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The number of charges is determined by the level of the art.
The number of charges is determined by the level of the art.

The item's function can be: Do Nothing, Missile (long range or melee), Player Effect (Free Action, Chamele, Vision, Deafen, Scare, Resist Fear, Protection, Blind, Paralyze, Stagger, Sprint, Poison, Curse), Armor, Change Stat (DreamSoul, Will, Insight, Resilience, Lucidity).
The item's function can be: Do Nothing, Missile (long range or melee), Player Effect ([[Free Action]], [[Chamele]], [[Vision]], [[Deafen]], [[Scare]], [[Resist Fear]], [[Protection]], [[Blind]], [[Paralyze]], [[Stagger]], [[Sprint]], [[Poison]], [[Curse]]), Armor, Change Stat ([[DreamSoul]], [[Will]], [[Insight]], [[Resilience]], [[Lucidity]]).

(Need details on current function stats)
(Need details on current function stats)

Revision as of 16:00, 8 August 2015

Art Statistics

Focus: None
Cost: 50 Dreamsoul
Orbit Required: 50
Affected: N/A




The user creates a talisman: Alteror, Artifax, Chakram, Charm, Codex, Compendium, Egg, Elemen, Feather, Flower, Gift, Ring, Scroll, Shield, Staff, Talisman.

The number of charges is determined by the level of the art.

The item's function can be: Do Nothing, Missile (long range or melee), Player Effect (Free Action, Chamele, Vision, Deafen, Scare, Resist Fear, Protection, Blind, Paralyze, Stagger, Sprint, Poison, Curse), Armor, Change Stat (DreamSoul, Will, Insight, Resilience, Lucidity).

(Need details on current function stats)

Plateau Effect

Allows for improved attributes given to the item.

Art Research

I believe that there are many things within the Dreamstate that we are not worthy enough yet to see as dreamers. No matter how deep we dig or research we will not see what is behind it all. In time we may come across the ability and knowledge to see them but until then, much remains a mystery or an individuals theory. A theory in itself is really just an opinion with many details, until we do have the ability to see these things, we will not know the truth to the dream itself.

As we all know the dream and it's fabric itself is made of extremely strong elements. That of Insight, Willpower, Resilience and Lucidity. To understand Forge is to understand the elements in the dream. Insight within the dream makes up our mental vision and our perception. Insight effects us thru our mental abilities to see or know what is around us or in some instances effects our very DreamSoul. The question this raises is what is it that we see around us in the dream. Is it real or is just the Insight in the fabric of the dream that makes us see these things. The effects of the mind are simply overpowering, but....... there is the element know as Willpower. Willpower itself, is what allows us as dreamers to control what we do, feel or act in some means. Willpower is also the ability to protect ones mind from the effect of the other elements in the dream. It is also this Willpower that not only makes us as dreamers strong but the walls of the city of Underlight itself strong as well. Perhaps it also allows us to see what we want as dreamers as opposed to what the Insight in the fabric of the dream would allow us too.

Resilience within the dream is the ability of the fabric of the dream to restore itself over time, to bounce back and to heal itself. This element also has a connection to our very own DreamSoul and it allows to effect us in one way or the other. Resilience in the fabric is that of not only allowing the walls of the city of Underlight to stay strong thru the element of Willpower, but also restore it when the Willpower in it fails. Lucidity is the understanding, the knowledge, the ability to effect what is around us. It is the ability to bend the fabric in the dream itself and make it what we as dreamers want. It also allows the fabric of the dream to shine as a whole for us. In a way all of these elements effect our very own DreamSoul, weather a direct or indirect.

With this known I look into the art of Forge Talisman and the ability to mold the elements of the dream into a tangible object also called a talisman. The ability to create an item from the elements in the dream and the dreams fabric itself comes from the mind. With intense concentration a dreamer can pull from the surrounding elements what is needed to mold and shape the elements into solid matter. The ability to attach to an effect of an evocable art comes from the mind also but, really from the knowledge we have gained in the arts, their use and the understanding of their effects. It is the mind, it's mental vision, the control of ones mind, avatar and soul and the understanding of restraint and wisdom that all together weaved together allows us to Forge Talismans from the elements and essence of the dream itself.

Researched by Raven Lunatic

Art History

The beginning of forge Talismans started with the dreamers war. The dream becoming nothing more than skirmishes among the new breed of dreamers. These dreamers had no part in the construction of the city but were eager to learn the ways of the dream and had more time on there hands than those who had come before them.

As this issues with FreeSoul - Illuminated debates grew so did the wars between these dreamers. The problem quickly grew out of hand and The Order Patrol was formed. This did little good, as the city was no longer the place of peace it had been designed for.

As the feuding dreamers grew stronger so did there abilities. At this time one of the greatest achievements of the dream came at the worst possible time: the construction of Talismans. A group of DreamWrights had become specialized in their powers to manipulate essence into matter. As they developed this to a fine art, they found a process that allowed them to create Talismans of Power.. the first was created by Poantes of Vorsage, and was called an "Elemen" a talisman forged of one element of the Dreamstate in its purest form. At this time the specialized DreamWrights who developed this process became known as DreamSmiths.

The impact on the dream of talismans cannot be overstated. Suddenly many powers that used to take months to master became available in talisman form to any dreamer. The demand grew so strong that Markosh the DreamSmith eventually perfected a process called "spawn-shaping". By specially treating areas in the city which possessed specific energies Markosh created "essence fonts" which spawn-shaped talismans of power.

The use of forge became so powerful to dreamers that they were able to supply there own surplus of talismans. The dreamers wars continue and worsened. No one was safe in threshold or anywhere else in the city. The wars continued.

Later, once Syriand and Lagumbar finished construction of the portals, a new artifact was being created by House Calenture. The Master Zordon and his team of DreamSmiths known as the Forgers Circle were putting the finishing touches on a new kind of talisman that would forever change the Dreamstate. The Orb of Calenture. This artifact was like no other, allowing the essence of mare to be banished into it. Soon, other prime artifacts were created, these talismans held scared to the Houses. These primes could either banish or imprison according to the beliefs of the house DreamSmith that created it.


To enchant an item with a special effect (such as Blind or Deafen) the user must know the respective art.

Only those teachers bearing a gold coloured sphere crest can teach this art, they are called DreamSmiths.

The evoke cone for this art is pink with a purple riser.

Each focus has four first colours they can forge, they have access to all secondary colours. DreamSeer: Blood, Teal, Plum, Tan FateSender: Night, Abyss, Gold, Sand GateKeeper: Azure, Beige, Chalk, Jade SoulMaster: Cyan, Earth, Fire, Berry

Reference: http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/dranak/Arts/arts-dreamsoul.htm#forge http://minuette_ul.tripod.com/Pages/Reference/Arts/Soul/forge.htm