Chaos Well

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Art Statistics

Focus: none Dreamsoul
Cost: 5
Orbit Required: 30
Affected: Item created




Creates a Chaos Well in which a dreamer can place essences

Plateau Effect

Art Level Capacity Strength
============ ========== ===========
1 - 9 20 400
10 - 19 40 800
20 - 29 60 1200
30 - 39 80 1600
40 - 49 100 2000
50 - 59 120 2400
60 - 69 140 2800
70 - 79 160 3200
80 - 89 180 3600
90 - 99 200 4000

Art Research

The art of Drain Essence removes 1 strength from Chaos Wells, (banished wells, cleansed wells, imprisoned wells) and transfers it to the evoker's selected element.


Art History

The Chaos Wells were a research and design project brought about the the Dreamsmiths and supporters of their Guild.

Kanto infused the final prototype with Dreamsoul and left Kaer GeRRoZ, Magnilia and Starfall to answer 'What hiccup did I resolve?' -

Having solved the riddle Magnilia and Starfall were trained in the art with GeRRoZ being the third.

They then set about the task of teaching the method to others. Capacity is increased by 20 with increased mastery.

The Completely Not Made Up History Of Chaos Well

by Aileron

It was a normal afternoon on The Trinities. The birds were singing, the grass was rustling, the portals were....portaling. Gerroz sat lazily in the warm sun, hands covering his eyes against the brightness. "Another boring day" he thought to himself, letting out a short sigh and nudging a few rocks with his foot. The sound of the portal chime made him turn his head slightly, parting his fingers to let his eyes adjust. "Hello there, Magnilla, Starfall." His head nodded a greeting to the two women, "Come to watch yet another dream roll by?" Magnilla and Starfall exchanged quick glances to each other before sharing a wink. "No Gerroz, we have come to get you, we have finally got one." Magnillas voice was alight with excitement. Gerroz sat up, his head turning to the two fully, "Are you sure? " "Yes Gerroz, it's on the basin right now, we need to hurry." Starfall danced from foot to foot as her voice cut in quickly. "We need to go now." Gerroz pushed himself off the ground, getting to his feet. A smile slowly creeping across his lips, "Let's go get ourselves a mare."

A short time later all three were on the basin, the room empty save for themselves, a shorter dreamer and the biggest darkmare they had ever seen. " it all be careful and don't forget we are paying you by the hour now. "The mouse like voice from the shorter dreamer rang out as he slid back through the portal. Gerroz's eyes searched the surrounding area around the gigantic dark. He thought to himself quickly "Ground flat, room is large enough, we have advantage on the numbers. Hopefully this will work." He looked over to the two women standing next to him and motioned to either side of the darkmare with his hand. "Let's set up a triangle perimeter and remember, don't cross the energy flows. We don't was a full foci tonic reversal on our hands." Both women looked to him and nodded as they each went off to different corners of the room. The darkmare shifted, it's eyes watching the whole scene closely. It knew the three meant business and the time was coming soon when action and instinct would be called for. Gerroz moved into his position. Each dreamer made a point of the triangle perimeter around the darkmare. The hooded head turned and looked directly at Starfall. It spoke, the voice a low shrill cawing sound. "Are you an Elder?" The three looked to each other with slight looks of confusion. Gerroz shrugged his shoulders at Starfall and nodded to her. She looked back to the mare. "No." The mare raised its claws as the winds began whipping in a fierce torrent "Then...DIE". As the claws came down the wind slammed into the three, tossing them against the walls. Gerroz jumped to his feet and called over to Starfall as she was getting up. "If a darkmare asks if you're an Elder you say YES." He rubbed his head and shook off the disorientation "LET'S DO THIS LADIES, NOW!" Magnilla heard the call just as she was getting to her feet. She held out her hands as a stream of energy erupted from her fingertips. Gerroz and Starfall followed suit, their own flows of energy exploding forth in the direction of the darkmare. The fight was on!.

Hours passed as the four battled, flame, energy, arts. Everything was being used to weaken each other as they all tried to stay coherent. Finally the three dreamers had the darkmare cornered and caught in the energy flows. The energy wrapped around the mare almost keeping it in place. "WE HAVE TRIED FOUR TIMES TO DRAIN THE ENERGY FROM THIS THING, WE HAVE TO FIND A DIFFERENT TACTIC, GERROZ!" Magnillas voice screaming over the loud hums of the energy coming from each dreamer. "WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO CONTAIN IT SOMEHOW!" Gerroz replied, sweat and dreamsoul beating down his face and neck. Starfall strained beneath the power of the darkmare trying to resist the hold. "I HAVE AN IDEA! I HAVE A CONTAINER THAT I CAN THROW OUT, WHEN I DO WE SHIFT OUR ENERGY FLOWS BACKWARDS ON THE CONTAINER TO CREATE A VORTEX. HOPEFULLY IT CAN KEEP THE MARE FROM MOVING!" She reached into her pack and pulled out an empty container, almost looking like a mix between a pack and a box. The mare flailed and roared as it swiped out with it's claws at the three dreamers. Starfall rolled just in time, almost getting hit with a swipe. She tossed the container on the ground next to the mare and looked to the others "NOW!" As soon as the words were uttered, all three focused their energy flows. Lights and flashes danced across the walls as the smell of burning dreamscape hit their noses. The mare screamed and flailed from side to side as it tried to escape. A Beam of energy erupted from the container in a bright flash as the recoil knocked the three dreamers on the ground. When they each stood up, the mare wasn't there, the container lay still on the ground where it was thrown. Gerroz walked over to the container and gently kicked it with his foot, sparks of energy jumped off and landed on the ground next to this foot. He bent over and picked up the container and looked in. A single essence sat swirling in the energy vortex that was created. He walked over to the two ladies and showed them what he had seen. "Well here is the essence, but where is the mare?" Magnilla asked confused. "I am not sure, but at least this is something." Starfalls voice was tired and quiet.

The three exited the room and ran into a group of dreamers on the other side. The small dreamer from earlier walked up "so...did you take care of it?" Gerroz looked to the little man and grinned "We came, we saw, we kicked its butt!" The room looked around to each other, snickers and chuckles could be heard quietly. Gerroz took the moment and ran with it. "If you ever need assistance with the maren threat, feel free to find us. We are the best, the beautiful, the only, MareCatchers!" Magnilla made her way over to the dreamer while the room erupted into cheers and laughs. She leaned down and tapped his shoulder "Now..about our fee."


A worn and torn page from a journal..."There has got to be a better use for these Chaos Wells than to just store essence and give more pack space. Although, more pack space is a huge plus. I have been harvesting essence to place into my wells so that I can experiment with the power within. I just hope that I don't become seduced by the strength that they give go me or tempted by the chaos. Plus, higher plats yield higher storage... A simple letter ends the writings...T

True History of Chaos Well By One of Its Creators

by Starfall

I am going by a years old memory at this point, so this is the best I can provide. But as one of its creators I feel the need to commit even these few details to the record before I forget them completely.

In the early days of Lyraclesia, we were all still finding our footing. Each group of dreamers came from very different cities, with different arts, and different expectations surrounding essences and essence energy. From Lyra, many still carried strongly held beliefs about how nightmare essences were to be disposed of: banishing, cleansing, imprisoning, draining. Idoaclesia had a much more functional approach across the board. Essences were energy and that was not much debated, and so there was a flourishing of energy manipulation art research there that would have turned the stomachs of many of the Lyran houses.

Idoaclesians had grown used to having personal containers for essences. But no such arts existed in Lyraclesia after the merging. Since the houses opening in Lyraclesia were a mix of dreamers from both cities, the beliefs surrounding essences softened substantially. But they didn't go away completely. So the Idoaclesian container system felt a bit too much like draining for some Lyrans. A new solution was needed for the new city.

The Dreamsmiths Guild in the early days was a fractious, fighting lot. None of us could reach consensus on anything of substance at times. There was a danger that the guild would tear itself apart, and take the ability to teach Forge with it until it could be reconstituted. So we came together to create Chaos Wells.

We came up with several key conditions that had to be met in order to accommodate both functionality and beliefs: It had to be accessible to every dreamer, so a dreamsoul art and not a resilience art Whichever way it contained the essence, it had to do so without disturbing its nature It had to naturally break down as a part of depositing energy into a prime artifact It had to be separate from the dreamer so that free spirits and initiates could contribute to primes that were often housed in guardian or ruler areas. Points 2 and 3 were necessary to accommodate essence beliefs. If the chaos well changed the essence, there would be no way to be sure that the other essence arts and primes were still working as intended. And the chaos well would be useless if the container was permanently attached to a dreamer with no way to transfer the energy to a prime.

So the DreamSmiths Guild set to work. Each of us tackled a portion of the problem, and engineered a solution to it. The plan was to come together and assemble it from the mechanical pieces we had each made. We gathered in the Grand Forge and used its power to assemble the pieces into a coherent whole. The plan backfired however. We went back to the drawing board and realized we had over-engineered our solution. We'd focused too much on being smiths and not enough on being Dreamsmiths. So we adjusted our solutions to operate more on dream logic than on Cloudsbreak logic. This time when we gathered at the Grand Forge, it was a success. We created the first Chaos Well, and the means to reproduce more.

I cannot confirm from memory exactly which Smiths were there at the time. For the sake of inclusivity, I will list all those I can recall who might have been there: Starfall (definitely present), Kaer Gerroz (definitely present), Magnilia (likely present), Golah (likely present), guardDog (possibly present), possibly Ghazgkull but I think he had left the city, possibly Eros and BladeSlayer but I think they joined later.

