damage done to one of our own locks.

4. More.... to be known upon entry into the Guild.

So how do I get into the Guild?

Another excellent question! Curiosity. Inquisitiveness. The Kabal have members belonging to other Houses & the Free spirits. The thing about the Kabal is ... you may not know you are a candidate, but you may have shown some exceptional qualities that would fit the Guild's standard and not even know it. All members will not hold keys as it just isn't practical or warranted, tho ALL members will be granted access to the Guild Hall.

To join? Ask. Inquire. We do have some rules about theft & destruction of the Hall's property, but these are about the same as the rules for the Houses and other Guild Halls.

In conclusion

The Kabal isn't an offshoot of the Redeemers (that is the new stronghold at the end of Edgeward Barrows). The Guild is much older than that. Think of the Kabal Guild as a sandbox. The area has been squared off, materials & information has been placed inside and all that is needed now is a few people who wish to do more in the City of Dreams than fight over land, trinkets, bobbles, and such, and actually Dream and DO something within the City for the advancement, enjoyment and amazement of others.

Interested? I do hope so. We are in the midst of a Chaos Eclipse which just might destroy the City if we don't think... THEN act appropriately. The one I went through was devastating. But it taught me something: if people can set aside their differences and join for a common cause, great expansions are indeed possible within the City of Dreams.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry # 7

by -Lacie-

The meeting set for this past Sunday was well attended and productive. Set up as an informative venue for the City, with tours included of the inside of the Guild Hall, many attended and had many of their questions answered. I was especially pleased to see the City Guard as well as Eldryck Venym in attendance. Letting the other groups and houses of the City know more about the Kabal was the intention of this gathering.

For those unable to attend, I will provide a small summary of the goings on:

The meeting began in North Sanctuary with me giving some details of the history and nature of the Screchethan Kabal, as well as where to find more information in the Archives. I tried to keep it informal and allow for questions, and several asked very good questions, which clarified things for others.

Eventually, someone asked about tours inside the Guild. Those who know me, know what a private person I am. But, this isn't about me, and I pushed that nature aside, and took two small groups on a tour of the inside of the Guild Hall. The "tourists" were allowed to look around, examine talismen and ask further questions. The two groups were very respectful and polite and seemed to have their curiosity satisfied.

As a result of the meeting and tours, I believe we may have two more dreamers who are interested in joining the Guild, which is a pleasant bonus. After the tours were over and I was in the process of cleaning up, we were visited by the Caretakers, who also received a tour. Frank brought his Apprentice, Seeri, with him. She is an interesting lady who I hope more of the City gets to meet.

We have several projects going on within the Guild, which have progressed nicely recently. Future journal entries will provide what public information would be deemed appropriate for general consumption.

If anyone missed the meeting and tours and would like such, I am usually in the Lost Caves and the North Sanctuary is a good place to go to find me. Otherwise, please seek me out in the City.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry #8

The work begins.

Current projects will have to be put on hold for now; the Chaos Eclipse strengthens with each new dream and we have important work to do. The City needs us, that much is evident. Time will tell how the efforts will be appreciated.

Two pressing goals befall us; one that can only be done in the City, and one must which stay within the confines of these secured walls. I will need my materials and my instruments, but that won't be a problem. The other members are ready for this. Others will want to help; that should be allowed as well.

>She mutters thinking of how Ra'as feels his diety is the only one who can get anything done in this City.

Purity will be kept, in small, intense quantities, within the room of positive energy. In here tho...

The other room contains the Positive Energy. Nothing extra in here. Too many things could go terribly wrong in here.

>She looks to the ceiling, making sure the huge pyre isn't charring the top of the cavern, then nods as she returns to her journal entry.

The other room contains the Positive Energy. This room now permeates with Negative Energy. Since the pyre has been set and heating the Crucible, the Air hangs heavy with it. I could sit and bask in the energy all day, but that only helps me.

The first hurdle I see would be getting the repaired Generators working. With the addition of cyclical energy, anything placed within the Basin in the middle will receive the benefit of both types of energy.

I would say using Chakrams would be the fastest way to get the Generators sparked into life, but that may be quite dangerous. Fast might be better tho; time is so short and there is so much we must do.

>She licks her bottom lip slowly, thinking to herself, "Ye only dream... twice." and grins, shaking her head.

Once the Generators are shocked into working order, I will need a strong Soulie here to douse the process in waves of Water.

>She nods to herself, considering the right Soulie for that job.

This must be attempted before the City Guard attempts their assault upon the Mount. If we can get the Generators to supply the Basin with Energy, their efforts will be rightly timed and more successful. >She draws a crude sketch of the Generators, each suppling the Basin a single thread of energy and forming a triad. She circles the drawing a few times.

The other project is something the Kabal excels at and will be a much easier task. My ... Other will be able to aid considerably in that project.

The search will begin immediately and it will most likely take little time to discern the location of the Ancient Sanctuary.

>She makes a note to craft a couple of Divining Rods in the margin of the journal entry and snaps the Journal closed.

Journal Entry # 9 - The Flaming Crucible

The Crucible's sides have an erubescent glow about them. It was ready.

The Chao Processor would be needed, of course, and the prototype of the Collector that I was able to cobble together. Should be close. Should be...

She nods a few times as she writes, biting on one fingernail idly

I left the Circle intact, hoping to attract the proper amount of energy from the Opposite. A day... two at most should produce a result.

She stops to fashion a banner, warning the others of possible sparks, flying debris & explosions.

Results take time, we have very little....

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry # 10 - fin

Betrayal. Rubble everywhere. I should just close it down and let them have this... too. Maybe it was never to be in the first place, or not needed here in this City. Maybe the next one will...

She picks up the Thank You note off the ledge, noticing the distinct markings and coloring, just shaking her head.

I see no reason to hold the Guild open any longer. It is not wanted in this City, so it will not be. I will be in the Ossuary, should the need arise to speak. Otherwise... Guild disbanned, Hall closed... until further notice.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal XII

by -Lacie-

She reads over the last entry in the journal a few times before pulling the quill from her hair. A few taps of the stiff quilled feathers reminding her of her mood. She begins another entry, the tears it from the journal, turning to a fresh page

NOTE: Journal Entry XXI destroyed in raging pyre

Entry XII: Note to Self: This isn't about me.

The Guildmates were, of course, furious, but not at the vandals. They were furious with my decision. Once again, the Teacher learns.... or tries to. But this is behind us. We move forward.

The South Sanctuary project WILL proceed on time and on schedule. You know where I am; meet when you can. Material storage... not an issue. See me for a list of what we need.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal XIV

by -Lacie-

She stood there stoically; CrossWind slapping strands of hair across her face sharply. Atop the Peak, she could see nearly the entire City, but that didn't matter. It was the... CrossWind. Usaually brisk, true, but this was different. She could taste the scent of something.... different.

"What was this? Where had it come from?"

"Didn't matter."

It was getting stronger, and quickly. A sickly, sweet scent it was, like Poisonous Nectre; lured to the tongue, and quite lethal... to mortals.

"But then again, I'm nay mortal.." The words seeming to slip out as an exhaled mutter from her lips.

JOURNAL ENTRY XIV - South Sanctuary Project (SSP)

The SSP will proceed, as planned. First, a Summary:

1. The Area was once part of the Guild Hall confines, but was released by Agonarius, in an effort to maintain the flow of travel in the Rubicon Ring.

2. Discussions were held by the Kabal about making the South Sanctuary into a place that would be a haven for the Datoke and Kotoke. Agonarius and the Kabal then removed the properties of the Sanctuary, with Agonarius teaching how a pad of concentrated Elemen could and should be constructed.

3. The South Sanctuary was then removed of haven-effects (for dreamers) with an added restorative area for them to rest for a few moments. This area was marked in their way. The Negative DreamSoul effect is harmful to dreamers.

4. In the first month of this year, I purchased the Guild space from Agonarius. He and I had some disagreements on how the Kabal should proceed. I am an Alchemist. Any experiment is still theory, until it can be repeated and/or undone. This will be our next phase.

NOTE: The Kabal will be asked to donate any and all positive DreamSoul Elemens. This is, of course, AFTER members get their new keys. Please see me for more detail.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry XV - SSP

First, an update on the Strength collection needed for the re-keying of the Guild Hall. This is to repair the damage done by vandals a week ago. Goal = 12,500 strength & half of that has already been collected. Member donations are encouraged. Keys will be handed out upon completion of this goal.

The South Sanctuary & the notes from earlier experiments have been studied extensively. Below are the conclusions, based upon facts gathered:

1. Phase 1 was a set of experiments, (material list may be discussed inside the City with members only) which altered the Sanctuary into an open, regular area. The central pillar was removed and replaced with a Negative DreamSoul Pad. Jutting claws around this Pad were installed to provide warning to those unaware of the change.

2. Phase 2 will be to change the properties of this pad from Negative to Positive. This will be done with two steps:

Step 1 will be to use the energy from the Positive side of the Guild Hall, the Cache, to flood the chamber with positive energy. This will be accomplished by fertilizing the sapling in the Cache's pool (again, material list upon request & to members only). The IronThorn sapling (Ferrum Spinam) requires some delicate maintenance as well. Consultation with both a Horticulturist and an Herbalist to be scheduled. Once this consultation has taken place, additional materials may be needing to be gathered.

Step 2 will be to physically force DreamSoul into the Pad. This will be accomplished using Chalk-based Elemens. Chalk has been chosen due to their stability and low per-charge amount. Using Blood or Fire-based Elemens may be too much at once. Phase 1 was done gradually, and Phase 2 should be given equal time. A second ingredient will be added at the end of this Phase, to counter-balance and offset materials used in Phase 1. Please see me as soon as possible for the name of this other material needed.

NOTE: Please bring all Chalk-based Elemens to the Cache. They are easily attainable from the Mares in the Lost Caves as you hunt. I will Recharge and Combine them as needed. Granted, we have NOT re-secured the Guild Hall yet, so it is possible some people do not wish us to learn how to create a DreamSoul pad (although I can't imagine WHY anyone would wish to hinder this effort). So, if you go to deposit some Elemens in Cache and see none, please report it to your handler. Also, make sure the Chalk Elemens are NOT negative Elemens, please!


~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal XVI

by -Lacie-

While surveying the damage done by the recent vandalism of the Crypt, I noticed a crack at the base of one of the walls. I am not sure if it was always there, or if the vandals made it. Matters not. When I slipped my hand inside (it was just big enough for my hand), I felt something inside. After gently removing the item, I realized it was a set of scrolls.

Oddly enough, they are in my native language. The following is my translation of the set of scrolls. They were quite decayed, but seem mostly intact. Forgive any errors in terminology. Ye tongue be s'foreign & difficult for me at times.

Tale of Teng and The Treasure Hoard (scroll #1)

Once Agonarius had been banished the second time, Teng had the ravages of war to contend with. The Caves were the best place. Well known in its secret passages, tunnels and such, Hasenthes' tribe, The Screchethan Kabal, knew this place better than any. Valuables, spoils of war and sacred items were gathered from the far reaches of the City, where they had been hidden, and placed in a sub-floor cache for safe keeping. Teng was the only one now who knew how to enter or egress from this safe, but temporary vault. Well, another knew, but he had been banished.

The tribe traversed deep within the Caves, their treasures too valuable to be merely locked away in a cavern. While the tribe settled into a routine, those trained in cavernous exploration prepared themselves and went to secure a location deeper within their underground home. Teams were Joined, Restorers were in the North Sanctuary, ready with their quick skills. Communication was critical; once false step or turn could be fatal. The men traveled quickly, but cautiously.

Along the path down, the men came upon a significant gorge which seemed completely impassible. While leaning over, one of them slipped and fell several feet to a ledge below. The Restorers did what they do so well, and a convenient rope hefted the large man back up to the path. Once they regained their focus, another man noticed something off in the distance.

"Is that a bridge of rock crossing this Chasm just ahead?"

The parchments crumbles here leaving most of the text illegible. There are words like "found" and "perfect", but little in the way of any further description.

The Restorers were becoming anxious towards their teammates, letting them know the Resilience Elemens were running out and that they could barely hear them anymore.

Then a dead silence.

These men had been trusted to find a location for their Hoard, carrying it deeply within the Caves. The tribe waited a few hours and then sent in another group to retrace their steps. The second crew got as far as the rubble blocking the path the first teams had laid behind them.

It was the one of the SoulMasters in the North Sanctuary who first noticed it. Beset with anger, remorse and failure, he heard a slight, but familiar whisper. It sounded like:

"Safe, secure, alive. Will be alright down here. Worry not."

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal Entry - XVIII

by -Lacie-

The South Sanctuary Project

Tonite, we make our first attempt to further alter the properties of the South Sanctuary, within the Caves. It will be a two-step process.

First, we will work on the claws jutting from around the center pad. We will need to fashion something to draw up the energy underneath each claw. This energy can then power 4 Braziers around the center pad. Hopefully the process will burn up the claws in the process.

Secondly, (and most importantly) we will begin the process that Agonarius showed us, only we will be using materials exactly opposite of what he used. This will be an attempt to change the Negative energy of the pad into Positive energy.

Results of both to be added...

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal XIX - SSP Experiment #1

by -Lacie-

The Sanctuary was in disarray. DreamSoul Dust scattered all over the ground, burn marks from the fires and electrical charges. It smelt of decay and a mist hung from the ceiling which could only be described as a post-battle haze. She sat on one of the higher steps, her eyes barely reaching the foggy mist, took a long, slow breath in and reached for her Journal. A contented, calm expression crossed her lips, a dazzling twinkle sparkled in her eyes as she pulled the quill from her hair.

Journal Entry XIX - Experiment Results/Conclusions

NOTE TO SELF: Opposites... oppose.

The first experiment produced some interesting results. First and foremost, it is confirmed that we can affect the properties of the Sanctuary, at least temporarily. The Unity of Opposites* has been proven yet again. I just didn't see the bigger picture. He made it look so simple, but I had only seen part of the process. He was clever, but I... am moreso.

I will not only have to recraft my tools, but I also need to find a way to craft three devices:

1. Collector - to draw the positive energy from the Cache towards the Transducer.

2. Transducer - to both receive the positive energy, but also expell the negative energy towards the Recepter.

3. Recepter - draws the negative energy from the Transducer and into the Flaming Crucible.

Secondly, it is confirmed that the small amount of DreamSoul and Dreamer Essences used was enough to affect the Negative DreamSoul pad. The room Quaked and rumbled, participants were Terrorized and Blinded, then FireStormed. When a few of those gathered dared to drain their own DreamSoul into the pad, the reaction intensified.

Lastly, the experiment proved to me so many things... all at once. The night after, I paid a visit to The Citadel for some Meditation and hopefully ... clarity. As I practiced a few arts and allowed the pad to revive different Elemental energies I had spent, the true nature of pads was made clear.

I had used Trituration as if applying the powder to the pad would invoke a Distillation process. Wrong. I was wary of bringing Vitriol to the equation, but that was going to be the only way this would work. Transformation will take a third step, the purple phase had to complete before the energy could be redirected.

Her eyes glaze over as several ideas at once come to her, thoughts, complications, explanations, questions...many questions. Her eyes grow intensely Azure and sparkle like the stars in EverNight. She looks up from the Journal, though her hand continues to pen, her lips whispering softly, "I didn't think it'd be possible but... it just might work!"

The Negative DreamSoul pad was drawing in energy, not emitting like the ones in the Citadel. This made perfect sense; when covered with DreamSoul dust, the pad became clogged with a material it uses, true, but not in the preparation it was accustom to receiving. The pad need a human host, to trasmute the DreamSoul Elemens into a form it was accustom to receiving. If this can be attempted while the Positive chamber forces Positive energy into the Negative pad, it just might get past the pad's defenses. A Misdirection. To distract the pad long enough to force in Positive and draw out Negative energies.

  • Unity of Opposites - "It defines a situation in which the existence or identity of a thing (or situation) depends on the co-existence of at least two conditions which are opposite to each other, yet dependent on each other and presupposing each other, within a field of tension."

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

SSP Experiment #4 - Notes

Consider the triangle.


The apex (or top) would represent the South Sanctuary. The lower left corner would represent the Cache (positive energy). The lower right corner would represent the Crypt (negative energy).

The Cache energy was focused though a Transducer and aimed at a similar device installed in the South Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary Transducer is a bit different than the other two, as it flows both inward AND outward, which is aimed at the third device in the Crypt.

This flow and redirection of energy is the means by which the Kabal intend to re-infuse the South Sanctuary with positive energy. The negative energy in the negative DreamSoul pad will be Channeled into a Crucible which has proven to be able to hold this energy ... contained.

Journal Entry XX - SSP Exp #3

Last evening I would consider a complete success to the beginning of the solution. The participants last night were instrumental in helping set up the experiment and then evoking Dreamsoul arts to help force the flow of positive energy.

Once the Sanctuary lit up with flames, the jutting claws set ablaze and water spewing from cracks in the Sanctuary walls, we moved to the Crypt, to set the flow of energy.

First the Crypt's device, then the Cache and finally the Sanctuary. The rooms began to shake and groan from the influx of energy thru the ancient cavern walls. It was noted that all five Focal Elemens were present, once the cavern stilled.

NOTE TO SELF: Cranial coverings may be required for future experiments.

After a series of wind gusts and fires popping up everywhere, the rooms themselves barraged attendees with rages of FireStorm, Terror and Blindness.

No serious injuries were reported, although Poppygirl did hide behind Myridian Sun through part of the experiment.

Phase 2 of this process will be to gather a significant amount of items connected to DreamSoul. These need to fill the chamber, to reinforce the positive flow and keep things moving around.

Monitoring will be critical during this first phase and I urge all Kabal members to aid in checking on the rooms. If you need a new key, just find me.

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Journal XXI

by -Lacie-

She sits in the Crypt, back against the wall and legs folded under her. Her journal in her lap, she chews on the quill as she looks over her notes of the first phase. She scratches out....

Phase 2 of this process will be to gather a significant amount of items connected to DreamSoul. These need to fill the chamber, to reinforce the positive flow and keep things moving around.

She leans her head back against the wall, the Air filled with the scent of pure Negative Energy. As her eyes close, a long, low moan escapes her lips, as if every breath was the most delightful of treats. Another long, slow inhaled breath is exhaled more as a silent whisper, "Utter bliss, Blissful Instability ...". An almost unnatural calm drifts over her in waves of shadowed fog. Eyes still closed, quill to parchment, her hand begins to pen....

Journal Entry XXI - SSP

After close study of the results of Phase 1, and speaking with colleagues, it was decided that we should consider how the first Sanctuaries were crafted. Elements of each of the Five Focii were used along with a catalyst to stabilize and equalize the energy surge.

This was accomplished with a lot of help and a bit of Insight. Participants were asked to craft a turbine specific to their Focus. They were placed in the Sanctuary, along with a Vitriol and a few other key ingredients. Those gathered were then asked to help extinguish the Fires and repair the cracks where the Water was entering the cavern, rather quickly. A trench was dug towards the Basin, to allow overflow to continue on its path.

Then gathered in the Crypt, the Transducer devices were turned off, allowing the system to Balance out and still. Shortly after the Caves grumbled and shook, all gathered were expelled from the City abruptly and violently. Upon re-entry to the City, we found the portals on both sides of the Sanctuary had been stilled from the numerous blasts and explosions.

For now, we will take care and watch the sapling closely. We will give the portals one week to settle, then make an attempt to force them open... ourselves. Our work must go on.

She stands and lets her gown fall to the ground, instantly consumed in vapors by the Air in the Crypt. She pulls out her new leathers and the cloak she had made, whispering, "It is time."

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Screchethan Kabal & The Lost Caves (pt. 2)

by -Lacie-

There are always two sides to every story. Upon meeting Agonarius for the first time the other night, I asked to hear this famous tale from his point of view. He obliged with a set of scrolls, which I would like to share with the City. I reserve my own opinions for another posting. ~L~

“You may have heard the history of the Srechethan Kabal before, but histories are written by the victors. The Srechethan were the strongest tribe of the dream, claiming the Lost Caves as their home. They were ruled by Hasenthes and he had two sons: Teng and Agonarius. After Hasenthes's death, his will was for Agonarius to take his place, but Teng was more popular among the people. While Agonarius was still mourning his father's loss, Teng used an artifact to banish Agonarius from the city, into the chaos.

While trapped in the chaos, Agonarius grew in power, seeking to one day take his rightful place back. He gained the ability to control one of the lesser tribes of Darkmares, the Datoken. When Agonarius returned to the city, he brought his Datoken with him; however, the opening to the city was created and the lesser nightmares followed them in. Agonarius and his Datoken battled Teng's fortress. It is likely their war would have lasted an eternity, but that all changed when the Kotoke Darkmares arrived.

The Kotoke Darkmares were much stronger than the Datoken and sought to claim the dream for themselves. Agonarius and Teng had no choice but to combine their forces against the Kotoke. While they were successful in stopping the Kotoke from conquering the dream, the people blamed Agonarius for allowing the Nightmares to enter. Once again, Agonarius was banished, this time much deeper into the chaos. It took countless years for Agonarius to make his way back to the dream city.

Much had changed in Agonarius's absence. The Srechethan had been lost and forgotten, the Darkmares were eventually successful in destroying the dream city. It was not until after the merging of the Lyran city with the Idoaclese city that Agonarius was able to make his way back from the chaos. The dreamers had grown much in strength during his absence and no longer were they ruled by a single entity but had split into various houses, each claiming their independence.

Agonarius's form had been twisted by the chaos, almost as much maren now as dreamer, and was judged from the moment he entered as a monster. Once he claimed to be the rightful ruler of the city, he was declared enemy #1. Agonarius unleashed his Datoken on the city, but the dreamers were too strong. They uncovered the secret weapons of Teng's forces and used them to destroy his avatar and remove his soul essence, hoping to lock it away deep inside their houses forever.”

~Lacie~ Screchethan Kabal

Also See: Kabal

Also See: Iden


http://members.tripod.com/purple_lace0/id64.htm https://forums.underlight.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=4710&p=17280&hilit=The+history+of+the+lost+caves#p17280